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GraphQL Codegen SBT plugin

This is a sbt plugin for

Server example at (do not use plugin, only a normal graphql server )

Build Maven Central License: MIT

Plugin Setup

// plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("io.github.jxnu-liguobin" % "graphql-codegen-sbt-plugin" % "<version>") // since graphql-java-codegen V2.2.1

Java code will be generated by default, via set generatedLanguage =: GeneratedLanguage.SCALA to generate Scala code (since 4.0.0). By the way, Scala code is currently ugly.

Config for generating scala code

Options example in build.sbt

graphqlSchemaPaths := List("src/main/resources/schema.graphqls")
modelPackageName := Some("io.github.dreamylost.model")
apiPackageName := Some("io.github.dreamylost.api")
generateClient := true
generateApis := true
// Default value is com.kobylynskyi.graphql.codegen.model.GeneratedLanguage.JAVA to generate java codes
// Use Java code if your Scala code encounters errors. Configuration is the same. QAQ
generatedLanguage := com.kobylynskyi.graphql.codegen.model.GeneratedLanguage.SCALA
generateImmutableModels := true
modelNameSuffix := Some("DO")
customAnnotationsMapping := {
  // in the future, maybe wrap it by scala coolection
  val mapping = new util.HashMap[String, util.List[String]]
  val annotations = new util.ArrayList[String]()
  annotations.add("@com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeInfo(use=com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include=com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY,property = \"__typename\")")
    """@com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonSubTypes(value = Array(
      |        new com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonSubTypes.Type(value = classOf[HumanDO], name = "Human"),
      |        new com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonSubTypes.Type(value = classOf[DroidDO], name = "Droid")))""".stripMargin)
  mapping.put("Character", annotations)
  // Note: only for Scala, please pay attention here, codegen have not generated `EpisodeDOTypeRefer.scala` class, so you should create it.
  // Since, 4.1.3, support to generate it.
  // Since, 5.1.0, It will be done automatically, no need to add this.
  mapping.put("Droid.appearsIn", util.Arrays.asList("@com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.JsonScalaEnumeration(classOf[io.github.dreamylost.model.EpisodeDOTypeRefer])"))
  mapping.put("Human.appearsIn", util.Arrays.asList("@com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.JsonScalaEnumeration(classOf[io.github.dreamylost.model.EpisodeDOTypeRefer])"))
generateCodegenTargetPath in GraphQLCodegenConfig := crossTarget.value / "src_managed_graphql_scala"
generateEqualsAndHashCode := true
generateToString := true

Codegen Options

SBT task

  1. graphqlSchemaValidate
    • use validate at terminal by user, can get args from terminal, such as graphqlSchemaValidate src/main/resources/schema.graphqls, args split with space
  2. graphqlCodegen
    • generate java code from graphql schema
  3. graphqlCodegenValidate
    • use validate schemas that config in build.sbt key: graphqlSchemaPaths

Plugin Options

Please refer to Codegen Options

in sbt plugin option

  • packageName was rename to generatePackageName
  • generateCodegenTargetPath Where to store generated files and add the generated code to the classpath, so that they can be referenced. since 3.0.0 .