From e068a857aca4245975a1989c9fd4e65540fa66e0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adrien Champion Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2023 14:55:34 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 01/11] feat: migrate List lemmas from mathlib --- Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean | 282 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 281 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean b/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean index 22efaafba1..6456186ae4 100644 --- a/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean +++ b/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean @@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ theorem tail_eq_of_cons_eq (H : h₁ :: t₁ = h₂ :: t₂) : t₁ = t₂ := (c theorem cons_inj (a : α) {l l' : List α} : a :: l = a :: l' ↔ l = l' := ⟨tail_eq_of_cons_eq, congrArg _⟩ +theorem cons_eq_cons {a b : α} {l l' : List α} : a :: l = b :: l' ↔ a = b ∧ l = l' := + ⟨List.cons.inj, fun h => h.1 ▸ h.2 ▸ rfl⟩ + theorem exists_cons_of_ne_nil : ∀ {l : List α}, l ≠ [] → ∃ b L, l = b :: L | c :: l', _ => ⟨c, l', rfl⟩ @@ -44,6 +47,17 @@ theorem exists_mem_of_length_pos : ∀ {l : List α}, 0 < length l → ∃ a, a theorem length_pos_iff_exists_mem {l : List α} : 0 < length l ↔ ∃ a, a ∈ l := ⟨exists_mem_of_length_pos, fun ⟨_, h⟩ => length_pos_of_mem h⟩ +theorem exists_cons_of_length_pos : ∀ {l : List α}, 0 < l.length → ∃ h t, l = h :: t + | h::t, _ => ⟨h, t, rfl⟩ + +theorem length_pos_iff_exists_cons : + ∀ {l : List α}, 0 < l.length ↔ ∃ h t, l = h :: t := + ⟨exists_cons_of_length_pos, fun ⟨_, _, eq⟩ => eq ▸ Nat.succ_pos _⟩ + +theorem exists_cons_of_length_succ : + ∀ {l : List α}, l.length = n + 1 → ∃ h t, l = h :: t + | h::t, _ => ⟨h, t, rfl⟩ + theorem length_pos {l : List α} : 0 < length l ↔ l ≠ [] := Nat.pos_iff_ne_zero.trans (not_congr length_eq_zero) @@ -53,6 +67,12 @@ theorem exists_mem_of_ne_nil (l : List α) (h : l ≠ []) : ∃ x, x ∈ l := theorem length_eq_one {l : List α} : length l = 1 ↔ ∃ a, l = [a] := ⟨fun h => match l, h with | [_], _ => ⟨_, rfl⟩, fun ⟨_, h⟩ => by simp [h]⟩ +theorem length_eq_two {l : List α} : l.length = 2 ↔ ∃ a b, l = [a, b] := + ⟨fun _ => let [a, b] := l; ⟨a, b, rfl⟩, fun ⟨_, _, e⟩ => e ▸ rfl⟩ + +theorem length_eq_three {l : List α} : l.length = 3 ↔ ∃ a b c, l = [a, b, c] := + ⟨fun _ => let [a, b, c] := l; ⟨a, b, c, rfl⟩, fun ⟨_, _, _, e⟩ => e ▸ rfl⟩ + /-! ### mem -/ @[simp] theorem not_mem_nil (a : α) : ¬ a ∈ [] := fun. @@ -152,6 +172,30 @@ theorem mem_append_right {a : α} (l₁ : List α) {l₂ : List α} (h : a ∈ l theorem mem_iff_append {a : α} {l : List α} : a ∈ l ↔ ∃ s t : List α, l = s ++ a :: t := ⟨append_of_mem, fun ⟨s, t, e⟩ => e ▸ by simp⟩ +/-! ### concat -/ + +theorem concat_nil (a : α) : concat [] a = [a] := + rfl + +theorem concat_cons (a b : α) (l : List α) : concat (a :: l) b = a :: concat l b := + rfl + +theorem init_eq_of_concat_eq {a : α} {l₁ l₂ : List α} : concat l₁ a = concat l₂ a → l₁ = l₂ := by + intro h + rw [concat_eq_append, concat_eq_append] at h + apply append_left_inj [a] |>.mp h + +theorem last_eq_of_concat_eq {a b : α} {l : List α} : concat l a = concat l b → a = b := by + intro h + rw [concat_eq_append, concat_eq_append] at h + exact head_eq_of_cons_eq (append_right_inj l |>.mp h) + +theorem concat_ne_nil (a : α) (l : List α) : concat l a ≠ [] := by simp + +theorem concat_append (a : α) (l₁ l₂ : List α) : concat l₁ a ++ l₂ = l₁ ++ a :: l₂ := by simp + +theorem append_concat (a : α) (l₁ l₂ : List α) : l₁ ++ concat l₂ a = concat (l₁ ++ l₂) a := by simp + /-! ### map -/ theorem map_singleton (f : α → β) (a : α) : map f [a] = [f a] := rfl @@ -207,6 +251,11 @@ theorem bind_map (f : β → γ) (g : α → List β) : | [] => rfl | a::l => by simp only [cons_bind, map_append, bind_map _ _ l] +theorem map_bind (g : β → List γ) (f : α → β) : + ∀ l : List α, ( f l).bind g = l.bind fun a => g (f a) + | [] => rfl + | a :: l => by simp only [cons_bind, map_cons, map_bind _ _ l] + /-! ### set-theoretic notation of Lists -/ @[simp] theorem empty_eq : (∅ : List α) = [] := rfl @@ -284,12 +333,20 @@ theorem map_subset {l₁ l₂ : List α} (f : α → β) (H : l₁ ⊆ l₂) : m theorem replicate_succ (a : α) (n) : replicate (n+1) a = a :: replicate n a := rfl +@[simp] theorem replicate_zero (a : α) : replicate 0 a = [] := by rfl + +theorem replicate_one (a : α) : replicate 1 a = [a] := rfl + theorem mem_replicate {a b : α} : ∀ {n}, b ∈ replicate n a ↔ n ≠ 0 ∧ b = a | 0 => by simp | n+1 => by simp [mem_replicate, Nat.succ_ne_zero] theorem eq_of_mem_replicate {a b : α} {n} (h : b ∈ replicate n a) : b = a := (mem_replicate.1 h).2 +theorem eq_replicate_length {a : α} : ∀ {l : List α}, l = replicate l.length a ↔ ∀ b ∈ l, b = a + | [] => by simp + | (b :: l) => by simp [eq_replicate_length] + theorem eq_replicate_of_mem {a : α} : ∀ {l : List α}, (∀ b ∈ l, b = a) → l = replicate l.length a | [], _ => rfl @@ -302,15 +359,61 @@ theorem eq_replicate {a : α} {n} {l : List α} : ⟨fun h => h ▸ ⟨length_replicate .., fun _ => eq_of_mem_replicate⟩, fun ⟨e, al⟩ => e ▸ eq_replicate_of_mem al⟩ +theorem replicate_add (m n) (a : α) : replicate (m + n) a = replicate m a ++ replicate n a := by + induction m <;> simp [*, succ_add] + +theorem