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Frequently asked questions

How can I hide the join/part/quit messages?

Above the nicklist you can find a little green arrow, click on it and a menu will appear there. The second icon from left is the ›split view‹—click on it and the channel window will be splitted into a text part and a part for the join/part/quit messages. You can resize the window to fit your likings.

How can I change the format of my timestamps or add AM/PM?

The format used for the timestamps inside KVIrc is described in the ​Qt documentation. Have a look there, especially if you're looking for the AM/PM format.

I'm trying to execute a command (/me, /msg, /say, ...) but the text message gets truncated/I get a KVS error, why?

The KVIrc command line can accept text in two formats: the scripting format (KVS language), and user-friendly format. When the command line is in KVS mode (default), some characters have a special meaning (e.g.: /me test ;D will get truncated at the semicolon, since it means "end of command line" in KVS). To avoid such problems, you can:

  • Switch the command line to user-friendly mode: at the right of the command line you can find a little green arrow, click on it and a menu will appear there. The third icon from the left is the "command line mode" — click on it to switch between kvs and userfriendly mode.
  • Learn how to escape the special characters: In KVS the escape character is "" (backslash). Prefix any KVS special character with a backslash and they will be parsed as simple text (for example: /me test \;D).

How can I send a message starting with a "/" (slash) without it being interpreted as a command?

You have two options:

  • When sending the message, hold the Ctrl key while pressing Return (Ctrl+Enter).
  • Prefix the message with \. For example: \/hello

How can I connect to psyBNC? The connection hangs at the password request.

Stop using psyBNC, and start using ZNC.

How do I configure the client so it makes a sound if someone calls me in a channel I'm on?

First of all, type /snd.autodetect to make KVIrc detect your sound system.

Then, go to Settings -> Configure KVIrc -> General options -> Sound -> Highlighted message in inactive window, click Browse..., and then find the sound file you want KVIrc to use. Depending on your platform (Windows, GNU/Linux...) several formats are supported, if you're unsure, use a .wav file.

Remember that, for obvious reasons, no sound will be emitted if KVIrc is the active window when someone mentions you.

How do I completely disable avatars?

Hey, why? Are you sure? They are rather funny! :(

Alright, if you are certain about it, copy and then paste each one of these lines in any channel:

/option boolRequestMissingAvatars 0
/option boolShowAvatarsInUserlist 0
/option boolAutoAcceptIncomingAvatars 0
/option boolIgnoreCtcpAvatar 1

Avatars are disabled now. If you want to delete the avatars you already downloaded, type /echo $file.localdir(avatars) and then delete the contents of that folder.

Clicking URLs doesn't work anymore after upgrading, what's up?

Type this in any channel: /event(OnURLLinkClick,default) { openurl $0; }

I opened my logs with a text editor and they look like... I don't even know what they look like. What's up?

Well, KVIrc saves some information apart from the text in your logs, like colour codes. That's why we encourage you to use the log viewer: you'll be able to see the logs exactly as the messages were being produced in real time.

If you want to save logs with no control codes (this is, that can be opened with a regular text editor), type this in any channel:

/option boolStripMsgTypeInLogs 1
/option boolStripControlCodesInLogs 1

You're done! Logs saved from now on won't have any control codes.

KVIrc's portable mode doesn't work under Windows Vista/7/8. Why?

If you have UAC enabled (default setting) and KVIrc is installed in the "Program Files" or another UAC-protected folder and you have opted to use the portable setting, then KVIrc's data files will be found in the "VirtualStore" folder, typically: C:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\KVIrc\. If you plan on using the portable setting, it is recommended that you install KVIrc in a non UAC protected folder.

How can I backup my settings?

All your settings are stored in one folder. To find out what it is, type this in any window: /echo $file.localdir

How can I move the location of my settings folder?

To change the location KVIrc looks for your settings folder, you just have to edit one file. The location of it depends on your OS:

  • Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\(your name)\kvirc4.ini
  • Windows Vista and later: C:\Users\(your name)\kvirc4.ini (take into account the Users part can change depending on the language of your system).
  • Linux: .kvirc4.rc inside your home folder.

Why does Numpad Enter behave like spacebar in Linux?

The issue was reported in #1655, this however, is a OS issue and not a KVIrc issue. To fix read below.

Type xev command on a terminal and press normal enter followed by numbpad enter key.
You should get some output similar to:

Numbpad Enter

KeyRelease event, serial 37, synthetic NO, window 0x3800001,
    root 0x17b, subw 0x3800002, time 12012706, (38,47), root:(640,487),
    state 0x10, keycode 104 (keysym 0xff8d, KP_Enter), same_screen YES,
"   XLookupString gives 1 bytes: (0d) "
    XFilterEvent returns: False

Normal Enter

KeyRelease event, serial 37, synthetic NO, window 0x3800001,
    root 0x17b, subw 0x3800002, time 12008930, (38,47), root:(640,487),
    state 0x10, keycode 36 (keysym 0xff0d, Return), same_screen YES,
"   XLookupString gives 1 bytes: (0d) "
    XFilterEvent returns: False

To fix this type in a terminal xmodmap -e "keycode 104 = Return"

The fix will last for the session only, you can use your preferred method to make this workaround survive reboots. Enjoy 👍