A frontend developer that have extensive knowledge in frontend technologies exhausting in developing multiple web applications. Currently a student learning frontend, backend, DSA, Machine Learning, Data Science, Python, and Java. I am knowledgeable and proficient in various programming languages such as HTML/CSS, tailwindcss, bootstrap, JS, Next, Python, and SQL. I am looking for an entry-level position as a web developer, software engineer, software developer, and frontend developer. 📫 I am reachable by email at Hire a Developer or on 👯 discord: sedev99 or by phone or visit my website below for my resume. I am always open to working with open-source, individual, or team projects and freelancing.
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Contra Profile Upwork Freelancer
Project Name | Level | Recommended Tech | Link/Status |
Four Card Feature | Junior | React, JS, Bootstrap | In Progress |
Todo app | Junior | HTML, CSS, JS, Tailwindcss | In Progress |
Summarist app | Mid | Next, Firebase, Materialui, Tailwindcss, HTML, CSS | In Progress |
Bruni Electric | Mid | JS, bootstrap, React-form-hook, CSS | Completed |
Coming Soon Page | Beginner | HTML, CSS, JS | Completed |
Library App | Mid | React, CSS, HTML | Completed |
Web Development | Mid | React, Materialui, Tailwindcss, JS, Firebase | Completed |
Blog Card | Junior | HTML, CSS, JS, Tailwindcss | Completed |
Recipe App | Mid | API, React, tailwindcss, JS | Completed |
Contact Form | Junior | HTML, CSS, JS | Completed |
Tip Calculator | Junior | HTML, CSS, JS | Completed |
Bike Store | Mid | React, CSS, HTML, Firebase | Completed |
Social Media Profile | Beginner | HTML, CSS, JS | Completed |
Twitter Clone | Mid | Next, materialui, Tailwindcss, JS, Firebase | Completed |
Project Name | Level | Recommended Tech | Link/Status |
Todo App | Beginner | Java | In Progress |
Calculator | Beginner | Java | In Progress |
Temperature Converter | Beginner | Java | In Progress |
ECommerce Web Application | Advanced | Java, React, JS, Bootstrap | In Progress |
Project Name | Level | Recommended Tech | Link/Status |
Todo App | Beginner | C++ | In Progress |
Calculator | Beginner | C++ | In Progress |
Temperature Converter | Beginner | C++ | In Progress |
ECommerce Web Application | Advanced | C++ | In Progress |
Project challenges from Frontend Mentor
Completed so far:
Project Name | Level | Recommended Tech | Link/Status |
FullStack Recipe | Mid | Next, API, Firebase, Tailwindcss, HTML, CSS | In Progress |
Four Card Feature | Junior | React, JS, Bootstrap | In Progress |
Todo App | Junior | HTML, CSS, React, Firebase, Bootstrap | In Progress |
Time Tracker Dashboard | Junior | HTML, CSS, Tailwindcss, Firebase, JS | In Progress |
E-Commerce Product | Junior | HTML, CSS, JS | In Progress |
Crowd Funding | Junior | HTML, CSS, JS | In Progress |
Product Card | Junior | HTML, CSS | Completed |
Blog Card | Junior | HTML, CSS, JS, Tailwindcss | Completed |
Contact Form | Junior | HTML, CSS, JS | Completed |
QR Code | Mid | React, bootstrap, html, CSS | Completed |
Recipe App | Mid | React, API, Tailwindcss, HTML, CSS | Completed |
Social Media Profile | Mid | React, Tailwindcss, JS | Completed |
Tip Caluclator | Junior | HTML, CSS, JS | Completed |
Project Name | Level | Recommended Tech | Link/Status |
Lab1 - Basic of HTML | Beginner | HTML, CSS | Completed |
Lab2 - Sematic HTML, list, other tags | Beginner | HTML, CSS | Completed |
Lab3 - Basic page markup and tables tags | Beginner | HTML, CSS | Completed |
Lab4 - Putting everything together (nav, div, tables, other tags) | Beginner | HTML, CSS | Completed |
Lab5 - HTML Form | Beginner | HTML, CSS | Completed |
Project 1 - Basic HTML Project | Beginner | HTML | Completed |
Lab6 - CSS style | Beginner | HTML, CSS | Completed |
Lab7 - Style an HTML Table | Beginner | HTML, CSS | Completed |
Lab8 - Added sidebar and nav | Beginner | HTML, CSS | Completed |
Project 2 - Added CSS to Project 1 | Beginner | HTML, CSS | Completed |
Lab9 - Basic of JS | Junior | HTML, CSS, JS | Completed |
Project 3 - Added JS, bootstrap, and made responsive to Project 1 & 2 | Junior | HTML, CSS, JS, API, bootstrap | Completed |