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95 lines (74 loc) · 4.78 KB

File metadata and controls

95 lines (74 loc) · 4.78 KB

Publish Your Module

1. Create an example code (snippet)

People who will use your module need to know how it works. For these purposes, create a code snippet that shows how to use your module and save it in a .coffee file.

Please don't include require() statement in your example.

2. Create module.json

Module.json holds all important metadata about your module.

key type description
name String Human readable name of your module that is seen in the app.

Do know that a unique_name will be automatically created from the name and used as the main identificator for the directory name, dependency link, etc.

Check for name availability and unique_name before publishing
description String Brief description of what your module does (recommended 100 characters).

Keep in mind including keywords in description greatly increases chances of being found via the app search.
author String Your name, right?
require String A require() statement that will load your module to the prototype.

Please avoid using path to the module file that includes .framer. Framer won't be able to recognize the module.
install String or Array Path to the file(s) you'd like to be downloaded and installed to the prototype. Please note it's only possible to define exact files, not full directories.
example String Path to the file with the snippet created in step 1.
thumb (optional) String Path to the thumbnail. Thumbnails are shown at 80×80px (@2x is recommended).
Please use a thumbnail with opaque background (#1D1D1F is recommended). Allowed filetypes are mp4 mov png jpg gif.
dependencies (optional) Array Array of dependencies' unique names. Please note each dependency will be installed inside a subdirectory named after their unique_name.

Example module.json

Taken from this module.

    "name": "Bidirectional Cycle",
    "description": "Extension that will make Utils.cycle() iterate in both directions",
    "author": "Radek Kysely",

    "require": "Utilscycle = require 'Utilscycle'",
    "install": "",
    "example": "",

    "thumb": ""


To maintain clean prototype directories hierarchy, modules will be installed to a subdirectory in modules folder named after their unique_name. If you need to reach parent directories from your code, please use one more set of ../.

Please note the require() command will be automatically updated to reach module's actual directory.

Example: A module named iOS Status Bar will get a unique name ios-status-bar and will be installed to <PATH_TO_PROTOTYPE>/modules/ios-status-bar/. All paths inside your repository will be preserved under the modules's directory.

3. Push to GitHub

And keep it there. Your module will always be installed from its GitHub repository.

Add the badge to your README

If you want to that show your module can be discovered and installed via Framer Modules, you can include the following badge to your Clicking the badge will also automatically open the app and redirect the user to your module!

Install with Framer Modules

Just copy one of the snippets and replace <MODULE NAME> with yours as defined in name key.

HTML (recommended, will use @2x)

<a href='<MODULE NAME>'>
    <img alt='Install with Framer Modules'
    src='' width='160' height='40' />

Markdown (will use @1x)

[![Install with Framer Modules](](<MODULE NAME>)

4. Publish to Framer Modules

Open Framer Modules, click Publish button in the top right corner, enter your GitHub repository link and follow the instructions on the screen.

Okay, how do I update?

Just push the changes to GitHub. If you make some changes to module.json, please re-publish in Framer Modules as described in step #4.


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