replicate_succ' (n) (a : α) : replicate (n + 1) a = replicate n a ++ [a] := + replicate_add n 1 a + +theorem replicate_subset_singleton (n) (a : α) : replicate n a ⊆ [a] := fun _ h => + mem_singleton.2 (eq_of_mem_replicate h) + +theorem subset_singleton_iff {a : α} {L : List α} : L ⊆ [a] ↔ ∃ n, L = replicate n a := by + simp only [eq_replicate, subset_def, mem_singleton, exists_eq_left'] + +@[simp] theorem map_replicate (f : α → β) (n) (a : α) : + map f (replicate n a) = replicate n (f a) := by + induction n <;> [rfl; simp only [*, replicate, map]] + +@[simp] theorem tail_replicate (a : α) (n) : + tail (replicate n a) = replicate (n - 1) a := by cases n <;> rfl + +@[simp] theorem join_replicate_nil (n : Nat) : join (replicate n []) = @nil α := by + induction n <;> [rfl; simp only [*, replicate, join, append_nil]] + +/-! ### pure -/ + +-- Porting note: simp can prove this +-- @[simp] +theorem bind_singleton (f : α → List β) (x : α) : [x].bind f = f x := + append_nil $ f x + +@[simp] theorem bind_singleton' (l : List α) : (l.bind fun x => [x]) = l := by + induction l <;> simp [*] + +theorem map_eq_bind {α β} (f : α → β) (l : List α) : map f l = l.bind fun x => [f x] := by + simp only [←map_singleton] + rw [← bind_singleton' l, bind_map, bind_singleton'] + +theorem bind_assoc {α β} (l : List α) (f : α → List β) (g : β → List γ) : + (l.bind f).bind g = l.bind fun x => (f x).bind g := by induction l <;> simp [*] + /-! ### getLast -/ +@[simp] +theorem getLast_cons {a : α} {l : List α} : + ∀ h : l ≠ nil, getLast (a :: l) (cons_ne_nil a l) = getLast l h := by + induction l <;> intros + · contradiction + · rfl + theorem getLast_cons' {a : α} {l : List α} : ∀ (h₁ : a :: l ≠ nil) (h₂ : l ≠ nil), getLast (a :: l) h₁ = getLast l h₂ := by induction l <;> intros; {contradiction}; rfl @[simp] theorem getLast_append {a : α} : ∀ (l : List α) h, getLast (l ++ [a]) h = a | [], _ => rfl - | a::t, h => by + | a::t, _ => by simp [getLast_cons' _ fun H => cons_ne_nil _ _ (append_eq_nil.1 H).2, getLast_append t] theorem getLast_concat : (h : concat l a ≠ []) → getLast (concat l a) h = a := @@ -322,6 +425,48 @@ theorem eq_nil_or_concat : ∀ l : List α, l = [] ∨ ∃ L b, l = L ++ [b] | _, .inl rfl => .inr ⟨[], a, rfl⟩ | _, .inr ⟨L, b, rfl⟩ => .inr ⟨a::L, b, rfl⟩ +theorem getLast_append_singleton {a : α} (l : List α) : + getLast (l ++ [a]) (append_ne_nil_of_ne_nil_right l _ (cons_ne_nil a _)) = a := by + simp only [getLast_append] + +-- Porting note: name should be fixed upstream +theorem getLast_append' (l₁ l₂ : List α) (h : l₂ ≠ []) : + getLast (l₁ ++ l₂) (append_ne_nil_of_ne_nil_right l₁ l₂ h) = getLast l₂ h := by + induction l₁ + · simp + case cons _ _ ih => + simp only [cons_append] + rw [List.getLast_cons] + exact ih + +theorem getLast_concat' {a : α} (l : List α) : getLast (concat l a) (concat_ne_nil a l) = a := + getLast_concat .. + +@[simp] +theorem getLast_singleton' (a : α) : getLast [a] (cons_ne_nil a []) = a := rfl + +-- Porting note: simp can prove this +-- @[simp] +theorem getLast_cons_cons (a₁ a₂ : α) (l : List α) : + getLast (a₁ :: a₂ :: l) (cons_ne_nil _ _) = getLast (a₂ :: l) (cons_ne_nil a₂ l) := + rfl + +theorem getLast_congr {l₁ l₂ : List α} (h₁ : l₁ ≠ []) (h₂ : l₂ ≠ []) (h₃ : l₁ = l₂) : + getLast l₁ h₁ = getLast l₂ h₂ := by subst l₁; rfl + +theorem getLast_mem : ∀ {l : List α} (h : l ≠ []), getLast l h ∈ l + | [], h => absurd rfl h + | [a], _ => by simp only [getLast, mem_singleton] + | a :: b :: l, h => + List.mem_cons.2 <| Or.inr <| by + rw [getLast_cons_cons] + exact getLast_mem (cons_ne_nil b l) + +theorem getLast_replicate_succ (m : Nat) (a : α) : + (replicate (m + 1) a).getLast (ne_nil_of_length_eq_succ (length_replicate _ _)) = a := by + simp only [replicate_succ'] + exact getLast_append_singleton _ + /-! ### sublists -/ @[simp] theorem nil_sublist : ∀ l : List α, [] <+ l @@ -472,6 +617,25 @@ theorem isSublist_iff_sublist [DecidableEq α] {l₁ l₂ : List α} : l₁.isSu instance [DecidableEq α] (l₁ l₂ : List α) : Decidable (l₁ <+ l₂) := decidable_of_iff (l₁.isSublist l₂) isSublist_iff_sublist +theorem Sublist.cons_cons {l₁ l₂ : List α} (a : α) (s : l₁ <+ l₂) : a :: l₁ <+ a :: l₂ := + Sublist.cons₂ _ s + +theorem sublist_cons_of_sublist (a : α) {l₁ l₂ : List α} : l₁ <+ l₂ → l₁ <+ a :: l₂ := + Sublist.cons _ + +theorem sublist_of_cons_sublist_cons {l₁ l₂ : List α} : ∀ {a : α}, a :: l₁ <+ a :: l₂ → l₁ <+ l₂ + | _, Sublist.cons _ s => sublist_of_cons_sublist s + | _, Sublist.cons₂ _ s => s + +theorem cons_sublist_cons_iff {l₁ l₂ : List α} {a : α} : a :: l₁ <+ a :: l₂ ↔ l₁ <+ l₂ := + ⟨sublist_of_cons_sublist_cons, Sublist.cons_cons _⟩ + +theorem eq_nil_of_sublist_nil {l : List α} (s : l <+ []) : l = [] := + <| s.subset + +theorem Sublist.antisymm (s₁ : l₁ <+ l₂) (s₂ : l₂ <+ l₁) : l₁ = l₂ := + s₁.eq_of_length_le s₂.length_le + /-! ### head -/ theorem head!_of_head? [Inhabited α] : ∀ {l : List α}, head? l = some a → head! l = a @@ -481,6 +645,52 @@ theorem head?_eq_head : ∀ l h, @head? α l = some (head l h) | [], h => nomatch h rfl | _::_, _ => rfl +theorem eq_cons_of_mem_head? {x : α} : ∀ {l : List α}, x ∈ l.head? → l = x :: tail l + | [], h => (Option.not_mem_none _ h).elim + | a :: l, h => by + simp only [head?, Option.mem_def, Option.some_inj] at h + exact h ▸ rfl + +theorem mem_of_mem_head? {x : α} {l : List α} (h : x ∈ l.head?) : x ∈ l := + (eq_cons_of_mem_head? h).symm ▸ mem_cons_self _ _ + +@[simp] theorem head!