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File metadata and controls

142 lines (102 loc) · 5.45 KB

Getting Started With The ListBundle


This version of the bundle requires Symfony 2.2+.


Installation is a quick process:

  1. Download ListBundle using composer
  2. Enable the Bundle
  3. Create your list's configuration
  4. Initialize your configuration
  5. Render the list

Step 1: Download ListBundle using composer

Add KristofvcListBundle in your composer.json:

    "require": {
        "kristofvc/list-bundle": "dev-master"

Now tell composer to download the bundle by running the command:

$ php composer.phar update kristofvc/list-bundle

Composer will install the bundle to your project's vendor/kristofvc directory.

Step 2: Enable the bundle

Enable the bundle in the kernel:

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new Kristofvc\ListBundle\KristofvcListBundle(),

Step 3: Create your list's configuration

To render a list of certain objects you need to make a simple service to tell this bundle how to render your list. To start this configuration, you need to extend the 'Kristofvc\ListBundle\Configuration\AbstractListORMConfiguration'-class. The following example is for a list of users.


    namespace UserBundle\Helper;

    use Kristofvc\ListBundle\Model\Column;
    use Kristofvc\ListBundle\Model\Action;
    use Kristofvc\ListBundle\Configuration\AbstractListConfiguration;
    use Kristofvc\ListBundle\Model\Filters\StringFilter;
    use Kristofvc\ListBundle\Model\Filters\DateFilter;

    class UserListConfiguration extends AbstractListORMConfiguration
        public function buildColumns(){
            $this->addColumn(new Column('Email', 'E-mail', array('sortable' => true)));
            $this->addColumn(new Column('Name', 'Name', array('sortable' => true, 'sortField' => 'lastname, i.firstname', 'route' => 'admin_user_edit', 'routeParams' => array('Id'))));
            $this->addColumn(new Column('Groups', 'Groups'));
            $this->addColumn(new Column('LastLogin', 'Last logged in at', array('sortable' => true)));

        public function buildActions(){
            $this->addAction(new Action('edit', 'admin_user_edit', array('Id'), array('icon' => 'icon-edit')));
            $this->addAction(new Action('delete', 'admin_user_deleteuser', array('Id'), array('icon' => 'icon-trash', 'iconWhite'=> true, 'btnColour' => 'danger', 'modal' => true)));

        public function buildFilters(){
            $this->addFilter(new StringORMFilter('E-mail', 'email'));
            $this->addFilter(new StringORMFilter('Firstname', 'firstname'));
            $this->addFilter(new StringORMFilter('Lastname', 'lastname'));
            $this->addFilter(new DateORMFilter('Last login', 'lastLogin'));

        public function getRepository(){
            return "AcmeDemoBundle:User";

        public function buildQuery(QueryBuilder &$qb){
            $qb->andWhere('i.deletedAt is null');

As you can see, when you extend the AbstractListORMConfiguration, you need to implement some methods.

buildColumns() allows you to build the columns of your list. You need to specify a name for each column as a first parameter. This name is also used for rendering the value for each object, so every column-name you define needs a get-, has- or is-method in your object's class. Next parameter is the header for the column. Optionally you can use the third parameter to add whether the column needs sorting functionality or not and which fields you want to sort on (if no fields are defined, it takes the column-name). You can then also add a route en route-parameters to link values in the column to (see column 'name').

buildActions() adds actions to your list. In the example we have two actions, an edit action, and a delete action. An action takes a name, a route and routeparameters. Optionally you can define an icon, whether the action needs a dialog confirmation or not, and which colour the button should be ('delete'-action in example above).

buildFilters() defines which fields you want to filter on. For each field you can choose different types of filters.

When adding filters, make sure to include the Partials\scripts.html.twig file in your views. ( {% include "KristofvcListBundle:Partials:scripts.html.twig" %}) and include a copy of jQuery.

getRepository() tells you which entity you want to build your list with.

buildQuery() can be used optionally and defines some extra parameters for your query.

Step 4: Initialize your configuration

To render the list you need to initialize the list in your controller or add it as a service and fetch it in the controller.

  return array(..., 'listConfiguration' => new , ...)

Step 5: Render the list

Next render the list in you twig-file.

    {{ renderList(listConfiguration) }}

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