Awesome list, curated language learning resources [ so far a stub ]
Note: There was a branch called "Some-Unchecked" since some of the pages contain unchecked links, I've ended up merging it into master, since while it's a bit messy - I already find this collection very useful when juggling between target languages personally. (I Usually grep
for a language name)
Note:: This is a 'pre-release' state list, posted here to collect links for now. TODO: ASAP: split into different files per language, as they'll have different maintainers. please add only resources which you've used and present some self curated awesomeness.
see: intent - curate lists for (natural) language learning, with the same guidelines of the (mostly) programming related lists curated in
- []
- [] - The bible - in many languages, parallel interlaced text on mobile app
- [] and bible related videos in many languages
- EuroRomCom Data - JSON formatted Pan-Romance word lists & learning activities.