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File metadata and controls

213 lines (137 loc) · 9.8 KB


{% hint style="info" %} Kotal uses only go-ipfs client for IPFS peers, that's why there's no .spec.client option. {% endhint %}

Syntax Type Description Default
initProfiles Array List of initial configuration profiles default-datastore
profiles Array List of configuration profiles to apply after peer initialization
apiHost string API server host
apiPort number API server port 5001
gatewayHost string Local ipfs gateway host
gatewayPort number Local ipfs gateway port 8080
routing string Content routing mechanism dht
swarmKeySecretName string Name of the k8s secret holding swarm secret key
resources object Compute and storage resources


initProfiles is al list of initial ipfs configuration profile.

initialProfiles available values are server, randomports, default-datastore, local-discovery, test, default-networking, flatfs, badgerds, and lowpower.

initProfiles can't be updated (immutable).


profiles is the list of configuration profiles to apply after peer initialization.

profiles available values are server, randomports, default-datastore, local-discovery, test, default-networking, flatfs, badgerds, and lowpower.


apiHost is API server host.

{% hint style="info" %} If you set apiHost to host other than, api calls forwarded to the container won't hit the API server. This is useful if you want to disallow calls to API server. {% endhint %}


apiPort is API server port.


gatewayHost is local ipfs gateway host.

{% hint style="info" %} If you set gatewayHost to host other than, gateway won't work. This is useful if you want to disable to access gateway from outside. {% endhint %}


gatewayPort is API server port.


routing is the content routing mechanism.

routing available values are none, dht, dhtclient, dhtserver.


swarmKeySecretName is the kubernetes secret name that's holding the swarm key in a key called secret.

kubectl create secret generic swarm-key --from-literal=secret=$w@rmk3y


resources allocates compute and storage resources to the peer.

resources object has the following fields:

Syntax Type Description Defalt
cpu string number of cpu cores this peer requires 1
cpuLimit string number of cpu cores this peer is limited to 2
memory string memory this peer requires 2Gi
memoryLimit string memory this peer is limited to 4Gi
storage string disk space this peer requires 10Gi
storageClass string Node volume storage class Cluster's default storage class will be used as defined by cluster admin or cloud provider

Memory and storage requests and limits must use the pattern ^[1-9][0-9]*[KMGTPE]i$ for example 1500Mi, 30Gi, and 1Ti.

cpu requests and limits must use the pattern ^[1-9][0-9]*m?$ for example 1000m (which is equal to 1 core), 1500m which is 1.5 core, 2 cores, and 4 cores.

cpuLimit can't be less than cpu.

memoryLimit can't be less than or equal to memory.

storageClass field is immutable, it cannot be changed after creation.


{% hint style="info" %} Kotal uses only ipfs-cluster-service for IPFS cluster peers that runs along with go-ipfs, that's why there's no .spec.client option. {% endhint %}

Syntax Type Description Default
id string Cluster peer ID
privateKeySecretName string Name of the k8s secret holding cluster peer privatekey * if consensus is crdt
trustedPeers array Peer IDs that can manage the pinset in crdt consensus
bootstrapPeers array Peers to connect to on startup
consensus string Cluster consensus algorithm crdt
peerEndpoint required string ipfs peer http API endpoint
clusterSecretName required string Name of the k8s secret holding cluster secret
resources object Compute and storage resources


id is cluster peer id derived from private key.

id is required if privateKeySecretName is provided.

id can be generated using ipfs-key tool.

ipfs-key -type ed25519 | base64

It will return an output similar to the following:

Generating a 2048 bit ed25519 key...
ID for generated key: 12D3KooWT2bqgwZPxHthAGBV9Ut8ZLraz1LARtB7vG3mF26Mtof1


privateKeySecretName is the name of the k8s secret holding base64 cluster peer privatekey in a key called key.

privateKeySecretName is required if id is provided.

privateKeySecretName can be generated using ipfs-key tool.

ipfs-key -type ed25519 | base64

It will return an output similar to the following:

Generating a 2048 bit ed25519 key...
ID for generated key: 12D3KooWT2bqgwZPxHthAGBV9Ut8ZLraz1LARtB7vG3mF26Mtof1


trustedPeers is a list of peer IDs that can manage the cluster pinset in crdt consensus clusters.

trustedPeers is ignored in raft consensus clusters.

trustedPeers default value is * which is trust all peers.


bootstrapPeers is a list of peers to connect to on startup.

{% hint style="warning" %} bootstrapPeers will be trusted peers in crdt clusters. {% endhint %}


consensus is the cluster consensus algorithm.


peerEndpoint id ipfs peer http API endpoint.

peerEndpoint is required for the cluster peer to function correctly.


clusterSecretName is the k8s secret name holding 32-bit hex-encoded (without 0x) cluster secret in a key called secret.

clusterSecretName can be generated using openssl tool:

CLUSTER_SECRET=$(openssl rand -hex 32)
kubectl create secret generic cluster-secret --from-literal=secret=$CLUSTER_SECRET


resources allocates compute and storage resources to the peer.

resources object has the following fields:

Syntax Type Description Defalt
cpu string number of cpu cores this peer requires 1
cpuLimit string number of cpu cores this peer is limited to 2
memory string memory this peer requires 2Gi
memoryLimit string memory this peer is limited to 4Gi
storage string disk space this peer requires 10Gi

Memory and storage requests and limits must use the pattern ^[1-9][0-9]*[KMGTPE]i$ for example 1500Mi, 30Gi, and 1Ti.

cpu requests and limits must use the pattern ^[1-9][0-9]*m?$ for example 1000m (which is equal to 1 core), 1500m which is 1.5 core, 2 cores, and 4 cores.

cpuLimit can't be less than cpu.

memoryLimit can't be less than or equal to memory.