All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.17.0 (2017-12-05)
- Dialog: ability to style dialog using inline styles (#57) (d72c165)
- Textfield: support trailing and leading icons (#50) (9335929)
0.16.0 (2017-10-23)
- Toolbar: Support all toolbar modes (#53) (8c36321)
0.15.0 (2017-10-18)
- Typography: filenames for Body1 and Body2 (#43) (d068384)
CardHorizontalBlock: new component (#35) (b895283)
Slider: create new component (#47) (147fade)
Textfield: extend by invalid property (#38) (dea96eb)
Update to material-components-web v0.22.0 (ff19ccd)
- DOM change to add a bottom line element
- multi-line text field is now called textarea
0.14.0 (2017-06-28)
- CardTitle: possibility to define large title (#29) (db55edf)
0.13.0 (2017-06-15)
- Checkbox: handle class names (#26) (60e9e18)
- LinearProgress: create new component (#25) (287972b)
- Tabs: create new component (#20) (e8311e1)
0.12.2 (2017-05-01)
0.12.0 (2017-05-01)
- Menu: remove css import (#21) (a69552c)
- List: possibility to align detail items (2e5bd3c)
- List: support two lines of text in ListItem (ff60ab5)
- Switch: create new component (#12) (50884aa)
0.11.0 (2017-04-20)
0.10.1 (2017-04-11)
- Menu: create new component (2b1cc3d)
- Textfield: support multiline text (#17) (ee9d5b1)
- Toolbar: create ToolbarRow component (#16) (6432354)
0.9.0 (2017-03-22)
- components: remove default css imports (#5) (1c15d67)
- Dialog: add new Dialog component (#8) (250cad6)
- ListHeader: create new component (f40347a)
- Textfield: support helptext (fddaf31)
- Textfield: support required property (4bf091d)
- components: Default CSS is not included into components anymore
0.8.0 (2017-03-13)
- Drawer: Drawer inadvertently intercepts events (de56a4a)
- Drawer: convert drawer to use a declarative pattern (#6) (f3d1115)
- ListDivider: render hl or li, depending of parent tag (e23ca7c)
- ListGroup: create new component (5cdaadd)
- Radio: create new component (4748f71)
- Drawer:
property is not supported anymore. To open/close drawer useopen
0.7.1 (2017-03-02)
- Fab: correct icon position (eba8518)
0.7.0 (2017-03-02)
- Grid: move Grid and Cell to new directory (5200f07)
- Content: create new component (582ed05)
- Layout: create new component (2425a64)
- Snackbar: create new component (26ed5b6)
- Toolbar: create new component (388452d)
- Grid: Grid and Cell components has moved to directory 'Grid'
0.6.0 (2017-02-20)
- Elevation: check definition of elevation level (79e0da7)
- CardMedia: create new component (78d81ce)
- Drawer: possibility to close drawer by drag (d710376)
- Layout: remove desktop property from Cell (0f04fbd)
0.5.1 (2017-02-10)
- Button: create component (9e446d8)
- Card: new component (7885033)
- Card: support style and other props (dff7be1)
- CardActions: create new component (b30b13f)
- CardActions: extends actions by mdc-action class (a4639eb)
- CardHeader: create new component (57d992b)
- CardSubtitle: create new component (4bf15e6)
- CardText: create new component (36abef4)
- CardTitle: create new component (9417d3d)
- Checkbox: create Checkbox component (e5dd77f)
- Drawer: create component for permanent Drawer (fdbfb36)
- Drawer: create component for temporary Drawer (1be7147)
- Elevation: create new component (65de76f)
- Fab: create new component (ac3ed89)
- FormField: create component for FormField (b8470c3)
- IconToggle: create component for IconToggle (7d25a0a)
- Layout: create Grid and Cell components (e492caa)
- List: add role for ListDivider (809bf20)
- List: create List component (c3f9d4c)
- List: create ListDivider component (5a05d39)
- Readme: install insctruction (e2c0729)
- Textfield: check validity (e51e758)
- Textfield: create new component (d7abdc2)
- TextField: handle onChange event (f153cf0)