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Observable Sharing Using Data.Reify

When I started learning about functional programming after years of writing object oriented code, one difference that stood out for me is how, unlike many functional languages, object oriented languages have this built-in notion of identity for objects separate from object equality.

Let's compare these two (contrived) examples for defining persons. First in Python and then in Haskell.

class Person:
    def __init__(self, name, children): = name
        self.children = children

bob = Person("Bob", [])
data Person = Person
    { name     :: String
    , children :: Person

bob = Person "Bob" []

Now in Python, if we were to define another person that is also called "Bob", we could determine that we are dealing with a different Bob using the is operator.

bob  = Person("Bob", [])
bob2 = Person("Bob", [])

assert bob is not bob2

In Haskell, though, if we define

bob  = Person "Bob" []
bob2 = Person "Bob" []

we don't have any built in way to determine whether bob is the same person as bob2 and actually, since the data is immutable, some compiler might, in theory, very well use common subexpression elimination to optimize the above to:

bob  = Person "Bob" []
bob2 = bob

Of course, when dealing with immutable data it shouldn't matter at all whether two variables actually point to the exact same data in memory or not, but there are some cases where we want to know whether two data structures actually share data or if they merely have an equal value. For example

mary  = Person "Mary"  []
bob   = Person "Bob"   [mary]
alice = Person "Alice" [mary]

The way we current have defined Person we have no way of knowing wether Mary is the daughter of both Bob and Alice or whether both just happen to have a child with the same name. In Haskell, if we care about identity, we have to provide it manually.

import Data.Unique
import Data.Function (on)

data UniquePerson = UniquePerson
    { name     :: String
    , children :: [UniquePerson]
    , identity :: Unique

is :: UniquePerson -> UniquePerson -> Bool
is = (==) `on` identity

However, this comes with the limitation that we can only "instantiate" new persons in the IO monad, which makes sense as a unique identity is actually an observable side-effect.

import Control.Applicative ((<$>))

main = do
    mary  <- UniquePerson "Mary"  []     <$> newUnique
    bob   <- UniquePerson "Bob"   [mary] <$> newUnique
    alice <- UniquePerson "Alice" [mary] <$> newUnique

    print $ (children bob !! 0) `is` (children alice !! 0)

There's one problem with having to initialize person data in the IO monad, namely that we are now dependent on the order of initialization. This will cause us trouble if change the data type from a parent-child hierarchy to something that can have circular links.

data UniquePerson = UniquePerson
    { name     :: String
    , friends  :: [UniquePerson]
    , identity :: Unique

main = do
    bob  <- UniquePerson "Bob"  []    <$> newUnique
    fred <- UniquePerson "Fred" [bob] <$> newUnique

Now Fred can be a friend of Bob or Bob can be the friend of Fred, but there's no immediately obvious way to model the relationship both ways. We could change the data type to only refer to the friend using his ID, as in:

data UniquePerson = UniquePerson
    { name     :: String
    , friends  :: [Unique]
    , identity :: Unique

main = do
    bobId  <- newUnique
    fredId <- newUnique

    bob  = UniquePerson "Bob"  [fredId] bobId
    fred = UniquePerson "Fred" [bobId]  fredId

But then we'd have to keep a lookup map of ID->Person mappings and dereference the id's through that whenever we want to operate on the data and where's the fun in that?

It's worth noting, that for non-unique persons we don't have the same problem.

data Person = Person
    { name    :: String
    , friends :: [Person]

bob  = Person "Bob"  [fred]
fred = Person "Fred" [bob]

As pure expressions aren't necessary evaluated in order, the order of declarations doesn't matter and we can refer to a variable above its actual declaration.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could somehow use the pure data type to declare relationships between the persons, but still attach each person with a unique identity? This is where the data-reify package comes in handy.

data-reify is based on the research paper Type-Safe Observable Sharing in Haskell and it uses GHC-specific tricks to identify shared nodes in a data structure, essentially giving us the uniqueness property for free.

To use data-reify you need to have a recursive data type (such as our Person type) and a mirror type where the points of recursion are replaced by abstract references.

data Person      = Person  String [Person]
data Person' ref = Person' String [ref]

Now we can derive a MuRef instance that maps from Person to Person'.

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

import Data.Reify
import Data.Traversable (traverse)

instance MuRef Person where
    type DeRef Person = Person'

    mapDeRef f (Person name friends) =
        Person' name <$> traverse f friends

The type of mapDeRef is a bit cryptic, but the gist of it is that it gets as a parameter a function f and a value of the original data type (Person) and the implementation has to return a value of the mirror type (Person') where each recursive field is mapped through f.

Now that we have a MuRef instance, we can use the reifyGraph function to build a list of (ID, Person') pairs and then initialize a UniquePerson based on that.

makeUnique :: Person -> IO UniquePerson
makeUnique p = do
    Graph nodes rootId <- reifyGraph p

    let deref identity = UniquePerson name uniqueFriends identity where
            uniqueFriends = map deref friends
            Person' name friends = fromJust $ lookup identity nodes

    return $ deref rootId

Note that this uses the Unique type from Data.Reify.Graph which is different from Data.Unique, but with small changes to makeUnique we can, again, use Data.Unique.Unique to ensure the uniqueness of the identities throughout our program.

makeUnique :: Person -> IO UniquePerson
makeUnique p = do
    Graph nodes rootId <- reifyGraph p

    let makeIdentity (uid,_) = do
            uniq <- newUnique
            return (uid, uniq)

    identities <- mapM makeIdentity nodes

    let deref uid = UniquePerson name uniqueFriends identity where
            uniqueFriends = map deref friends
            identity      = fromJust $ lookup uid identities
            Person' name friends = fromJust $ lookup uid nodes

    return $ deref rootId

Now we can test that the identities are mapped correctly:

main = do
    let bob   = Person "Bob"   [fred, alice]
        fred  = Person "Fred"  [bob]
        alice = Person "Alice" [fred]

    bob' <- makeUnique bob
    let [fred', alice'] = friends bob'

    -- Test that Bob and Alice know the exact same Fred
    print $ fred' `is` (friends alice' !! 0)

Finally, it's worth noting that reifyGraph doesn't in any way cache values from previous calls, so calling makeUnique bob and makeUnique fred will produce two separate UniquePerson graphs with no shared identities.

Sami Hangaslammi <[](mailto://>

Leonidas Oy <>