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Release process

Paweł Pastuszak edited this page Jun 11, 2016 · 53 revisions

This page contains some information on how to do Vis releases and is probably completely irrelevant for you.


  1. Change ui/build.gradle version: remove SNAPSHOT
  2. Check VisUI.version
  3. Do gradlew :ui:uploadArchives
  4. Do gradlew closeAndPromoteRepository
  5. Update ui/build.gradle with next version with SNAPSHOT
  6. Update VisUI.version
  7. Update CHANGES
  8. Update USL
  9. Commit changes
  10. Update Github Wiki Page
  11. Create new release on GitHub
  12. Write blog post, update GitHub release
  13. PR LibGDX, update IRC topic
  14. Update contrib


  1. Update App.version
  2. Disable Jenkins projects: runtime, runtime-gwt, editor-edge
  3. Do gradlew :runtime:uploadArchives :runtime-gwt:uploadArchives
  4. Do gradlew closeAndPromoteRepository
  5. Commit changes and build editor stable via Jenkins
  6. Create release on Github
  7. Update App.version with new version, VersionCodes, update CHANGES, project converters
  8. Re enable Jenkins projects
  9. Commit changes
  10. Update website, twitter, IRC, etc.