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324 lines (226 loc) · 11.7 KB

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324 lines (226 loc) · 11.7 KB
Error in user YAML: (<unknown>): found character that cannot start any token while scanning for the next token at line 5 column 1
title: Courseras' Getting and Cleaning Data Course Project Codebook.
author: k.e.s.peters
date: 21-jun-2015
		keep_md: yes

This code book will only explain the variables of the final dataset (tidy_data.txt). Please consult the for information about how the tidy_data was created.

tidy_data dimension: 180 rows, 68 columns

1: subject description: subject number class: integer range: 1 to 30

2: activity description: descriptive activity name class: character range: WALKING WALKING_UPSTAIRS WALKING_DOWNSTAIRS SITTING STANDING LAYING

3: tBodyAcc-mean()-X description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized mean from the time domain of the body acceleration in the X-direction' class: numeric NOTE: original values were 'standardized Z values' ranging between -1 and 1

4: tBoddyAcc-mean()-Y description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized mean from thetime domain of the body acceleration in the Y-direction' class: numeric

5: tBoddyAcc-mean()-Z description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized mean from the time domain of the body acceleration in the Z-direction' class: numeric

6: tBodyAcc-std()-X description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized std from the time domain of the body acceleration in the X-direction' class: numeric

7: tBodyAcc-std()-Y description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized std from the time domain of the body acceleration in the Y-direction' class: numeric

8: tBodyAcc-std()-Z description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized std from the time domain of the body acceleration in the Z-direction' class: numeric

9: tGravityAcc-mean()-X description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized mean from the time domain of the gravity acceleration in the X-direction' class: numeric

10: tGravityAcc-mean()-Y description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized mean from the time domain of the gravity acceleration in the Y-direction' class: numeric

11: tGravityAcc-mean()-Z description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized mean from the time domain of the gravity acceleration in the Z-direction' class: numeric

12: tGravityAcc-std()-X description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized std from the time domain of the gravity acceleration in the X-direction' class: numeric

13: tGravityAcc-std()-Y description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized std from the time domain of the gravity acceleration in the Y-direction' class: numeric

14: tGravityAcc-std()-Z description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized std from the time domain of the gravity acceleration in the Z-direction' class: numeric

15: tBodyAccJerk-mean()-X description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized mean from the time domain of the body jerk in the X-direction' class: numeric

16: tBodyAccJerk-mean()-Y description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized mean from the time domain of the body jerk in the Y-direction' class: numeric

17: tBodyAccJerk-mean()-Z description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized mean from the time domain of the body jerk in the Z-direction' class: numeric

18: tBodyAccJerk-std()-X description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized std from the time domain of the body jerk in the X-direction' class: numeric

19: tBodyAccJerk-mean()-Y description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized mean from the time domain of the body jerk in the Y-direction' class: numeric

20: tBodyAccJerk-mean()-Z description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized mean from the time domain of the body jerk in the Z-direction' class: numeric

21: tBodyGyro-mean()-X description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized mean from the time domain of the body gyroscope in the X-direction' class: numeric

22: tBodyGyro-mean()-Y description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized mean from the time domain of the body gyroscope in the Y-direction' class: numeric

23: tBodyGyro-mean()-X description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized mean from the time domain of the body gyroscope in the X-direction' class: numeric

24: tBodyGyro-std()-X description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized std from the time domain of the body gyroscope in the X-direction' class: numeric

25: tBodyGyro-std()-Y description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized std from the time domain of the body gyroscope in the Y-direction' class: numeric

26: tBodyGyro-std()-Z description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized std from the time domain of the body gyroscope in the Z-direction' class: numeric

27: tBodyGyroJerk-mean()-X description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized mean from the time domain of the body gyroscope jerk in the X-direction' class: numeric

28: tBodyGyroJerk-mean()-Y description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized mean from the time domain of the body gyroscope jerk in the Y-direction' class: numeric

29: tBodyGyroJerk-mean()-Z description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized mean from the time domain of the body gyroscope jerk in the Z-direction' class: numeric

30: tBodyGyroJerk-std()-X description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized std from the time domain of the body gyroscope jerk in the X-direction' class: numeric

31: tBodyGyroJerk-mean()-Y description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized mean from the time domain of the body gyroscope jerk in the Y-direction' class: numeric

32: tBodyGyroJerk-mean()-Z description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized mean from the time domain of the body gyroscope jerk in the Z-direction' class: numeric

33: tBodyAccMag-mean() description: aggregated mean of the 'three-dimeansional standardized Euclidean norm mean from the time domain of body acceleration magnitude' class: numeric

34: tBodyAccMag-std() description: aggregated mean of the 'three-dimeansional standardized Euclidean norm std from the time domain of body acceleration magnitude' class: numeric

35: tGravityAccMag-mean() description: aggregated mean of the 'three-dimeansional standardized Euclidean norm mean from the time domain of gravity acceleration magnitude' class: numeric

36: tGravityAccMag-std() description: aggregated mean of the 'three-dimeansional standardized Euclidean norm std from the time domain of gravity acceleration magnitude' class: numeric

37: tBodyAccJerkMag-mean() description: aggregated mean of the 'three-dimeansional standardized Euclidean norm mean from the time domain of body acceleration jerk magnitude' class: numeric

38: tBodyAccJerkMag-std() description: aggregated mean of the 'three-dimeansional standardized Euclidean norm std from the time domain of body acceleration jerk magnitude' class: numeric

39: tBodyGyroMag-mean() description: aggregated mean of the 'three-dimeansional standardized Euclidean norm mean from the time domain of body gryoscope magnitude' class: numeric

40: tBodyGyroMag-std() description: aggregated mean of the 'three-dimeansional standardized Euclidean norm std from the time domain of body gryoscope magnitude' class: numeric

41: tBodyGyroJerkMag-mean() description: aggregated mean of the 'three-dimeansional standardized Euclidean norm mean from the time domain of body gryoscope jerk magnitude' class: numeric

42: tBodyGyroJerkMag-std() description: aggregated mean of the 'three-dimeansional standardized Euclidean norm std from the time domain of body gryoscope jerk magnitude' class: numeric

43: fBodyAcc-mean()-X description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized mean from the frequency domain of the body acceleration in the X-direction' class: numeric NOTE: original values were 'standardized Z values' ranging between -1 and 1

44: fBoddyAcc-mean()-Y description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized mean from the frequency domain of the body acceleration in the Y-direction' class: numeric

45: fBoddyAcc-mean()-Z description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized mean from the frequency domain of the body acceleration in the Z-direction' class: numeric

46: fBodyAcc-std()-X description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized std from the frequency domain of the body acceleration in the X-direction' class: numeric

47: fBodyAcc-std()-Y description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized std from the frequency domain of the body acceleration in the Y-direction' class: numeric

48: fBodyAcc-std()-Z description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized std from the frequency domain of the body acceleration in the Z-direction' class: numeric

49: fBodyAccJerk-mean()-X description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized mean from the frequency domain of the body jerk in the X-direction' class: numeric

50: fBodyAccJerk-mean()-Y description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized mean from the frequency domain of the body jerk in the Y-direction' class: numeric

51: fBodyAccJerk-mean()-Z description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized mean from the frequency domain of the body jerk in the Z-direction' class: numeric

52: fBodyAccJerk-std()-X description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized std from the frequency domain of the body jerk in the X-direction' class: numeric

53: fBodyAccJerk-mean()-Y description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized mean from the frequency domain of the body jerk in the Y-direction' class: numeric

54: fBodyAccJerk-mean()-Z description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized mean from the freaquency domain of the body jerk in the Z-direction' class: numeric

55: fBodyGyro-mean()-X description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized mean from the frequency domain of the body gyroscope in the X-direction' class: numeric

56: fBodyGyro-mean()-Y description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized mean from the frequency domain of the body gyroscope in the Y-direction' class: numeric

57: fBodyGyro-mean()-X description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized mean from the frequency domain of the body gyroscope in the X-direction' class: numeric

58: fBodyGyro-std()-X description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized std from the frequency domain of the body gyroscope in the X-direction' class: numeric

59: fBodyGyro-std()-Y description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized std from the frequency domain of the body gyroscope in the Y-direction' class: numeric

60: fBodyGyro-std()-Z description: aggregated mean of the 'standardized std from the frequency domain of the body gyroscope in the Z-direction' class: numeric

61: fBodyAccMag-mean() description: aggregated mean of the 'three-dimensional standardized Euclidean norm mean from the frequency domain of body acceleration magnitude' class: numeric

62: fBodyAccMag-std() description: aggregated mean of the 'three-dimensional standardized Euclidean norm std from the frequency domain of body acceleration magnitude' class: numeric

63: fBodyBodyAccJerkMag-mean() description: aggregated mean of the 'three-dimensional standardized Eucldean norm mean from the frequency domain of body body acceleration jerk magnitude' class: numeric

64: fBodyBodyAccJerkMag-std() description: aggregated mean of the 'three-dimensional standardized Eucldean norm std from the frequency domain of body body acceleration jerk magnitude' class: numeric

65: fBodyBodyFyroMag-mean() description: aggregated mean of the 'three-dimensional standardized Eucldean norm mean from the frequency domain of body body gyroscope magnitude' class: numeric

66: fBodyBodyFyroMag-std() description: aggregated mean of the 'three-dimensional standardized Eucldean norm std from the frequency domain of body body gyroscope magnitude' class: numeric

67: fBodyBodyGyroJerkMag-mean() description: aggregated mean of the 'three-dimensional standardized Eucldean norm mean from the frequency domain of body body gyroscope jerk magnitude' class: numeric

68: fBodyBodyGyroJerkMag-std() description: aggregated mean of the 'three-dimensional standardized Eucldean norm std from the frequency domain of body body gyroscope jerk magnitude' class: numeric