_cons [Inhabited α] (a : α) (l : List α) : head! (a :: l) = a := rfl + +@[simp] theorem head!_append [Inhabited α] (t : List α) {s : List α} (h : s ≠ []) : + head! (s ++ t) = head! s := by + induction s; contradiction; rfl + +theorem head?_append {s t : List α} {x : α} (h : x ∈ s.head?) : x ∈ (s ++ t).head? := by + cases s; contradiction; exact h + +theorem head?_append_of_ne_nil : + ∀ (l₁ : List α) {l₂ : List α} (_ : l₁ ≠ []), head? (l₁ ++ l₂) = head? l₁ + | _ :: _, _, _ => rfl + +theorem cons_head?_tail : ∀ {l : List α} {a : α}, a ∈ head? l → a :: tail l = l + | [], a, h => by contradiction + | b :: l, a, h => by + simp at h + simp [h] + +theorem head!_mem_head? [Inhabited α] : ∀ {l : List α}, l ≠ [] → head! l ∈ head? l + | [], h => by contradiction + | a :: l, _ => rfl + +theorem cons_head!_tail [Inhabited α] {l : List α} (h : l ≠ []) : head! l :: tail l = l := + cons_head?_tail (head!_mem_head? h) + +theorem head!_mem_self [Inhabited α] {l : List α} (h : l ≠ nil) : l.head! ∈ l := by + have h' := mem_cons_self l.head! l.tail + rwa [cons_head!_tail h] at h' + +@[simp] theorem head?_map (f : α → β) (l) : head? (map f l) = (head? l).map f := by + cases l <;> rfl + +@[simp 1100] +theorem modifyHead_modifyHead (l : List α) (f g : α → α) : + (l.modifyHead f).modifyHead g = l.modifyHead (g ∘ f) := by cases l <;> simp + /-! ### tail -/ @[simp] theorem tailD_eq_tail? (l l' : List α) : tailD l l' = (tail? l).getD l' := by @@ -490,6 +700,17 @@ theorem tail_eq_tailD (l) : @tail α l = tailD l [] := by cases l <;> rfl theorem tail_eq_tail? (l) : @tail α l = (tail? l).getD [] := by simp [tail_eq_tailD] +theorem tail_append_singleton_of_ne_nil {a : α} {l : List α} (h : l ≠ nil) : + tail (l ++ [a]) = tail l ++ [a] := by + induction l + · contradiction + · rw [tail, cons_append, tail] + +theorem tail_append_of_ne_nil (l l' : List α) (h : l ≠ []) : (l ++ l').tail = l.tail ++ l' := by + cases l + · contradiction + · simp + /-! ### next? -/ @[simp] theorem next?_nil : @next? α [] = none := rfl @@ -519,6 +740,65 @@ theorem getLast?_eq_getLast : ∀ l h, @getLast? α l = some (getLast l h) | [], h => nomatch h rfl | _::_, _ => rfl +@[simp] theorem getLast?_singleton (a : α) : + getLast? [a] = a := rfl + +@[simp] theorem getLast?_cons_cons (a b : α) (l : List α) : + getLast? (a :: b :: l) = getLast? (b :: l) := rfl + +@[simp] theorem getLast?_isNone : ∀ {l : List α}, (getLast? l).isNone ↔ l = [] + | [] => by simp + | [a] => by simp + | a :: b :: l => by simp [getLast?_isNone (l := b :: l)] + +@[simp] theorem getLast?_isSome : ∀ {l : List α}, l.getLast?.isSome ↔ l ≠ [] + | [] => by simp + | [a] => by simp + | a :: b :: l => by simp [getLast?_isSome (l := b :: l)] + +theorem mem_getLast?_eq_getLast : ∀ {l : List α} {x : α}, x ∈ l.getLast? → ∃ h, x = getLast l h + | [], x, hx => False.elim <| by simp at hx + | [a], x, hx => + have : a = x := by simpa using hx + this ▸ ⟨cons_ne_nil a [], rfl⟩ + | a :: b :: l, x, hx => by + rw [getLast?_cons_cons] at hx + rcases mem_getLast?_eq_getLast hx with ⟨_, h₂⟩ + refine ⟨cons_ne_nil _ _, ?_⟩ + assumption + +theorem getLast?_eq_getLast_of_ne_nil : ∀ {l : List α} (h : l ≠ []), l.getLast? = some (l.getLast h) + | [], h => (h rfl).elim + | [_], _ => rfl + | _ :: b :: l, _ => getLast?_eq_getLast_of_ne_nil (l := b :: l) (cons_ne_nil _ _) + +theorem mem_getLast?_cons {x y : α} : ∀ {l : List α}, x ∈ l.getLast? → x ∈ (y :: l).getLast? + | [], _ => by contradiction + | _ :: _, h => h + +theorem mem_of_mem_getLast? {l : List α} {a : α} (ha : a ∈ l.getLast?) : a ∈ l := + let ⟨_, h₂⟩ := mem_getLast?_eq_getLast ha + h₂.symm ▸ getLast_mem _ + +@[simp] theorem getLast?_append_cons : + ∀ (l₁ : List α) (a : α) (l₂ : List α), getLast? (l₁ ++ a :: l₂) = getLast? (a :: l₂) + | [], a, l₂ => rfl + | [b], a, l₂ => rfl + | b :: c :: l₁, a, l₂ => by + rw [cons_append, cons_append, getLast?_cons_cons, ←cons_append, getLast?_append_cons (c::l₁)] + +theorem getLast?_append_of_ne_nil (l₁ : List α) : + ∀ {l₂ : List α} (_ : l₂ ≠ []), getLast? (l₁ ++ l₂) = getLast? l₂ + | [], hl₂ => by contradiction + | b :: l₂, _ => getLast?_append_cons l₁ b l₂ + +theorem getLast?_append {l₁ l₂ : List α} {x : α} (h : x ∈ l₂.getLast?) : + x ∈ (l₁ ++ l₂).getLast? := by + cases l₂ + · contradiction + · rw [List.getLast?_append_cons] + exact h + /-! ### dropLast -/ @[simp] theorem dropLast_nil : @dropLast α [] = [] := rfl From dba1c694852784900c211a3134a8a572784b5e5f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adrien Champion Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2023 15:08:18 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 02/11] chore: make linter happy --- Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean | 25 ++++++++++++++++++++++--- 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean b/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean index 6456186ae4..7eac8de562 100644 --- a/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean +++ b/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean @@ -687,9 +687,26 @@ theorem head!