From cd115c29896fcee9f04b893d5c469f824c33afcd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kittywhiskers Van Gogh <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2023 23:44:03 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] build: stop tracking cmake dependency
.../depends/relic/include/ | 717 ------------------
1 file changed, 717 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 src/dashbls/depends/relic/include/
diff --git a/src/dashbls/depends/relic/include/ b/src/dashbls/depends/relic/include/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7db6f5b509c45..0000000000000
--- a/src/dashbls/depends/relic/include/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,717 +0,0 @@
- * RELIC is an Efficient LIbrary for Cryptography
- * Copyright (c) 2009 RELIC Authors
- *
- * This file is part of RELIC. RELIC is legal property of its developers,
- * whose names are not listed here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT file
- * for contact information.
- *
- * RELIC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
- * terms of the version 2.1 (or later) of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; or version 2.0 of the Apache
- * License as published by the Apache Software Foundation. See the LICENSE files
- * for more details.
- *
- * RELIC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
- * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the LICENSE files for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public or the
- * Apache License along with RELIC. If not, see
- * or .
- */
- * @file
- *
- * Project configuration.
- *
- * @version $Id: 45 2009-07-04 23:45:48Z dfaranha $
- * @ingroup relic
- */
-#ifndef RLC_CONF_H
-#define RLC_CONF_H
-/** Project version. */
-/** Debugging support. */
-#cmakedefine DEBUG
-/** Profiling support. */
-#cmakedefine PROFL
-/** Error handling support. */
-#cmakedefine CHECK
-/** Verbose error messages. */
-#cmakedefine VERBS
-/** Build with overhead estimation. */
-#cmakedefine OVERH
-/** Build documentation. */
-#cmakedefine DOCUM
-/** Build only the selected algorithms. */
-#cmakedefine STRIP
-/** Build with printing disabled. */
-#cmakedefine QUIET
-/** Build with colored output. */
-#cmakedefine COLOR
-/** Build with big-endian support. */
-#cmakedefine BIGED
-/** Build shared library. */
-#cmakedefine SHLIB
-/** Build static library. */
-#cmakedefine STLIB
-/** Number of times each test is ran. */
-#define TESTS @TESTS@
-/** Number of times each benchmark is ran. */
-#define BENCH @BENCH@
-/** Number of available cores. */
-#define CORES @CORES@
-/** Atmel AVR ATMega128 8-bit architecture. */
-#define AVR 1
-/** MSP430 16-bit architecture. */
-#define MSP 2
-/** ARM 32-bit architecture. */
-#define ARM 3
-/** Intel x86-compatible 32-bit architecture. */
-#define X86 4
-/** AMD64-compatible 64-bit architecture. */
-#define X64 5
-/** Architecture. */
-#cmakedefine ARCH @ARCH@
-/** Size of word in this architecture. */
-#define WSIZE @WSIZE@
-/** Byte boundary to align digit vectors. */
-#define ALIGN @ALIGN@
-/** Build multiple precision integer module. */
-#cmakedefine WITH_BN
-/** Build prime field module. */
-#cmakedefine WITH_FP
-/** Build prime field extension module. */
-#cmakedefine WITH_FPX
-/** Build binary field module. */
-#cmakedefine WITH_FB
-/** Build prime elliptic curve module. */
-#cmakedefine WITH_EP
-/** Build prime field extension elliptic curve module. */
-#cmakedefine WITH_EPX
-/** Build binary elliptic curve module. */
-#cmakedefine WITH_EB
-/** Build elliptic Edwards curve module. */
-#cmakedefine WITH_ED
-/** Build elliptic curve cryptography module. */
-#cmakedefine WITH_EC
-/** Build pairings over prime curves module. */
-#cmakedefine WITH_PP
-/** Build pairing-based cryptography module. */
-#cmakedefine WITH_PC
-/** Build block ciphers. */
-#cmakedefine WITH_BC
-/** Build hash functions. */
-#cmakedefine WITH_MD
-/** Build cryptographic protocols. */
-#cmakedefine WITH_CP
-/** Build Multi-party computation primitives. */
-#cmakedefine WITH_MPC
-/** Easy C-only backend. */
-#define EASY 1
-/** GMP backend. */
-#define GMP 2
-/** GMP constant-time backend. */
-#define GMP_SEC 3
-/** Arithmetic backend. */
-#define ARITH @ARITH@
-/** Required precision in bits. */
-#define BN_PRECI @BN_PRECI@
-/** A multiple precision integer can store w words. */
-#define SINGLE 0
-/** A multiple precision integer can store the result of an addition. */
-#define CARRY 1
-/** A multiple precision integer can store the result of a multiplication. */
-#define DOUBLE 2
-/** Effective size of a multiple precision integer. */
-#define BN_MAGNI @BN_MAGNI@
-/** Number of Karatsuba steps. */
-#define BN_KARAT @BN_KARAT@
-/** Schoolbook multiplication. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** Comba multiplication. */
-#define COMBA 2
-/** Chosen multiple precision multiplication method. */
-#define BN_MUL @BN_MUL@
-/** Schoolbook squaring. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** Comba squaring. */
-#define COMBA 2
-/** Reuse multiplication for squaring. */
-#define MULTP 4
-/** Chosen multiple precision multiplication method. */
-#define BN_SQR @BN_SQR@
-/** Division modular reduction. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** Barrett modular reduction. */
-#define BARRT 2
-/** Montgomery modular reduction. */
-#define MONTY 3
-/** Pseudo-Mersenne modular reduction. */
-#define PMERS 4
-/** Chosen multiple precision modular reduction method. */
-#define BN_MOD @BN_MOD@
-/** Binary modular exponentiation. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** Sliding window modular exponentiation. */
-#define SLIDE 2
-/** Montgomery powering ladder. */
-#define MONTY 3
-/** Chosen multiple precision modular exponentiation method. */
-#define BN_MXP @BN_MXP@
-/** Basic Euclidean GCD Algorithm. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** Lehmer's fast GCD Algorithm. */
-#define LEHME 2
-/** Stein's binary GCD Algorithm. */
-#define STEIN 3
-/** Chosen multiple precision greatest common divisor method. */
-#define BN_GCD @BN_GCD@
-/** Basic prime generation. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** Safe prime generation. */
-#define SAFEP 2
-/** Strong prime generation. */
-#define STRON 3
-/** Chosen prime generation algorithm. */
-#define BN_GEN @BN_GEN@
-/** Multiple precision arithmetic method */
-#define BN_METHD "@BN_METHD@"
-/** Prime field size in bits. */
-#define FP_PRIME @FP_PRIME@
-/** Number of Karatsuba steps. */
-#define FP_KARAT @FP_KARAT@
-/** Prefer Pseudo-Mersenne primes over random primes. */
-#cmakedefine FP_PMERS
-/** Use -1 as quadratic non-residue. */
-#cmakedefine FP_QNRES
-/** Width of window processing for exponentiation methods. */
-#define FP_WIDTH @FP_WIDTH@
-/** Schoolbook addition. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** Integrated modular addtion. */
-#define INTEG 3
-/** Chosen prime field multiplication method. */
-#define FP_ADD @FP_ADD@
-/** Schoolbook multiplication. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** Comba multiplication. */
-#define COMBA 2
-/** Integrated modular multiplication. */
-#define INTEG 3
-/** Chosen prime field multiplication method. */
-#define FP_MUL @FP_MUL@
-/** Schoolbook squaring. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** Comba squaring. */
-#define COMBA 2
-/** Integrated modular squaring. */
-#define INTEG 3
-/** Reuse multiplication for squaring. */
-#define MULTP 4
-/** Chosen prime field multiplication method. */
-#define FP_SQR @FP_SQR@
-/** Division-based reduction. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** Fast reduction modulo special form prime. */
-#define QUICK 2
-/** Montgomery modular reduction. */
-#define MONTY 3
-/** Chosen prime field reduction method. */
-#define FP_RDC @FP_RDC@
-/** Inversion by Fermat's Little Theorem. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** Binary inversion. */
-#define BINAR 2
-/** Integrated modular multiplication. */
-#define MONTY 3
-/** Extended Euclidean algorithm. */
-#define EXGCD 4
-/** Constant-time inversion by Bernstein-Yang division steps. */
-#define DIVST 5
-/** Use implementation provided by the lower layer. */
-#define LOWER 8
-/** Chosen prime field inversion method. */
-#define FP_INV @FP_INV@
-/** Binary modular exponentiation. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** Sliding window modular exponentiation. */
-#define SLIDE 2
-/** Constant-time Montgomery powering ladder. */
-#define MONTY 3
-/** Chosen multiple precision modular exponentiation method. */
-#define FP_EXP @FP_EXP@
-/** Prime field arithmetic method */
