- docs(changelog): bumping version to 2.2.0 (09bfa2b)
- feat(typings): provides better intellisense (c5fda8c)
- docs(changelog): bumping version to 2.0.7 (c2c325a)
- docs(changelog): bumping version to 2.0.8 (1d79e92)
- fix(gulp): don't verify commit for release (08b77b3)
- chore(fix gulp): fix gulp (dd0f5cf)
- docs(changelog): bumping version to 2.0.4 (3021597)
- docs(changelog): bumping version to 2.0.5 (1759f48)
- chore(gulp): fix git commit (55c2980)
- docs(changelog): bumping version to 2.0.3 (9bd7b33)
- docs(changelog): bumping version to 2.0.2 (640742b)
- chore(stryker): fix tests timeout on travis (839e3c3)
- chore(travis): add timeout to stryker (238aa14)
- chore(travis): stryker concurrent test number (ae09712)
- chore(yarn): upgrade packages (71fad3d)
- fix(test): fix tests (6b6f20d)
- docs(changelog): bumping version to 2.0.1 (1751bb0)
- chore: update typescript, npm and travis configuration files (aff7bab)
- chore(npm): fix typings (382923a)
- docs(changelog): bumping version to 1.1.6 (6a8730f)
- chore: fix fancy log usage (ecf790f)
- chore: npm remove useless script (f6bf1b2)
- docs(changelog): bumping version to 1.1.4 (c90ca1c)
- fix: gulpfile conventional-github-releaser (c890672)
- docs(changelog): bumping version to 1.1.3 (4bdc5f1)
- docs: changelog (895e48c)
- docs: fix readme example [skip ci] (a67cb44)
- docs(changelog): bumping version to 1.1.2 (74b0732)
- docs(readme): add commitizen badge (247245c)
- fix: gulpfile preset env (4bb9155)
- fix: gulpfile task name (60ccfe8)
- chore: travis and npm package [skip ci] (007d9f8)
- chore(yarn): adds commitizen commitlint and gulp (3ab3cb9)
- bump minor (f74cf42)
- docs: bump feature (fdaa11c)
- add stryker badge to readme (0a550df)
- add stryker mutation testing (422a31b)
- add templates for contributions and pr/issues [skip-ci] (edf08ed)
- docs: changelog (70cf4cb)
- chore: bump minor (f5433e1)
- chore: fix travis skip_cleanup (a701ca1)
- chores: add node 10 to travis (ec46c5f)
- docs: changelog [ci skip] (f512112)
- bump patch [ci skip] (13836ce)
- fix deployment [ci-skip] (540f48b)
- fix url's in package.json [ci skip] (2ee133a)
- docs: changelog (642b858)
- fix: test not importing the file after being moved to its own folder (1b8dc3e)
- add babel_env to travis container (17627e7)
- add changelog generation [ci-skip] (131fedd)
- add colors to travis (757d391)
- add husky and lint-staged [ci skip] (7a6cc16)
- add infos to package.json [ci-skip] (a2da2e9)
- add more tests (14a6e62)
- add more tests and refactor functions (70159be)
- add node cache for travis (34b82bc)
- add node version (28b4d22)
- add travis badge [ci skip] (24caf76)
- add trusty (ed95288)
- build on node 8 also (535f6f1)
- changelog (1bee5f8)
- first draft (4b7690e)
- fix husky [ci-skip] (0a36ae3)
- fix node (43d6ca6)
- fix travis (4ae22a9)
- Initial commit (2aae5b0)
- move lib to its dedicated folder [ci-skip] (d64444e)
- remove variable (b665f4a)
- stable api (a9df04e)