_mem_self [Inhabited α] {l : List α} (h : l ≠ nil) : l.head! @[simp] theorem head?_map (f : α → β) (l) : head? (map f l) = (head? l).map f := by cases l <;> rfl -@[simp 1100] +-- List.modifyHead_modifyHead.{u_1} Left-hand side simplifies from +-- List.modifyHead g (List.modifyHead f l) +-- to +-- match +-- match l with +-- | [] => [] +-- | a :: l => f a :: l with +-- | [] => [] +-- | a :: l => g a :: l +-- using +-- simp only [@List.modifyHead] +-- Try to change the left-hand side to the simplified term! +-- +-- @[simp 1100] theorem modifyHead_modifyHead (l : List α) (f g : α → α) : - (l.modifyHead f).modifyHead g = l.modifyHead (g ∘ f) := by cases l <;> simp + (l.modifyHead f).modifyHead g = l.modifyHead (g ∘ f) := by + cases l + · simp only [modifyHead] + · simp only [modifyHead] + rfl /-! ### tail -/ @@ -970,7 +987,9 @@ theorem getLast?_eq_get? : ∀ (l : List α), getLast? l = l.get? (l.length - 1) | [], a => rfl | b :: l, a => by rw [cons_append, length_cons]; simp only [get?, get?_concat_length] -@[simp] theorem getLast?_concat (l : List α) : getLast? (l ++ [a]) = some a := by +-- simp can prove this +-- @[simp] +theorem getLast?_concat (l : List α) : getLast? (l ++ [a]) = some a := by simp [getLast?_eq_get?] @[simp] theorem getLastD_concat (a b l) : @getLastD α (l ++ [b]) a = b := by From aa5141044186c967b5a3412ca628951559fece2d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adrien Champion Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2023 16:17:17 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 03/11] chore: de-simp List.modifyHead --- Std/Data/List/Basic.lean | 6 +++--- Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean | 21 +++------------------ Std/Data/String/Lemmas.lean | 4 ++-- 3 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-) diff --git a/Std/Data/List/Basic.lean b/Std/Data/List/Basic.lean index 7ba041b852..4f1c66d4b4 100644 --- a/Std/Data/List/Basic.lean +++ b/Std/Data/List/Basic.lean @@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ modifyNthTail f 2 [a, b, c] = [a, b] ++ f [c] | n+1, a :: l => a :: modifyNthTail f n l /-- Apply `f` to the head of the list, if it exists. -/ -@[simp, inline] def modifyHead (f : α → α) : List α → List α +@[inline] def modifyHead (f : α → α) : List α → List α | [] => [] | a :: l => f a :: l @@ -548,8 +548,8 @@ def modifyNthTR (f : α → α) (n : Nat) (l : List α) : List α := go l n #[] | a :: l, n+1, acc => go l n (acc.push a) theorem modifyNthTR_go_eq : ∀ l n, modifyNthTR.go f l n acc = ++ modifyNth f n l - | [], n => by cases n <;> simp [modifyNthTR.go, modifyNth] - | a :: l, 0 => by simp [modifyNthTR.go, modifyNth] + | [], n => by cases n <;> simp [modifyHead, modifyNthTR.go, modifyNth] + | a :: l, 0 => by simp [modifyHead, modifyNthTR.go, modifyNth] | a :: l, n+1 => by simp [modifyNthTR.go, modifyNth, modifyNthTR_go_eq l] @[csimp] theorem modifyNth_eq_modifyNthTR : @modifyNth = @modifyNthTR := by diff --git a/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean b/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean index 7eac8de562..e5a1463927 100644 --- a/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean +++ b/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean @@ -687,26 +687,11 @@ theorem head!_mem_self [Inhabited α] {l : List α} (h : l ≠ nil) : l.head! @[simp] theorem head?_map (f : α → β) (l) : head? (map f l) = (head? l).map f := by cases l <;> rfl --- List.modifyHead_modifyHead.{u_1} Left-hand side simplifies from --- List.modifyHead g (List.modifyHead f l) --- to --- match --- match l with --- | [] => [] --- | a :: l => f a :: l with --- | [] => [] --- | a :: l => g a :: l --- using --- simp only [@List.modifyHead] --- Try to change the left-hand side to the simplified term! --- --- @[simp 1100] +@[simp] theorem modifyHead_modifyHead (l : List α) (f g : α → α) : (l.modifyHead f).modifyHead g = l.modifyHead (g ∘ f) := by - cases l - · simp only [modifyHead] - · simp only [modifyHead] - rfl + cases l <;> simp only [modifyHead] + rfl /-! ### tail -/ diff --git a/Std/Data/String/Lemmas.lean b/Std/Data/String/Lemmas.lean index c96032bd85..d72cb51db8 100644 --- a/Std/Data/String/Lemmas.lean +++ b/Std/Data/String/Lemmas.lean @@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ theorem utf8SetAux_of_valid (c' : Char) (cs cs' : List Char) {i p : Nat} (hp : i utf8SetAux c' (cs ++ cs') ⟨i⟩ ⟨p⟩ = cs ++ cs'.modifyHead fun _ => c' := by match cs, cs' with | [], [] => rfl - | [], c::cs' => simp [← hp, utf8SetAux] + | [], c::cs' => simp [List.modifyHead, ← hp, utf8SetAux] | c::cs, cs' => simp [utf8SetAux]; rw [if_neg] case hnc => simp [← hp, Pos.ext_iff]; exact ne_self_add_add_csize @@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ theorem mapAux_of_valid (f : Char → Char) : ∀ l r, mapAux f ⟨utf8Len l⟩ | l, c::r => by unfold mapAux rw [dif_neg (by rw [atEnd_of_valid]; simp)] - simp [set_of_valid l (c::r), get_of_valid l (c::r), next_of_valid l (f c) r] + simp [List.modifyHead, set_of_valid l (c::r), get_of_valid l (c::r), next_of_valid l (f c) r] simpa using mapAux_of_valid f (l++[f c]) r theorem map_eq (f : Char → Char) (s) : map f s = ⟨ f⟩ := by From 1867caf88b392bafbef690e13d786c6588c36e7c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adrien