Mosquitto is an open source message broker that implements the MQTT protocol.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mosquitto
sudo apt-get install mosquitto-clients
Make sure the mosquitto service is active(running)
sudo systemctl status mosquitto.service # Read service status
Extra commands
# Manage service commands
sudo systemctl start mosquitto.service # Start service
sudo systemctl stop mosquitto.service # Stop service
sudo systemctl restart mosquitto.service # Restart service
sudo systemctl enable mosquitto.service # Enale to start when the system init
# See service logs
sudo journalctl -u mosquitto -f
# Running mosquitto via command line (service must be stopped)
sudo mosquitto -c /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf
# Checking mosquitto version
mosquitto # This command try to run the mosquitto software
# Verifying if the port 1883 is listen
sudo ss -tulnp | grep 1883
Create the configuration file default.conf
sudo nano /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/default.conf
.. and edit this file writting the content below.
listener 1883
allow_anonymous false
password_file /etc/mosquitto/passwd
Create the password file
sudo touch /etc/mosquitto/passwd
sudo chmod 700 /etc/mosquitto/passwd
sudo chown mosquitto: /etc/mosquitto/passwd
Restart the vervice
sudo systemctl restart mosquitto.service
Steps to manage users.
- Change the password file permission
sudo chown root: /etc/mosquitto/passwd
- Manage users (add/delete)
- Change the password file permission
sudo chown mosquitto: /etc/mosquitto/passwd
- Restart service
sudo systemctl restart mosquitto.service
Create the password file
sudo mosquitto_passwd -c /etc/mosquitto/passwd <username>
You will be prompted to type the password
Reenter password:
A new line will be added to the password file
Add user
sudo mosquitto_passwd /etc/mosquitto/passwd <newuser>
Delete user
Edit the password file and remove the line of the user
sudo nano /etc/mosquitto/passwd
Restricting users that can access a topic
- Create the ACL file
sudo touch /etc/mosquitto/acl
- Add acf file to the configuration file
sudo nano /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/default.conf
acl_file /etc/mosquitto/acl
- Edit the acl file
sudo nano /etc/mosquitto/acl
# This affects access control for clients with no username.
topic read $SYS/#
# This only affects clients with username "leo" and "admin".
user leo
topic write output
user admin
topic readwrite output
# This affects all clients.
pattern write $SYS/broker/connection/%c/state
It is also possible define ACLs based on pattern:
pattern [read|write|readwrite|deny] <topic>
%c # Client ID
%u # Username
# Example
pattern write sensor/%u/data
- Restart service
sudo systemctl restart mosquitto.service