- Download the repo
- HTTP -
- SSH -
- HTTP -
- Open Terminal within VS Code or your favorite IDE and use the following commands.
nvm use
pnpm i
envkey init
- You will need to select "Attach an existing EnvKey app", hit return.
- Use your arrow keys and Select the
Last Rev Starter v2
app, then hit return.
Once you have attached the appropriate envkey app, it should have created a local cli key for you behind the scenes which will then allow you load the variables.
If the .envkey
file shows a different appId or changes in version control in any way, please alert cameron@lastrev.com immediately. Do not merge any .envkey
file changes to main, it can and will break builds!
envkey-source -- pnpm dev
es -- pnpm dev
This didn't work for a dev a while back because the symbolic link wasn't set up but it is just the shorthand version of the above command.
This will be improved upon to where we only need to run the pnpm dev
command, but for now, without the .env
file locally, you will just need to prefix any commands with es --
or envkey-source --
in order to load the env vars to your processes.
General troubleshooting steps for Envkey
- Always make sure your envkey is up to date
npm i -g envkey
- Can't see the environment vars? Try re-loading envkey's core. This typically only occurs when first getting invited or adding a new app, but it is useful to know as a quick troubleshooting step to rule out any issues.
envkey core stop
envkey core start
- Viewing the environment variables via CLI, simply type
and hit return. As long as everything is running properly, you should be able to see the full output of the current local env you are using. - ENVKEY MISSING - Did you initialize your envkey app locally? If not, you may need to initialize it which will create a local cli key for that particular repo/app.
envkey init
- Follow the CLI instructions to attach it to the existing app.
TransparentDark and TransparentLight Quick Supplemental Body on Block? Icons for links?
[x] Implement 404 for non generated pages [x] Deploy to Vercel [x] Deploy Storybook to Vercel [x] Implement Sitemap [x] Implement Robots [x] Implement CSP policies [x] Implement GraphQL preview endpoint [x] Implement Preview [x] Implement Content Redirect [ ] Create Grid documentation and working with Block, Collection [x] Implement Test pipeline [x] Implement E2E pipeline [ ] Implement Chromatic pipeline [] Implement path resolution for href [] Implement Custom 404 [] Implement theme on Storybook [] Implement Analytics [] Implement Contentful Sidekick [] Implement Live Editor and other UIEs [] Implement Theme api endpoint [] Implement _error page [] Implement Algolia [] Implement path v2 resolution [] Implement Localization
[] Block [] Hero [] Link [] Text [] Media [] Page
This is an official Starter by LastRev with multiple meta-frameworks all working in harmony and sharing packages.
This example also shows how to use Workspace Configurations.
Run the following command:
npx create-turbo@latest -e kitchen-sink
This repo includes the following packages and apps:
: a Next.js appui
: a complete React UI library for displaying contentscripts
: Jest and ESLint configurationstsconfig
: tsconfig.json's used throughout the monorepo
Each package and app is 100% TypeScript.
This LastRev has some additional tools already setup for you:
- TypeScript for static type checking
- ESLint for code linting
- Jest test runner for all things JavaScript
- Prettier for code formatting