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40 lines (29 loc) · 2.51 KB

File metadata and controls

40 lines (29 loc) · 2.51 KB


  • Julia sets
  • Mandelbrot set
  • Buddhabrot & Nebulabrot fractal
  • Video of Julia sets for different c
    • flickering problem (all arrays are normalized to (0, 1))
    • depending on raw image brightness, asinh_stretch yields visually different results
    • possible fix is high oversampling factor but render time would be increased
  • C# code for Buddhabrot
  • C extension for f planned
    • dramatic performance improvement expected (C vs. Python) since f takes up the most time by far (followed by boxes2arr)
  • Images (scaled down)


Because Python is such a slow language and this code in particular is heaviliy dependent on speed because it is processor-intensive, implementations in C or even C# will be much faster. I have little experience in these languages however, so I have thus far only implemented the Buddhabrot in C#.


If not specified otherwise, the file name will be __str__ and it will be saved as a 16-bit tif.


Currently I am colorizing the images with GIMP, I might implement historgram coloring in the future.


Julia; f(z) = z ^ 2 + c; (-2-2i, 2+2i); i(300, 2); img(1200, 1200); r2; th8; t62.04; o7 my profile picture

Julia; f(z) = z ^ 2 + c; (-2+2i, -2+2i); i(400, 2); img(3000, 3000); r2; th8; t5.64

Buddhabrot; (-2-2i, 2+2i); img(1500, 1500), k(50k, 500k, 50k, 5k), n(200k, 2m, 100k, 10k); th8; t

Antibuddhabrot; f(z, c) = z ^ 2 + c; (-3-2i, 2+2i); 30; img(5000, 4000); r2; th1; t(73, 73)

Mandelbrot; (-0.743352131+0.131366432i, -0.743352123+0.1313664416i); i(10000, 2); img(6000, -98524816908); r2; th8; t1895.96

Mandelbrot; f(z, c) = z ^ 2 + c; (-0.74335212625-0.7433521253i, 0.1313664357+0.1313664364i); i(80000, 2); img(3000, 2211); r2; th8; t840.86

Mandelbrot; f(z, c) = z ^ 3 + c; (-0.5-0.05i, 0.5+1.5i); i(2000, 2); img(12000, 21000); r2; th8; t3626.83; o3

Coloring method by Melinda Green