This Mobile-based Learning Management System (LMS) project aims to fulfill the requirements of creating pages, adding graphics, making buttons, and integrating an information architecture. These elements are essential for developing a user-friendly and visually appealing application that enhances the educational experience for both students and lecturers.
- Lecturer
- Student
- Download Lecture Materials: Lecturers can upload lecture materials, and students can easily download them for reference.
- View Marks/Grade Student Assignments: Students can view their marks or grades for the assignments they have submitted.
- Lecture Schedules: Lecturers can schedule lectures, allowing students to stay organized and prepared.
- Assignment Upload: Students can upload their assignments directly through the application.
This project utilizes the following technologies:
- Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) platform for cloud storage and real-time database
- Version control system for tracking changes in source code
Here are some screenshots showcasing the user interface of the University Learning Management System: