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This package provides a way to predict the errorrates for certain sample sizes, based on a classifier that was trained and tested on a pilot dataset. This is done using the classifiers from the mlr3learners package. Also, this package provides a way to plot the predicted errorrates.


The most recent version of Predictsamplesize can be downloaded and installed using


Preparing example data

To show the functionality of the package, data from the Golub et. al study from 1999, 'Molecular classification of cancer: class discovery and class prediction by gene expression monitoring' is preproccessed and used using the following code.

if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))

library(this.path)  ## to get full path of script

main.dir = dirname(this.path())


se = SummarizedExperiment(
  assays = list(expr = exprs(Golub_Merge)),
  colData = pData(Golub_Merge))
        file = file.path(main.dir, "se_golub.rds"))

## PCA

res.pca = calculate_mds_pca(se = se,
                            method = "pca")
                se = se,
                var.color = "ALL.AML")

Using the Package

We start by loading the package.


After loading the library we set the parameters for the first of the first functions that is provided by this package.

golub <- readRDS(file.path(main.dir, 'se_golub_rds'))
assay <- 'expr'
outcome <- 'ALL.AML'

After that we start the first function two times, where the first time a balanced approach is used and the second time an unbalanced approach is used. For example purposes a Random Forest classifier is chosen for both approaches. Also a repetition of 10 is chosen to generate the result faster.

ALL.AML_TRUE <- train_pred_model_on_subsets(se = golub, assay = assay, outcome = outcome, 
                                    classifier = "classif.ranger", balanced = TRUE, n_rep = 10)
ALL.AML_FALSE <-  train_pred_model_on_subsets(se = golub, assay = assay, outcome = outcome, 
                                    classifier = "classif.ranger", balanced = FALSE, n_rep = 10)

The resulting dataframes contain the mean, 25 and 75 quantile errorrates for all 10 used groupsizes, as well as the pvalue that was gained by using a onesided wilcoxon-test against the percentage of the lower group.


After running the function two times a second function is used to predict the errorates up to a treshold of 500 individuals.

ALL.AML_TRUE_est <- estimate_learning_curve(ALL.AML_TRUE, 500)
ALL.AML_FALSE_est <- estimate_learning_curve(ALL.AML_FALSE, 500)

The resulting dataframe contains the the sized for which the error was predicted, as well as the predicted errors for the mean and the 25/75 quantile.


After doing this we display the estimated errorrates and the mean errorates that were gained using the pilotdataset.

plot_learning_curve(ALL.AML_TRUE_est , ALL.AML_TRUE)
plot_learning_curve(ALL.AML_FALSE_est , ALL.AML_FALSE)

Now it can be clearly seen, what sample size should be choosen to only get a certain error when training a classifier on the data.