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Kubernetes publishing-bot production instance notes

What is this and what does it do?

The publishing-bot for the Kubernetes project is running in the publishing-bot namespace on a CNCF sponsored GKE cluster aaa in the kubernetes-public project.

How do i get access to this?

If you need access to any of the following, please update groups.yaml.

GKE instance

publishing-bot is running in a GKE cluster named aaa in the kubernetes-public

The cluster can be accessed by To access the cluster, please see these instructions.

What images does it use?

Publishing-bot images can be pushed by

What commands are in this repo and how/when do i use them?

Make sure you are at the root of the publishing-bot repo before running these commands.

Populating repos

This script needs to be run whenever a new staging repo is added in kubernetes/kubernetes

hack/ kubernetes

Deploying the bot

make validate build-image push-image deploy CONFIG=configs/kubernetes

How to connect to the aaa cluster

You can use the Activate Cloud Shell in the GCP console above and in that console, run the following command

gcloud container clusters get-credentials aaa --region us-central1 --project kubernetes-public

then run kubectl commands to ensure you can see what's running in the cluster.

What is running there?

The publishing-bot runs in a separate kubernetes namespace by the same name in the aaa cluster. The manifests here have the definitions for these kubernetes resources. Example below:

davanum@cloudshell:~ (kubernetes-public)$ kubectl get pv,pvc,replicaset,pod -n publishing-bot
NAME                                                        CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS        CLAIM                                          STORAGECLASS   REASON   AGE
persistentvolume/pvc-084a4d52-0a57-4f70-a76a-5d2d2667429d   100Gi      RWO            Delete           Bound         publishing-bot/publisher-gopath                ssd                     8h

NAME                                     STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
persistentvolumeclaim/publisher-gopath   Bound    pvc-084a4d52-0a57-4f70-a76a-5d2d2667429d   100Gi      RWO            ssd            8h

NAME                        DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/publisher   1         1         1       45d

NAME                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/publisher-cdvwj   1/1     Running   0          9h

How do i know if/when the bot fails?

Follow this Kubernetes issue #56876. When the bot fails it re-opens this issue with a fresh log. So if you are subscribed to this issue, you can see the bot open the issue when it fails.

How do i see what the publishing bot is doing?

you can stream the logs of the pod to see what the publishing-bot is doing

kubectl -n publishing-bot logs pod/publisher-cdvwj -f

What is the persistent volume for?

To do its work the publishing-bot has to download all the repositories and performs git surgery on them. So publishing-bot keeps the downloaded copy around and re-uses them. For example, if the pod gets killed the new pod can still work off of the downloaded git repositories on the persistent volume. Occasionally if we suspect the downloaded git repos are corrupted for some reason (say github flakiness), we may have to cleanup the pv/pvc. in other words, The volume is cache only. Wiping it is not harmful in general (other than for the time it takes to recreate all the data).

How do i clean up the pvc?

Step 1: Use the command to scale down the replicaset

kubectl scale -n publishing-bot --replicas=0 replicaset publisher

Step 2: Delete the PVC

kubectl delete -n publishing-bot persistentvolumeclaim/publisher-gopath

Step 3: Make sure the PVC is deleted and removed from the namespace

kubectl get -n publishing-bot pvc

should not list any PVCs

Step 4: Re-deploy the pvc again

kubectl apply -n publishing-bot -f artifacts/manifests/pvc.yaml

Step 5: Scale up the replicaset

kubectl scale -n publishing-bot --replicas=1 replicaset publisher

Step 6: Watch the pod start back up from Pending

kubectl -n publishing-bot get pods