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Deploy Kubeflow Pipelines from Google Cloud Marketplace

Alpha version: Kubeflow Pipelines on GCP Marketplace is currently in Alpha with limited support. The Kubeflow team is interested in any feedback you may have, in particular with regards to usability of the feature. Please raise any issues or discussion items in the Kubeflow Pipelines issue tracker.

Go to Google Cloud Marketplace to deploy Kubeflow Pipelines by using a graphical interface. You can go to the Marketplace page for Kubeflow Pipelines directly, or search for "Kubeflow Pipelines" from the Marketplace landing page.

Once you have deployed Kubeflow Pipelines instances, you can view and manage them in the Pipelines Console.


You can deploy Kubeflow Pipelines to a new cluster or an existing cluster. New clusters aren't customizable, so if you need that, you should use the Google Kubernetes Engine to create a cluster that meets your requirements and then deploy to that. The required cluster profile is 3 nodes with 2 CPUs. You also can create the cluster via gcloud.

Here is a sample which will create a cluster with 3x2 CPUs and can access all GCP APIs without setting up secrets.

gcloud container clusters create $CLUSTER_NAME \
    --zone $ZONE \
    --machine-type n1-standard-2 \
    --scopes cloud-platform

You can only deploy one Kubeflow Pipelines into a given cluster.


Specify a Kubenetes namespace.

App instance name

Specify an app instance name to help you identify this instance.


Click Deploy to start deploying Kubeflow Pipelines into the cluster you specified. Deployment might take few minutes, so please be patient. After deployment is complete, go to the Pipelines Console to access the Kubeflow Pipelines instance.

GCP Service Account credentials

If you run pipelines that requires calling any GCP services, such as Cloud Storage, Cloud ML Engine, Dataflow, or Dataproc, you need to set the application default credential to a pipeline step by mounting the proper GCP service account token as a Kubernetes secret.

First point your kubectl current context to your cluster

export PROJECT_ID=<my-project-id>
export CLUSTER=<cluster-where-kfp-was-installed>
export ZONE=<zone-where-kfp-was-installed>
# Configure kubectl to connect with the cluster
gcloud container clusters get-credentials "$CLUSTER" --zone "$ZONE" --project "$PROJECT_ID"

Then you can create a service account with the necessary IAM permissions

export SA_NAME=<my-account>
export NAMESPACE=<namespace-where-kfp-was-installed>
# Create service account
gcloud iam service-accounts create $SA_NAME \
  --display-name $SA_NAME --project "$PROJECT_ID"
# Grant permissions to the service account by binding roles
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \
  --member=serviceAccount:$SA_NAME@$ \

# Note that you can not bind multiple roles in one line.
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \
  --member=serviceAccount:$SA_NAME@$ \

# More roles can be binded if your pipeline requires it.
# --role=roles/bigquery.admin
# --role=roles/dataproc.admin
# --role=roles/dataflow.admin

and store the service account credential as a Kubernetes secret user-gcp-sa in the cluster

# Create credential for the service account
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create application_default_credentials.json --iam-account $SA_NAME@$

# Attempt to create a k8s secret. If already exists, override.
kubectl create secret generic user-gcp-sa \
  --from-file=user-gcp-sa.json=application_default_credentials.json \
  -n $NAMESPACE --dry-run=client -o yaml  |  kubectl apply -f -

Remove the private key file if needed

rm application_default_credentials.json


Warning message in Pipelines Console

If you see the following warning message in the Pipeline console:

Sorry, the server was only able to partially fulfill your request. Some data might not be rendered.

Possible reasons are:

  • the cluster is under upgrading
  • the new Kubeflow Pipeline instance is under deployment

Wait for a while and then refresh.

Access Kubeflow Pipelines UI got forbidden

It's possible you can access Console but can't Open Pipelines Dashboard. It gives you following message:



  • Others created the cluster and deployed the instances for you.
  • You don't have corresponding permission to access it.


  • Please ask admin to find out the Google Service Account used to create the cluster and then add your account as its Service Account User via Service accounts. From the list table, check the service account, click the Info Panel, you will find a button Add member and add it as Service Account User. The Google Service Account is Compute Engine default service account if you didn't set it when creating the cluster.
  • Please also add your account as Project Viewer via IAM.

For simplicity but not good for security, adding as Project Editor also can work.

Pipeline steps got insufficient permission

If you see an error message stating that the pipeline got insufficient permissions, for example:

 Error executing an HTTP request: HTTP response code 403 with body '{
 "error": {
  "errors": [
    "domain": "global",
    "reason": "insufficientPermissions",
    "message": "Insufficient Permission"
  "code": 403,
  "message": "Insufficient Permission"

please make sure following the procedure in credential setup. IAM configuration and/or API enabling might take up to 5 mins to propagate.