This document outlines the recommendations and requirements for defining WG and subproject governance.
This doc uses rfc2119 to indicate keyword requirement levels. Sub elements of a list inherit the requirements of the parent by default unless overridden.
Following is the checklist of items that should be considered as part of defining governance for any subarea of the Kubeflow project.
- MUST enumerate any roles within the WG and the responsibilities of each
- MUST define process for changing the membership of roles
- When and how new members are chosen / added to each role
- When and how existing members are retired from each role
- SHOULD define restrictions / requirements for membership of roles
- MAY define target staffing numbers of roles
MUST define when and how collaboration between members of the WG is organized
- SHOULD define how periodic video conference meetings are arranged and run
- SHOULD define how conference / summit sessions are arranged
- MAY define periodic office hours on slack or video conference
MAY define process for new community members to contribute to the area
- e.g. read a contributing guide, show up at WG meeting, message the google group
MUST define how subprojects are managed
- When and how new subprojects are created
- Subprojects MUST define roles (and membership) within subprojects
The following checklist applies to both WGs and subprojects of WGs as appropriate:
MUST define how milestones / releases are set
- How target dates for milestones / releases are proposed and accepted
- What priorities are targeted for milestones
- The process for publishing a release
SHOULD define how priorities / commitments are managed
- How priorities are determined
- How priorities are staffed
All technical assets MUST be owned by exactly 1 WG subproject. The following checklist applies to subprojects:
MUST define how technical decisions are communicated and made within the WG or project
- Process for proposal, where and how it is published and discussed, when and how a decision is made (e.g. KEP process)
- Who are the decision makers on proposals (e.g. anyone in the world can block, just reviewers on the PR, just approvers in OWNERs, etc)
- How disagreements are resolved within the area (e.g. discussion, fallback on voting, escalation, etc)
- How and when disagreements may be escalated
- SHOULD define expectations and recommendations for proposal process (e.g. escalate if not progress towards resolution in 2 weeks)
- SHOULD define a level of commitment for decisions that have gone through the formal process (e.g. when is a decision revisited or reversed)
MUST define how technical assets of project remain healthy and can be released
- Publicly published signals used to determine if code is in a healthy and releasable state
- Commitment and process to only release when signals say code is releasable
- Commitment and process to ensure assets are in a releasable state for milestones / releases coordinated across multiple areas / subprojects (e.g. the Kubeflow OSS release)
- SHOULD define target metrics for health signal (e.g. broken tests fixed within N days)
- SHOULD define process for meeting target metrics (e.g. all tests run as presubmit, build cop, etc)