-#define FP_METHD "@FP_METHD@"
-/** Basic quadratic extension field arithmetic. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** Integrated extension field arithmetic. */
-#define INTEG 3
-/* Chosen extension field arithmetic method. */
-#define FPX_QDR @FPX_QDR@
-/** Basic cubic extension field arithmetic. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** Integrated extension field arithmetic. */
-#define INTEG 3
-/* Chosen extension field arithmetic method. */
-#define FPX_CBC @FPX_CBC@
-/** Basic quadratic extension field arithmetic. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** Lazy-reduced extension field arithmetic. */
-#define LAZYR 2
-/* Chosen extension field arithmetic method. */
-#define FPX_RDC @FPX_RDC@
-/** Prime extension field arithmetic method */
-#define FPX_METHD "@FPX_METHD@"
-/** Irreducible polynomial size in bits. */
-#define FB_POLYN @FB_POLYN@
-/** Number of Karatsuba steps. */
-#define FB_KARAT @FB_KARAT@
-/** Prefer trinomials over pentanomials. */
-#cmakedefine FB_TRINO
-/** Prefer square-root friendly polynomials. */
-#cmakedefine FB_SQRTF
-/** Precompute multiplication table for sqrt(z). */
-#cmakedefine FB_PRECO
-/** Width of window processing for exponentiation methods. */
-#define FB_WIDTH @FB_WIDTH@
-/** Shift-and-add multiplication. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** Lopez-Dahab multiplication. */
-#define LODAH 2
-/** Integrated modular multiplication. */
-#define INTEG 3
-/** Chosen binary field multiplication method. */
-#define FB_MUL @FB_MUL@
-/** Basic squaring. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** Table-based squaring. */
-#define QUICK 2
-/** Integrated modular squaring. */
-#define INTEG 3
-/** Chosen binary field squaring method. */
-#define FB_SQR @FB_SQR@
-/** Shift-and-add modular reduction. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** Fast reduction modulo a trinomial or pentanomial. */
-#define QUICK 2
-/** Chosen binary field modular reduction method. */
-#define FB_RDC @FB_RDC@
-/** Square root by repeated squaring. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** Fast square root extraction. */
-#define QUICK 2
-/** Chosen binary field modular reduction method. */
-#define FB_SRT @FB_SRT@
-/** Trace by repeated squaring. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** Fast trace computation. */
-#define QUICK 2
-/** Chosen trace computation method. */
-#define FB_TRC @FB_TRC@
-/** Solve by half-trace computation. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** Solve with precomputed half-traces. */
-#define QUICK 2
-/** Chosen method to solve a quadratic equation. */
-#define FB_SLV @FB_SLV@
-/** Inversion by Fermat's Little Theorem. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** Binary inversion. */
-#define BINAR 2
-/** Almost inverse algorithm. */
-#define ALMOS 3
-/** Extended Euclidean algorithm. */
-#define EXGCD 4
-/** Itoh-Tsuji inversion. */
-#define ITOHT 5
-/** Hardware-friendly inversion by Brunner-Curiger-Hofstetter.*/
-#define BRUCH 6
-/** Constant-time version of almost inverse. */
-#define CTAIA 7
-/** Use implementation provided by the lower layer. */
-#define LOWER 8
-/** Chosen binary field inversion method. */
-#define FB_INV @FB_INV@
-/** Binary modular exponentiation. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** Sliding window modular exponentiation. */
-#define SLIDE 2
-/** Constant-time Montgomery powering ladder. */
-#define MONTY 3
-/** Chosen multiple precision modular exponentiation method. */
-#define FB_EXP @FB_EXP@
-/** Iterated squaring/square-root by consecutive squaring/square-root. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** Iterated squaring/square-root by table-based method. */
-#define QUICK 2
-/** Chosen method to solve a quadratic equation. */
-#define FB_ITR @FB_ITR@
-/** Binary field arithmetic method */
-#define FB_METHD "@FB_METHD@"
-/** Support for ordinary curves. */
-#cmakedefine EP_PLAIN
-/** Support for supersingular curves. */
-#cmakedefine EP_SUPER
-/** Support for prime curves with efficient endormorphisms. */
-#cmakedefine EP_ENDOM
-/** Use mixed coordinates. */
-#cmakedefine EP_MIXED
-/** Build precomputation table for generator. */
-#cmakedefine EP_PRECO
-/** Enable isogeny map for SSWU map-to-curve. */
-#cmakedefine EP_CTMAP
-/** Width of precomputation table for fixed point methods. */
-#define EP_DEPTH @EP_DEPTH@
-/** Width of window processing for unknown point methods. */
-#define EP_WIDTH @EP_WIDTH@
-/** Affine coordinates. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** Projective coordinates. */
-#define PROJC 2
-/** Jacobian coordinates. */
-#define JACOB 3
-/** Chosen prime elliptic curve coordinate method. */
-#define EP_ADD @EP_ADD@
-/** Binary point multiplication. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** Sliding window. */
-#define SLIDE 2
-/** Montgomery powering ladder. */
-#define MONTY 3
-/** Left-to-right Width-w NAF. */
-#define LWNAF 4
-/** Left-to-right Width-w NAF. */
-#define LWREG 5
-/** Chosen prime elliptic curve point multiplication method. */
-#define EP_MUL @EP_MUL@
-/** Binary point multiplication. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** Single-table comb method. */
-#define COMBS 2
-/** Double-table comb method. */
-#define COMBD 3
-/** Left-to-right Width-w NAF. */
-#define LWNAF 4
-/** Chosen prime elliptic curve point multiplication method. */
-#define EP_FIX @EP_FIX@
-/** Basic simultaneouns point multiplication. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** Shamir's trick. */
-#define TRICK 2
-/** Interleaving of w-(T)NAFs. */
-#define INTER 3
-/** Joint sparse form. */
-#define JOINT 4
-/** Chosen prime elliptic curve simulteanous point multiplication method. */
-#define EP_SIM @EP_SIM@
-/** Prime elliptic curve arithmetic method. */
-#define EP_METHD "@EP_METHD@"
-/** Support for ordinary curves without endormorphisms. */
-#cmakedefine EB_PLAIN
-/** Support for Koblitz anomalous binary curves. */
-#cmakedefine EB_KBLTZ
-/** Use mixed coordinates. */
-#cmakedefine EB_MIXED
-/** Build precomputation table for generator. */
-#cmakedefine EB_PRECO
-/** Width of precomputation table for fixed point methods. */
-#define EB_DEPTH @EB_DEPTH@
-/** Width of window processing for unknown point methods. */
-#define EB_WIDTH @EB_WIDTH@
-/** Binary elliptic curve arithmetic method. */
-#define EB_METHD "@EB_METHD@"
-/** Affine coordinates. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** López-Dahab Projective coordinates. */
-#define PROJC 2
-/** Chosen binary elliptic curve coordinate method. */
-#define EB_ADD @EB_ADD@
-/** Binary point multiplication. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** L�pez-Dahab point multiplication. */
-#define LODAH 2
-/** Halving. */
-#define HALVE 3
-/** Left-to-right width-w (T)NAF. */
-#define LWNAF 4
-/** Right-to-left width-w (T)NAF. */
-#define RWNAF 5
-/** Chosen binary elliptic curve point multiplication method. */
-#define EB_MUL @EB_MUL@
-/** Binary point multiplication. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** Single-table comb method. */
-#define COMBS 2
-/** Double-table comb method. */
-#define COMBD 3
-/** Left-to-right Width-w NAF. */
-#define LWNAF 4
-/** Chosen binary elliptic curve point multiplication method. */
-#define EB_FIX @EB_FIX@
-/** Basic simultaneouns point multiplication. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** Shamir's trick. */
-#define TRICK 2
-/** Interleaving of w-(T)NAFs. */
-#define INTER 3
-/** Joint sparse form. */
-#define JOINT 4
-/** Chosen binary elliptic curve simulteanous point multiplication method. */
-#define EB_SIM @EB_SIM@
-/** Build precomputation table for generator. */
-#cmakedefine ED_PRECO
-/** Width of precomputation table for fixed point methods. */
-#define ED_DEPTH @ED_DEPTH@
-/** Width of window processing for unknown point methods. */
-#define ED_WIDTH @ED_WIDTH@
-/** Edwards elliptic curve arithmetic method. */
-#define ED_METHD "@ED_METHD@"
-/** Affine coordinates. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** Simple projective twisted Edwards coordinates */
-#define PROJC 2
-/** Extended projective twisted Edwards coordinates */
-#define EXTND 3
-/** Chosen binary elliptic curve coordinate method. */
-#define ED_ADD @ED_ADD@
-/** Binary point multiplication. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** Sliding window. */
-#define SLIDE 2
-/** Montgomery powering ladder. */
-#define MONTY 3
-/** Left-to-right Width-w NAF. */
-#define LWNAF 4
-/** Left-to-right Width-w NAF. */
-#define LWREG 5
