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Asynk is a Ruby library for enabling synchronous/asynchronous inter-service communication, using RabbitMQ.


It's takes concepts of ruby gem called Hutch, but using Cellouid under hood for creating workers for processing queues, which requires significant memory requirements. Also as limitation of ruby you cannot make heavy computations in ruby and gather true concurrency. Asynk offers synchronous calls (RPC).


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'asynk'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install asynk


Firstly you should define consumer, Example of consumer

class V1::PaymentOrdersConsumer
  include Asynk::Consumer  

  set_consume 'sample_app.v1.users.create', 'sample_app.v1.users.notifications'

  set_queue_options ack: true
  set_subscribe_arguments manual_ack: true
  set_concurrency 2
  set_route_ending_as_action true  

  # handling asynchronous request from amqp
  def notifications(params)    
    # do here some works
    ack! # required if you manually processing acknowledgments, available methods reject!, requeue!

  # example for handling synchronous request
  def create(params)
    result = my_method # here we doing some work, and saving result of
    result = :ok, body: result) # result should any object which implements to_json.
    respond(result) # if producer expecting response, we should response with some data.
                    # Is not required to use any format of response. But preferred way is to use class Asynk::Response,
                    # which used as lightweight implementation of http. (Containing body, status, and error_message).

Firstly you should define Class, and include Asynk::Consumer.

  • set_consume list of topics to consume
  • set_queue_options set for options which created after server initialized
  • set_subscribe_arguments set options which passed to when subscribing queue to exchange
  • set_concurrency amount of workers which will consume for each consumer
  • set_route_ending_as_action this options defines, that last item of consume topic is used as method name (ex:, last item show, will be called in this class.)

Also, after instance creation, has several methods,

  • log logger object for sending logs for default Logger of Asynk.
  • ack!, reject!, requeue! methods is used for handling messages, if you want manually work with acknowledgments

After declaring consumer, now you can send some request using default Asynk::Publisher, it has two options:

  • sync_publish synchronous sending of message, and waiting for response from consumer. You should define timeouts, if consumers crashes it never receives a message. timeout - says the amount of time in seconds for waiting message, if timeout reaches it sends TimeoutError.
  • publish just sending message, and forgets about it.
  # here sending synchronous messages
  Asynk::Publisher.sync_publish('sample_app.v1.users.create', { name: 'Tom', surname: 'Lane', timeout: 10 })

  # here sending asynchronous messages
  Asynk::Publisher.publish('sample_app.v1.users.notifications', { name: 'Tom', surname: 'Lane' })

Asynk is using pool for channels for receiving and sending messages. Usage in rails, should initialize authentication data and init connection to RabbitMQ server.

# Init authentication
Asynk.config[:mq_host] = ENV['MQ_HOST']
Asynk.config[:mq_username] = ENV['MQ_USERNAME']
Asynk.config[:mq_password] = ENV['MQ_PASSWORD']

# Init connection to server.

# here we initializing logger.
if Rails.env.stage? || Rails.env.production?
  if Asynk.booted_inside? # if we booting inside asynk, it's separate process than rails server.
    Asynk.logger.level = ::Logger::DEBUG
  else # If we booted inside  rails project, we can use rails's logger.
    Asynk.logger = Rails.logger
  Asynk.logger.level = ::Logger::INFO
  Asynk.config[:publisher_execution_time] = false

Config options

  • mq_exchange exchange to use for publishing (default 'asynk_exchange_topic')
  • sync_publish_wait_timeout time to wait for sync requests. If timeout reaches, the timeout raised. (default 10 seconds)
  • default_consumer_concurrency numbers of workers to start per consumer (default 1)
  • logfile log file for default logger of asynk (default 'log/asynk.log')
  • pidifle Asynk consumers is running on different process, this file is used to store pid file (default 'tmp/pids/')
  • mq_host host for connection to broker (RabbitMQ) (default 'localhost')
  • mq_port port for connection to broker (RabbitMQ) (default 5672)
  • mq_vhost vhost for connection to broker (RabbitMQ) (default '/')
  • mq_username username for connection to broker (RabbitMQ) (default 'guest')
  • mq_password password for connection to broker (RabbitMQ) (default 'guest')
  • publisher_execution_time used for profiling time to send when using Asynk::Publisher (default true)
  • respond_back_execution_time used for profiling time used for processing sync response (default true)
  • ignored_consumers this parameter used for disabling unused consumers as array of strings with consumer class names(default [])

Testing your consumers

Firstly you should include Asynk::TestHelper to your test class, and then call sync_publish method for sending request, if this is rpc call, invoke the asynk_response method for getting response.

Example using with Rails and MiniTest.

  # test_helper.rb
  class ActiveSupport::TestCase
    # include the test helper.  
    include Asynk::TestHelper

    # wrapping the response with Asynk::Response class, otherwise it will be just string value.
    def asynk_response

  # some_consumer_test.rb  

  test 'should show profile' do
    publish_sync 'some_route', { name: 'Chris' }

    assert asynk_response.success? # testing for status of the response
    assert asynk_response[:unread_messages] # testing the returned data
    assert asynk_response[:unread_message_count]    

Disabling consumers

If you have application that have multiple different consumers, you can disable some of them by setting ignored_consumers parameter.

For example, if you have application that implements media file processing consumers - TranscodeVideoConsumer, ResizeImageConsumer, CutAudioConsumer and you want one server only to transcode video files.

You have to set ignored_consumers parameter before connecting to server

Asynk.config[:ignored_consumers] = ['ResizeImageConsumer', 'CutAudioConsumer']

Also you can set ignored consumers in string environment variable

export IGNORED_CONSUMERS=ResizeImageConsumer,CutAudioConsumer

and then in Asynk initializer

Asynk.config[:ignored_consumers] = ENV['IGNORED_CONSUMERS'].delete(' ').split(',') if ENV['IGNORED_CONSUMERS']

Known problems

  • Poor documentation (source are poorly documented)
  • Poor test coverage (there are almost no test)
  • RPC calls implementation. Currently is implemented as continues loop, which tries get data from reply queue. Before it was implemented using Mutex, which caused huge time usage on handling them. I am not sure that current implementation is correct, but is id much faster in current tests. (On my machine 1-2 ms vs 7-8 ms).


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/gm_server/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request