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Updating KVIrc's translations

un1versal edited this page Oct 29, 2015 · 4 revisions

Source <—> Transifex Workflow

Developers should be able to add and change tr("xxx") in *.cpp or *.h files without caring about translations.

Sometimes (e.g. every X weeks, a month before a release, or anytime) a developer taking care of translations should follow this workflow:

  • Create a new temporary branch named e.g. "translations"
  • Run make messages-extract to extract the .pot files from the source code
  • Push the pot files containing English strings to transifex using tx push -s (more info, config:
  • Ideally, let translators do their work;
  • Pull the updated translations from transifex using tx pull -a -f
  • Commit the updated *.pot and *.po files and open a PR

Note: typo and other fixes should take place only in the *.cpp or *.h files, and they will obviously break old translations.
Since KVIrc translations are handled in an external site (Transifex), any modifications made to .po files will be overwritten the next time translations are synced from transifex.