Note: This guide is tested for FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE
From the root shell, run the following commands:
pkg install git gmake texinfo gcc openjdk-jre-7.151.01,1 wget
Type 'y' and hit enter to proceed with installing the packages.
Alternatively if you prefer to install from ports you can run the following [which will also install a much lower number of dependencies]:
portmaster -d devel/git devel/gmake print/texinfo lang/gcc java/openjdk7-jre ftp/wget
Type 'y' and hit enter to proceed with installing the packages.
Next, clone the repository and build the toolchain. [This may take some time to complete]
git clone
cd gendev
export MAKE=gmake [or 'setenv MAKE gmake' for csh]
The built toolchain and SGDK can now be installed.
Gendev is installed to $GENDEV [/opt/gendev] by default. While generally not 100% in line with FreeBSD's hier policy, it doesn't cause any interference so I would recommend using this to maintain compatability. Make sure that this directory is writable by the user.
Now install to $GENDEV
gmake install
You can test your new installation by building some sample code. This is also useful as a project template.
export GENDEV=/opt/gendev [or 'setenv GENDEV /opt/gendev' for csh]
cd ~/ (or some other directory)
cp -r gendev/sgdk/SGDK/sample/cube_flat ./
cd cube_flat
gmake -f $GENDEV/sgdk/mkfiles/makefile.gen clean all
If everything builds correctly, you should end up with a file out/rom.bin with a size of 131072 bytes. You can run this file in an emulator of choice to confirm your builds are functioning correctly.