-/** Chosen prime elliptic twisted Edwards curve point multiplication method. */
-#define ED_MUL @ED_MUL@
-/** Binary point multiplication. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** Single-table comb method. */
-#define COMBS 2
-/** Double-table comb method. */
-#define COMBD 3
-/** Left-to-right Width-w NAF. */
-#define LWNAF 4
-/** Chosen prime elliptic twisted Edwards curve point multiplication method. */
-#define ED_FIX @ED_FIX@
-/** Basic simultaneouns point multiplication. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** Shamir's trick. */
-#define TRICK 2
-/** Interleaving of w-(T)NAFs. */
-#define INTER 3
-/** Joint sparse form. */
-#define JOINT 4
-/** Chosen prime elliptic curve simulteanous point multiplication method. */
-#define ED_SIM @ED_SIM@
-/** Prime curves. */
-#define PRIME 1
-/** Binary curves. */
-#define CHAR2 2
-/** Edwards curves */
-#define EDDIE 3
-/** Chosen elliptic curve type. */
-#define EC_CUR @EC_CUR@
-/** Chosen elliptic curve cryptography method. */
-#define EC_METHD "@EC_METHD@"
-/** Prefer curves with efficient endomorphisms. */
-#cmakedefine EC_ENDOM
-/** Basic quadratic extension field arithmetic. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** Lazy-reduced extension field arithmetic. */
-#define LAZYR 2
-/* Chosen extension field arithmetic method. */
-#define PP_EXT @PP_EXT@
-/** Bilinear pairing method. */
-#define PP_METHD "@PP_METHD@"
-/** Tate pairing. */
-#define TATEP 1
-/** Weil pairing. */
-#define WEILP 2
-/** Optimal ate pairing. */
-#define OATEP 3
-/** Chosen pairing method over prime elliptic curves. */
-#define PP_MAP @PP_MAP@
-/** SHA-224 hash function. */
-#define SH224 2
-/** SHA-256 hash function. */
-#define SH256 3
-/** SHA-384 hash function. */
-#define SH384 4
-/** SHA-512 hash function. */
-#define SH512 5
-/** BLAKE2s-160 hash function. */
-#define B2S160 6
-/** BLAKE2s-256 hash function. */
-#define B2S256 7
-/** Chosen hash function. */
-#define MD_MAP @MD_MAP@
-/** Choice of hash function. */
-#define MD_METHD "@MD_METHD@"
-/** Chosen RSA method. */
-#cmakedefine CP_CRT
-/** RSA without padding. */
-#define BASIC 1
-/** RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 padding. */
-#define PKCS1 2
-/** RSA PKCS#1 v2.1 padding. */
-#define PKCS2 3
-/** Chosen RSA padding method. */
-#define CP_RSAPD @CP_RSAPD@
-/** Automatic memory allocation. */
-#define AUTO 1
-/** Dynamic memory allocation. */
-#define DYNAMIC 2
-/** Chosen memory allocation policy. */
-#define ALLOC @ALLOC@
-/** NIST HASH-DRBG generator. */
-#define HASHD 1
-/** Intel RdRand instruction. */
-#define RDRND 2
-/** Operating system underlying generator. */
-#define UDEV 3
-/** Override library generator with the callback. */
-#define CALL 4
-/** Chosen random generator. */
-#define RAND @RAND@
-/** Standard C library generator. */
-#define LIBC 1
-/** Intel RdRand instruction. */
-#define RDRND 2
-/** Device node generator. */
-#define UDEV 3
-/** Use Windows' CryptGenRandom. */
-#define WCGR 4
-/** Chosen random generator seeder. */
-#cmakedefine SEED @SEED@
-/** GNU/Linux operating system. */
-#define LINUX 1
-/** FreeBSD operating system. */
-#define FREEBSD 2
-/** Windows operating system. */
-#define MACOSX 3
-/** Windows operating system. */
-#define WINDOWS 4
-/** Android operating system. */
-#define DROID 5
-/** Arduino platform. */
-#define DUINO 6
-/** OpenBSD operating system. */
-#define OPENBSD 7
-/** Detected operation system. */
-#cmakedefine OPSYS @OPSYS@
-/** OpenMP multithreading support. */
-#define OPENMP 1
-/** POSIX multithreading support. */
-#define PTHREAD 2
-/** Chosen multithreading API. */
-#cmakedefine MULTI @MULTI@
-/** Per-process high-resolution timer. */
-#define HREAL 1
-/** Per-process high-resolution timer. */
-#define HPROC 2
-/** Per-thread high-resolution timer. */
-#define HTHRD 3
-/** POSIX-compatible timer. */
-#define POSIX 4
-/** ANSI-compatible timer. */
-#define ANSI 5
-/** Cycle-counting timer. */
-#define CYCLE 6
-/** Performance monitoring framework. */
-#define PERF 7
-/** Chosen timer. */
-#cmakedefine TIMER @TIMER@
-/** Prefix to identity this build of the library. */
-#cmakedefine LABEL @LABEL@
-#ifndef ASM
-#include "relic_label.h"
- * Prints the project options selected at build time.
- */
-void conf_print(void);
-#endif /* ASM */
-#endif /* !RLC_CONF_H */