In this lesson, you will learn the basics of networking commands, searching for files, and archiving within Unix-like environments.
###Objectives ### By the end of this lesson, you will:
- Understand and be able to use simple networking commands, such as
ping, netstat, ftp, wget,
etc. - Be able to explain what the following terms mean: IP address, host and domain name, and URI.
- Understand how to search for files using locate and find, and also learn other commands associated with finding files:
xargs, touch, and stat
. - Understand how to utilize the archiving commands for Unix-like environments:
gzip, bzip2, tar, zip, rsync,
Approximately 2 hours.
- Unix Networking Notebook
- Chapters 16-18 from The Linux Command Line (PDF) and follow along by entering the commands as directed into a terminal window within your virtual machine.
- Chapter 7, 16, and 25 of Practical Unix
When you have completed and worked through the above readings, please take the Week 5 Lesson 1 Assessment.