Multi-stage builds is a feature in a Dockerfiles that enables you to create container images with much smaller footprint. This makes it super easy for us to use container to build our application whithout having to have any build time depedencies running on your machine.
In this exercise, we will build a docker image by compiling and building C# WebApp.
Download WebApp Sample and unzip into WebApp folder.
#1. Open Termminal / Command line and navigate to folder Multi-Stage-Web-App and open Dockerfile
#2. Notice multi-stage build
#Starts with slim image required to run app
FROM AS base
# Pull fully loaded image that can actually compile and build ASP.NET app
FROM AS build
COPY ["Multi-Stage-Web-App/Multi-Stage-Web-App.csproj", "Multi-Stage-Web-App/"]
RUN dotnet restore "Multi-Stage-Web-App/Multi-Stage-Web-App.csproj"
COPY . .
WORKDIR "/src/Multi-Stage-Web-App"
RUN dotnet build "Multi-Stage-Web-App.csproj" -c Release -o /app
# Now run publish to collect required Artifacts
FROM build AS publish
RUN dotnet publish "Multi-Stage-Web-App.csproj" -c Release -o /app
# Now copy the Artifacts onto base image
FROM base AS final
COPY --from=publish /app .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "Multi-Stage-Web-App.dll"]
Let's build an image from a Dockerfile and tag it as MyWebApp
#1. Open Termminal / Command line and navigate to WebApp folder (one folder above Dockerfile)
#2. Now let's build the docker
Docker build -t mywebapp -f ./Multi-Stage-Web-App/Dockerfile .
List all the Docker Images, you should see MyWebApp.
docker image ls
A container is a process that runs on a host and is statred using Docker Run
Let's run our web app and explose it on port 8081
docker run -d -p 8081:80 mywebapp
Identify command to stop the container and remove it (hint: rm).