Champion Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2023 15:42:08 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 04/11] chore: remove pure/map/bind List lemmas from the PR --- Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean | 17 ----------------- 1 file changed, 17 deletions(-) diff --git a/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean b/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean index e5a1463927..1288cbbfdd 100644 --- a/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean +++ b/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean @@ -381,23 +381,6 @@ theorem subset_singleton_iff {a : α} {L : List α} : L ⊆ [a] ↔ ∃ n, L = r @[simp] theorem join_replicate_nil (n : Nat) : join (replicate n []) = @nil α := by induction n <;> [rfl; simp only [*, replicate, join, append_nil]] -/-! ### pure -/ - --- Porting note: simp can prove this --- @[simp] -theorem bind_singleton (f : α → List β) (x : α) : [x].bind f = f x := - append_nil $ f x - -@[simp] theorem bind_singleton' (l : List α) : (l.bind fun x => [x]) = l := by - induction l <;> simp [*] - -theorem map_eq_bind {α β} (f : α → β) (l : List α) : map f l = l.bind fun x => [f x] := by - simp only [←map_singleton] - rw [← bind_singleton' l, bind_map, bind_singleton'] - -theorem bind_assoc {α β} (l : List α) (f : α → List β) (g : β → List γ) : - (l.bind f).bind g = l.bind fun x => (f x).bind g := by induction l <;> simp [*] - /-! ### getLast -/ @[simp] From 3d7df73c42bf1830386695e6a2e6f61d1399f306 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adrien Champion Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2023 16:15:22 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 05/11] chore: apply @fgdorais modifications --- Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean | 49 +++++++++++++-------------------------- 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-) diff --git a/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean b/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean index 1288cbbfdd..7b92b2ca3f 100644 --- a/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean +++ b/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean @@ -67,12 +67,6 @@ theorem exists_mem_of_ne_nil (l : List α) (h : l ≠ []) : ∃ x, x ∈ l := theorem length_eq_one {l : List α} : length l = 1 ↔ ∃ a, l = [a] := ⟨fun h => match l, h with | [_], _ => ⟨_, rfl⟩, fun ⟨_, h⟩ => by simp [h]⟩ -theorem length_eq_two {l : List α} : l.length = 2 ↔ ∃ a b, l = [a, b] := - ⟨fun _ => let [a, b] := l; ⟨a, b, rfl⟩, fun ⟨_, _, e⟩ => e ▸ rfl⟩ - -theorem length_eq_three {l : List α} : l.length = 3 ↔ ∃ a b c, l = [a, b, c] := - ⟨fun _ => let [a, b, c] := l; ⟨a, b, c, rfl⟩, fun ⟨_, _, _, e⟩ => e ▸ rfl⟩ - /-! ### mem -/ @[simp] theorem not_mem_nil (a : α) : ¬ a ∈ [] := fun. @@ -182,13 +176,13 @@ theorem concat_cons (a b : α) (l : List α) : concat (a :: l) b = a :: concat l theorem init_eq_of_concat_eq {a : α} {l₁ l₂ : List α} : concat l₁ a = concat l₂ a → l₁ = l₂ := by intro h - rw [concat_eq_append, concat_eq_append] at h - apply append_left_inj [a] |>.mp h + simp at h + assumption theorem last_eq_of_concat_eq {a b : α} {l : List α} : concat l a = concat l b → a = b := by intro h - rw [concat_eq_append, concat_eq_append] at h - exact head_eq_of_cons_eq (append_right_inj l |>.mp h) + simp at h + assumption theorem concat_ne_nil (a : α) (l : List α) : concat l a ≠ [] := by simp @@ -333,7 +327,7 @@ theorem map_subset {l₁ l₂ : List α} (f : α → β) (H : l₁ ⊆ l₂) : m theorem replicate_succ (a : α) (n) : replicate (n+1) a = a :: replicate n a := rfl -@[simp] theorem replicate_zero (a : α) : replicate 0 a = [] := by rfl +@[simp] theorem replicate_zero (a : α) : replicate 0 a = [] := rfl theorem replicate_one (a : α) : replicate 1 a = [a] := rfl @@ -360,7 +354,7 @@ theorem eq_replicate {a : α} {n} {l : List α} : fun ⟨e, al⟩ => e ▸ eq_replicate_of_mem al⟩ theorem replicate_add (m n) (a : α) : replicate (m + n) a = replicate m a ++ replicate n a := by - induction m <;> simp [*, succ_add] + induction m with simp [succ_add] | succ _ ih => exact ih theorem replicate_succ' (n) (a : α) : replicate (n + 1) a = replicate n a ++ [a] := replicate_add n 1 a @@ -399,8 +393,8 @@ theorem getLast_cons' {a : α} {l : List α} : ∀ (h₁ : a :: l ≠ nil) (h₂ | a::t, _ => by simp [getLast_cons' _ fun H => cons_ne_nil _ _ (append_eq_nil.1 H).2, getLast_append t] -theorem getLast_concat : (h : concat l a ≠ []) → getLast (concat l a) h = a := - concat_eq_append .. ▸ getLast_append _ +theorem getLast_concat {h : concat l a ≠ []} : getLast (concat l a) h = a := + by simp theorem eq_nil_or_concat : ∀ l : List α, l = [] ∨ ∃ L b, l = L ++ [b] | [] => .inl rfl @@ -422,28 +416,17 @@ theorem getLast_append' (l₁ l₂ : List α) (h : l₂ ≠ []) : rw [List.getLast_cons] exact ih -theorem getLast_concat' {a : α} (l : List α) : getLast (concat l a) (concat_ne_nil a l) = a := - getLast_concat .. - @[simp] theorem getLast_singleton' (a : α) : getLast [a] (cons_ne_nil a []) = a := rfl --- Porting note: simp can prove this --- @[simp] -theorem getLast_cons_cons (a₁ a₂ : α) (l : List α) : - getLast (a₁ :: a₂ :: l) (cons_ne_nil _ _) = getLast (a₂ :: l) (cons_ne_nil a₂ l) := - rfl - -theorem getLast_congr {l₁ l₂ : List α} (h₁ : l₁ ≠ []) (h₂ : l₂ ≠ []) (h₃ : l₁ = l₂) : - getLast l₁ h₁ = getLast l₂ h₂ := by subst l₁; rfl - -theorem getLast_mem : ∀ {l : List α} (h : l ≠ []), getLast l h ∈ l - | [], h => absurd rfl h - | [a], _ => by simp only [getLast, mem_singleton] - | a :: b :: l, h => - List.mem_cons.2 <| Or.inr <| by - rw [getLast_cons_cons] - exact getLast_mem (cons_ne_nil b l) +theorem getLast_mem {l : List α} (h : l ≠ []) : getLast l h ∈ l := by + induction l with try contradiction + | cons _ l ih => + match l with + | nil => exact mem_singleton_self .. + | cons _ _ => + rw [getLast_cons] + apply mem_cons_of_mem _ <| ih (cons_ne_nil _ _) theorem getLast_replicate_succ (m : Nat) (a : α) : (replicate (m + 1) a).getLast (ne_nil_of_length_eq_succ (length_replicate _ _)) = a := by From d8c7c26a6a52b0111cd683b1890819c125ddba32 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adrien Champion Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2023 16:35:41 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 06/11] chore: more @fgdorais suggestions --- Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean b/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean index 7b92b2ca3f..2c48bb7702 100644 --- a/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean +++ b/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean @@ -369,10 +369,10 @@ theorem subset_singleton_iff {a : α} {L : List α} : L ⊆ [a] ↔ ∃ n, L = r map f (replicate n a) = replicate n (f a) := by induction n <;> [rfl; simp only [*, replicate, map]] -@[simp] theorem tail_replicate (a : α) (n) : +theorem tail_replicate (a : α) (n) : tail (replicate n a) = replicate (n - 1) a := by cases n <;> rfl -@[simp] theorem join_replicate_nil (n : Nat) : join (replicate n []) = @nil α := by +theorem join_replicate_nil (n : Nat) : join (replicate n []) = @nil α := by induction n <;> [rfl; simp only [*, replicate, join, append_nil]] /-! ### getLast -/ @@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ theorem getLast_mem {l : List α} (h : l ≠ []) : getLast l h ∈ l := by | nil => exact mem_singleton_self .. | cons _ _ => rw [getLast_cons] - apply mem_cons_of_mem _ <| ih (cons_ne_nil _ _) + apply mem_cons_of_mem _ <| ih $ cons_ne_nil _ _ theorem getLast_replicate_succ (m : Nat) (a : α) : (replicate (m + 1) a).getLast (ne_nil_of_length_eq_succ (length_replicate _ _)) = a := by From df9cac79f8beb2e45102c535dc1256b9604e61f4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adrien Champion Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2023 12:37:11 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 07/11] chore: more @fgdorais suggestions --- Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean b/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean index 2c48bb7702..0b004d6017 100644 --- a/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean +++ b/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean @@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ theorem eq_nil_or_concat : ∀ l : List α, l = [] ∨ ∃ L b, l = L ++ [b] theorem getLast_append_singleton {a : α} (l : List α) : getLast (l ++ [a]) (append_ne_nil_of_ne_nil_right l _ (cons_ne_nil a _)) = a := by - simp only [getLast_append] + simp -- Porting note: name should be fixed upstream theorem getLast_append' (l₁ l₂ : List α) (h : l₂ ≠ []) : From 827f0a5ed3e0a2f5a20b09e1d2258d433828ba2c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adrien Champion Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 15:31:42 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 08/11] chore: fix `List.getLast_append`/`List.getLast_singleton` problem --- Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean | 19 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean b/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean index 0b004d6017..9d9a8293b8 100644 --- a/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean +++ b/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean @@ -388,10 +388,14 @@ theorem getLast_cons' {a : α} {l : List α} : ∀ (h₁ : a :: l ≠ nil) (h₂ getLast (a :: l) h₁ = getLast l h₂ := by induction l <;> intros; {contradiction}; rfl -@[simp] theorem getLast_append {a : α} : ∀ (l : List α) h, getLast (l ++ [a]) h = a - | [], _ => rfl - | a::t, _ => by - simp [getLast_cons' _ fun H => cons_ne_nil _ _ (append_eq_nil.1 H).2, getLast_append t] +@[simp] theorem getLast_append_singleton {a : α} : + ∀ (l : List α), + getLast (l ++ [a]) (append_ne_nil_of_ne_nil_right l _ (cons_ne_nil a _)) = a + | [] => rfl + | a::t => by + simp [ + getLast_cons' _ fun H => cons_ne_nil _ _ (append_eq_nil.1 H).2, + getLast_append_singleton t] theorem getLast_concat {h : concat l a ≠ []} : getLast (concat l a) h = a := by simp @@ -402,12 +406,7 @@ theorem eq_nil_or_concat : ∀ l : List α, l = [] ∨ ∃ L b, l = L ++ [b] | _, .inl rfl => .inr ⟨[], a, rfl⟩ | _, .inr ⟨L, b, rfl⟩ => .inr ⟨a::L, b, rfl⟩ -theorem getLast_append_singleton {a : α} (l : List α) : - getLast (l ++ [a]) (append_ne_nil_of_ne_nil_right l _ (cons_ne_nil a _)) = a := by - simp - --- Porting note: name should be fixed upstream -theorem getLast_append' (l₁ l₂ : List α) (h : l₂ ≠ []) : +theorem getLast_append (l₁ l₂ : List α) (h : l₂ ≠ []) : getLast (l₁ ++ l₂) (append_ne_nil_of_ne_nil_right l₁ l₂ h) = getLast l₂ h := by induction l₁ · simp From 20de13eaad1995a9809f06d9dfd05bd42e2d12b3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adrien Champion Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2023 10:22:06 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 09/11] chore: fix confusing function applications --- Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean b/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean index 9d9a8293b8..3a8f7290fd 100644 --- a/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean +++ b/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean @@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ theorem getLast_mem {l : List α} (h : l ≠ []) : getLast l h ∈ l := by | nil => exact mem_singleton_self .. | cons _ _ => rw [getLast_cons] - apply mem_cons_of_mem _ <| ih $ cons_ne_nil _ _ + apply mem_cons_of_mem _ <| ih (cons_ne_nil _ _) theorem getLast_replicate_succ (m : Nat) (a : α) : (replicate (m + 1) a).getLast (ne_nil_of_length_eq_succ (length_replicate _ _)) = a := by From 386071697e3da3fd51f7ab32fa607b4c2279fd7d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adrien Champion Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2023 12:12:09 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 10/11] Apply suggestions from code review MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit All suggestions from @fgdorais Co-authored-by: François G. Dorais --- Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean | 81 ++++++++++++--------------------------- 1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-) diff --git a/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean b/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean index 3a8f7290fd..b6ece51e35 100644 --- a/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean +++ b/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ theorem cons_inj (a : α) {l l' : List α} : a :: l = a :: l' ↔ l = l' := ⟨tail_eq_of_cons_eq, congrArg _⟩ theorem cons_eq_cons {a b : α} {l l' : List α} : a :: l = b :: l' ↔ a = b ∧ l = l' := - ⟨List.cons.inj, fun h => h.1 ▸ h.2 ▸ rfl⟩ + List.cons.injEq .. ▸ .rfl theorem exists_cons_of_ne_nil : ∀ {l : List α}, l ≠ [] → ∃ b L, l = b :: L | c :: l', _ => ⟨c, l', rfl⟩ @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ theorem length_pos_iff_exists_mem {l : List α} : 0 < length l ↔ ∃ a, a ∈ ⟨exists_mem_of_length_pos, fun ⟨_, h⟩ => length_pos_of_mem h⟩ theorem exists_cons_of_length_pos : ∀ {l : List α}, 0 < l.length → ∃ h t, l = h :: t - | h::t, _ => ⟨h, t, rfl⟩ + | _::_, _ => ⟨_, _, rfl⟩ theorem length_pos_iff_exists_cons : ∀ {l : List α}, 0 < l.length ↔ ∃ h t, l = h :: t := @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ theorem length_pos_iff_exists_cons : theorem exists_cons_of_length_succ : ∀ {l : List α}, l.length = n + 1 → ∃ h t, l = h :: t - | h::t, _ => ⟨h, t, rfl⟩ + | _::_, _ => ⟨_, _, rfl⟩ theorem length_pos {l : List α} : 0 < length l ↔ l ≠ [] := Nat.pos_iff_ne_zero.trans (not_congr length_eq_zero) @@ -175,14 +175,10 @@ theorem concat_cons (a b : α) (l : List α) : concat (a :: l) b = a :: concat l rfl theorem init_eq_of_concat_eq {a : α} {l₁ l₂ : List α} : concat l₁ a = concat l₂ a → l₁ = l₂ := by - intro h - simp at h - assumption + simp theorem last_eq_of_concat_eq {a b : α} {l : List α} : concat l a = concat l b → a = b := by - intro h - simp at h - assumption + simp theorem concat_ne_nil (a : α) (l : List α) : concat l a ≠ [] := by simp @@ -378,11 +374,8 @@ theorem join_replicate_nil (n : Nat) : join (replicate n []) = @nil α := by /-! ### getLast -/ @[simp] -theorem getLast_cons {a : α} {l : List α} : - ∀ h : l ≠ nil, getLast (a :: l) (cons_ne_nil a l) = getLast l h := by - induction l <;> intros - · contradiction - · rfl +theorem getLast_cons {a : α} : ∀ {l} (h : l ≠ nil), getLast (a :: l) (cons_ne_nil a l) = getLast l h + | _::_, _ => rfl theorem getLast_cons' {a : α} {l : List α} : ∀ (h₁ : a :: l ≠ nil) (h₂ : l ≠ nil), getLast (a :: l) h₁ = getLast l h₂ := by @@ -611,43 +604,34 @@ theorem head?_eq_head : ∀ l h, @head? α l = some (head l h) | _::_, _ => rfl theorem eq_cons_of_mem_head? {x : α} : ∀ {l : List α}, x ∈ l.head? → l = x :: tail l - | [], h => (Option.not_mem_none _ h).elim - | a :: l, h => by - simp only [head?, Option.mem_def, Option.some_inj] at h - exact h ▸ rfl + | _ :: _, rfl => rfl theorem mem_of_mem_head? {x : α} {l : List α} (h : x ∈ l.head?) : x ∈ l := (eq_cons_of_mem_head? h).symm ▸ mem_cons_self _ _ @[simp] theorem head!_cons [Inhabited α] (a : α) (l : List α) : head! (a :: l) = a := rfl -@[simp] theorem head!_append [Inhabited α] (t : List α) {s : List α} (h : s ≠ []) : - head! (s ++ t) = head! s := by - induction s; contradiction; rfl +@[simp] theorem head!_append [Inhabited α] (t : List α) : ∀ {s}, s ≠ [] → head! (s ++ t) = head! s + | _::_, _ => rfl -theorem head?_append {s t : List α} {x : α} (h : x ∈ s.head?) : x ∈ (s ++ t).head? := by - cases s; contradiction; exact h +theorem head?_append : ∀ {s t : List α} {x}, x ∈ s.head? → x ∈ (s ++ t).head? + | _::_, _, _, rfl => rfl theorem head?_append_of_ne_nil : ∀ (l₁ : List α) {l₂ : List α} (_ : l₁ ≠ []), head? (l₁ ++ l₂) = head? l₁ | _ :: _, _, _ => rfl theorem cons_head?