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File metadata and controls

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Simulation Startup Tutorial

TMUX Keybinds

Running will automatically start and attach you to a tmux session, so it's useful to know tmux keybinds. The standard TMUX command prefix is Ctrl+b.

Description Keybind
Run tmux :$ tmux
List tmux sessions :$ tmux ls
Attach to a session :$ tmux a -t [session name]
New Window prefix+c
Move through windows (tabs) Shift+←   Shift+→
Alt+u   Alt+i
Killing window prefix+x
Killing session prefix+k
Detaching from a session prefix+d
Enter scroll mode prefix+[
Split pane horizontally prefix+%
Split pane vertically prefix+"

ROS Topics and Services

Move UAVs by publishing on the following topic:

rostopic pub /red/tracker/input_pose   # Namespace prefix either red, blue or yellow

Additional useful MAVProxy commands can be found at ardupilot_gazebo/ and Mavproxy Commands.

Docker Commands

Most information found at the Docker Curriculum.


Description Command
Run an example docker file docker run hello-world
List all the containers (running and exited) docker ps -a

Running Containers

Description Command
Run a command in a docker container.
-p publish containers ports to the host e.g. port 80 -> 8888
-d run conatiner in background
--rm automatically delete the container once it exits
-P publish all exposed ports
--name name your container for easier use in subsequent commands
-e set environment variables
docker run -p 8888:80 -d ubuntu:latest
See all the ports that container is running docker port [CONTAINER]
Run a /bin/bash command in the ubuntu container
-i connect the open I/O process streams
-t with an allocated TTY terminal
docker run -it --name mydocker ubuntu /bin/bash

Managing Containers

Description Command
Stop the docker image (go to EXIT state) docker stop mydocker
Kill a container from a running state docker kill mydocker
Remove a conatiner docker rm mydocker
Remove all containers docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
Remove all stopped containers docker container prune
List all docker containers docker container ls
Get all the logs docker container logs [CONTAINER_NAME]
Remove everything Docker related docker system prune --all --volumes
Start an already created (a.k.a. "docker run"-ed) container docker start [CONTAINER_NAME]
Attach to an already started container docker attach [CONTAINER_NAME]
Detach while inside a container Ctrl+P Ctrl+Q

Working with DockerHub registry

Description Command
Fetch an image from the DockerHub registry docker pull busybox
Push an image to the DockerHub registry docker push [IMAGE_NAME]
Search the DockerHub registry for images docker search [IMAGE_NAME]

Building Docker Images

Description Command
Build a Docker image using a Dockerfile found in the current directory
-t a tag name
docker build -t myusername/hello_docker .

Docker Network

Description Command
Create a new bridge Docker network
Allows containers connected to the same bridge to communicate
docker network create my-network
List all docker networks docker network ls

Run GUI applications

To run GUI application on the host append -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix to the docker run command.
NOTE Before running the docker command make sure to disable access control on the host machine by running xhost +. To enable access control run xhost -.


Description Command
Run docker-compose.yml in the current directory
-d run in detached mode
docker-compose up -d
Teardown the active compose
-v delete volumes
docker-compose down -v