_tail : ∀ {l : List α} {a : α}, a ∈ head? l → a :: tail l = l - | [], a, h => by contradiction - | b :: l, a, h => by - simp at h - simp [h] + | _ :: _, _, rfl => rfl theorem head!_mem_head? [Inhabited α] : ∀ {l : List α}, l ≠ [] → head! l ∈ head? l - | [], h => by contradiction - | a :: l, _ => rfl + | _ :: _, _ => rfl -theorem cons_head!_tail [Inhabited α] {l : List α} (h : l ≠ []) : head! l :: tail l = l := - cons_head?_tail (head!_mem_head? h) +theorem cons_head!_tail [Inhabited α] : ∀ {l : List α}, l ≠ [] → head! l :: tail l = l + | _::_, _ => rfl -theorem head!_mem_self [Inhabited α] {l : List α} (h : l ≠ nil) : l.head! ∈ l := by - have h' := mem_cons_self l.head! l.tail - rwa [cons_head!_tail h] at h' +theorem head!_mem_self [Inhabited α] : ∀ {l : List α}, l ≠ [] → l.head! ∈ l + | _::_, _ => mem_cons_self .. @[simp] theorem head?_map (f : α → β) (l) : head? (map f l) = (head? l).map f := by cases l <;> rfl @@ -667,16 +651,11 @@ theorem tail_eq_tailD (l) : @tail α l = tailD l [] := by cases l <;> rfl theorem tail_eq_tail? (l) : @tail α l = (tail? l).getD [] := by simp [tail_eq_tailD] -theorem tail_append_singleton_of_ne_nil {a : α} {l : List α} (h : l ≠ nil) : - tail (l ++ [a]) = tail l ++ [a] := by - induction l - · contradiction - · rw [tail, cons_append, tail] +theorem tail_append_singleton_of_ne_nil {a : α} : ∀ {l}, l ≠ [] → tail (l ++ [a]) = tail l ++ [a] + | _::_, _ => rfl -theorem tail_append_of_ne_nil (l l' : List α) (h : l ≠ []) : (l ++ l').tail = l.tail ++ l' := by - cases l - · contradiction - · simp +theorem tail_append_of_ne_nil : ∀ (l l' : List α), l ≠ [] → (l ++ l').tail = l.tail ++ l' + | _::_, _, _ => rfl /-! ### next? -/ @@ -724,7 +703,6 @@ theorem getLast?_eq_getLast : ∀ l h, @getLast? α l = some (getLast l h) | a :: b :: l => by simp [getLast?_isSome (l := b :: l)] theorem mem_getLast?_eq_getLast : ∀ {l : List α} {x : α}, x ∈ l.getLast? → ∃ h, x = getLast l h - | [], x, hx => False.elim <| by simp at hx | [a], x, hx => have : a = x := by simpa using hx this ▸ ⟨cons_ne_nil a [], rfl⟩ @@ -735,12 +713,10 @@ theorem mem_getLast?_eq_getLast : ∀ {l : List α} {x : α}, x ∈ l.getLast? assumption theorem getLast?_eq_getLast_of_ne_nil : ∀ {l : List α} (h : l ≠ []), l.getLast? = some (l.getLast h) - | [], h => (h rfl).elim | [_], _ => rfl | _ :: b :: l, _ => getLast?_eq_getLast_of_ne_nil (l := b :: l) (cons_ne_nil _ _) theorem mem_getLast?_cons {x y : α} : ∀ {l : List α}, x ∈ l.getLast? → x ∈ (y :: l).getLast? - | [], _ => by contradiction | _ :: _, h => h theorem mem_of_mem_getLast? {l : List α} {a : α} (ha : a ∈ l.getLast?) : a ∈ l := @@ -756,15 +732,10 @@ theorem mem_of_mem_getLast? {l : List α} {a : α} (ha : a ∈ l.getLast?) : a theorem getLast?_append_of_ne_nil (l₁ : List α) : ∀ {l₂ : List α} (_ : l₂ ≠ []), getLast? (l₁ ++ l₂) = getLast? l₂ - | [], hl₂ => by contradiction | b :: l₂, _ => getLast?_append_cons l₁ b l₂ -theorem getLast?_append {l₁ l₂ : List α} {x : α} (h : x ∈ l₂.getLast?) : - x ∈ (l₁ ++ l₂).getLast? := by - cases l₂ - · contradiction - · rw [List.getLast?_append_cons] - exact h +theorem getLast?_append : ∀ {l₁ l₂ : List α}, x ∈ l₂.getLast? → x ∈ (l₁ ++ l₂).getLast? + | _, _::_, h => getLast?_append_cons .. ▸ h /-! ### dropLast -/ @@ -937,10 +908,8 @@ theorem getLast?_eq_get? : ∀ (l : List α), getLast? l = l.get? (l.length - 1) | [], a => rfl | b :: l, a => by rw [cons_append, length_cons]; simp only [get?, get?_concat_length] --- simp can prove this --- @[simp] theorem getLast?_concat (l : List α) : getLast? (l ++ [a]) = some a := by - simp [getLast?_eq_get?] + simp @[simp] theorem getLastD_concat (a b l) : @getLastD α (l ++ [b]) a = b := by rw [getLastD_eq_getLast?, getLast?_concat]; rfl From 686f52a94f14fff5ea344fb334b5e77a0c2b1227 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adrien Champion Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2023 12:26:02 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 11/11] chore: remove trailing whitespaces --- Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean b/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean index b6ece51e35..e78af42ea6 100644 --- a/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean +++ b/Std/Data/List/Lemmas.lean @@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ theorem head!_mem_head? [Inhabited α] : ∀ {l : List α}, l ≠ [] → head! l theorem cons_head!_tail [Inhabited α] : ∀ {l : List α}, l ≠ [] → head! l :: tail l = l | _::_, _ => rfl -theorem head!_mem_self [Inhabited α] : ∀ {l : List α}, l ≠ [] → l.head! ∈ l +theorem head!_mem_self [Inhabited α] : ∀ {l : List α}, l ≠ [] → l.head! ∈ l | _::_, _ => mem_cons_self .. @[simp] theorem head?_map (f : α → β) (l) : head? (map f l) = (head? l).map f := by @@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ theorem tail_eq_tail? (l) : @tail α l = (tail? l).getD [] := by simp [tail_eq_t theorem tail_append_singleton_of_ne_nil {a : α} : ∀ {l}, l ≠ [] → tail (l ++ [a]) = tail l ++ [a] | _::_, _ => rfl -theorem tail_append_of_ne_nil : ∀ (l l' : List α), l ≠ [] → (l ++ l').tail = l.tail ++ l' +theorem tail_append_of_ne_nil : ∀ (l l' : List α), l ≠ [] → (l ++ l').tail = l.tail ++ l' | _::_, _, _ => rfl /-! ### next? -/