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(3) Exercise: Add methods to Ruby

About this document

Let's try adding some new methods to MRI. This document shows you how to add a new method, step by step. Please follow along in your own environment.


Let's add a Array#second method. Array#first returns the first element of an Array. Array#second will return the second element of an Array.

Here is a definition in Ruby:

# specification written in Ruby
class Array
  def second


  1. Open array.c in your editor.
  2. Add a ary_second() function definition into array.c. A good place to add it is before Init_Array().
  3. Add the statement rb_define_method(rb_cArray, "second", ary_second, 0); to the body of the Init_Array() function.
  4. Write some sample code to try your new method in ruby/test.rb, then build and run with make run.
  5. Add a test in ruby/test/ruby/test_array.rb. These tests are written in the minitest format.
  6. $ make test-all will run the test code you wrote. However, it runs a tremendous number of ruby tests, so you may want to run only the Array-related tests.
  • $ make test-all TESTS='ruby/test_array.rb' will test only ruby/test/ruby/test_array.rb.
  • $ make test-all TESTS='-j8' will run in parallel with 8 processes.
  1. Add rdoc documentation of Array#second by referencing the documentation of other methods in array.c.

One possible implementation of ary_second() is shown below. Line numbers may differ because array.c is likely to have changed since this document was written.

diff --git a/array.c b/array.c
index bd24216af3..79c1c1d334 100644
--- a/array.c
+++ b/array.c
@@ -6131,6 +6131,12 @@ rb_ary_sum(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary)
+static VALUE
+ary_second(VALUE self)
+  return rb_ary_entry(self, 1);
@@ -6251,6 +6257,8 @@ Init_Array(void)
     rb_define_method(rb_cArray, "dig", rb_ary_dig, -1);
     rb_define_method(rb_cArray, "sum", rb_ary_sum, -1);
+    rb_define_method(rb_cArray, "second", ary_second, 0);
     id_cmp = rb_intern("<=>");
     id_random = rb_intern("random");
     id_div = rb_intern("div");

A brief explanation follows:

  • ary_second() is the implementation of the method.
  • VALUE represents a type of Ruby object in C, and self is the method's receiver (i.e. for ary.second, the receiver is ary). All Ruby methods return a Ruby object, so the type of the return value should also be VALUE.
  • rb_ary_entry(self, n) does the same thing as self[n] in Ruby. Therefore, rb_ary_entry(self, 1) returns the second element (note: C uses 0-based index).
  • The function Init_Array is invoked by the interpreter at launch-time.
  • The statement rb_define_method(rb_cArray, "second", ary_second, 0); defines the second method on the Array class.
    • rb_cArray points to the Array class object. The rb_ prefix is used to indicate it is something Ruby-related, and the c means "Class". Therefore, we can infer that rb_cArray is Ruby's Array class object. BTW, the module object prefix is m (e.g. rb_mEnumerable == Enumerable module object) and the error class prefix is e (e.g. rb_eArgError == ArgumentError object).
    • rb_define_method is a function that defines instance methods.
    • This statement can be read as: "Define an instance method second on rb_cArray. When Array#second is called, then call the ary_second C function. This method accepts 0 arguments".


Let's define a method String#palindrome? that checks if the string is a palindrome or not.

The following code is a sample Ruby implementation of String#palindrome? along with some tests.

class String
  def palindrome?
    chars = self.gsub(/[^A-z0-9\p{hiragana}\p{katakana}]/, '').downcase
    # p chars
    !chars.empty? && chars == chars.reverse

# Small sample program
# Sample palindrome from
[# OK
 "Sator Arepo Tenet Opera Rotas",
 "A man, a plan, a canal - Panama!",
 "Madam, I'm Adam",
 # NG
  p [str, str.palindrome?]

Translate the above Ruby code into C code. Please recall the procedure for implementing Array#second, and use this procedure to implement String#palindrome? in MRI.

Below is one possible solution for implementing String#palindrome?.

diff --git a/string.c b/string.c
index c140148778..0f170bd20b 100644
--- a/string.c
+++ b/string.c
@@ -10062,6 +10062,18 @@ rb_to_symbol(VALUE name)
     return rb_str_intern(name);
+static VALUE
+str_palindrome_p(VALUE self)
+  const char *pat = "[^A-z0-9\\p{hiragana}\\p{katakana}]";
+  VALUE argv[2] = {rb_reg_regcomp(rb_utf8_str_new_cstr(pat)),
+                  rb_str_new_cstr("")}; 
+  VALUE filtered_str = rb_str_downcase(0, NULL, str_gsub(2, argv, self, FALSE));
+  return rb_str_empty(filtered_str) ? Qfalse : 
+         rb_str_equal(filtered_str, rb_str_reverse(filtered_str));
  *  A <code>String</code> object holds and manipulates an arbitrary sequence of
  *  bytes, typically representing characters. String objects may be created
@@ -10223,6 +10235,8 @@ Init_String(void)
     rb_define_method(rb_cString, "valid_encoding?", rb_str_valid_encoding_p, 0);
     rb_define_method(rb_cString, "ascii_only?", rb_str_is_ascii_only_p, 0);
+    rb_define_method(rb_cString, "palindrome?", str_palindrome_p, 0);
     rb_fs = Qnil;
     rb_define_hooked_variable("$;", &rb_fs, 0, rb_fs_setter);
     rb_define_hooked_variable("$-F", &rb_fs, 0, rb_fs_setter);


  • The suffix _p indicates a predicate method that returns true or false.
  • rb_reg_regcomp(pat) compiles the pat C string into a RegExp object.
  • rb_str_new_cstr("") generates an empty Ruby string.
  • str_gsub() does the same replacement as String#gsub.
  • rb_str_downcase() does the same replacement as String#downcase.
  • rb_str_empty() does the same checking as String#empty?.
  • rb_str_reverse() does the same reordering as String#reverse.
  • rb_str_equal() does the same comparison as String#==.

Hopefully, you can see how the C implementation corresponds to the Ruby implementation.


Add a method Integer#add(n) which returns the result when n is added.

Ruby example definition:

class Integer
  def add n
    self + n

p 1.add(3) #=> 4
p 1.add(4.5) #=> 5.5

Below is one possible solution for implementing Integer#add:

Index: numeric.c
--- numeric.c	(Revision 59647)
+++ numeric.c	(Working copy)
@@ -5238,6 +5238,12 @@
+static VALUE
+int_add(VALUE self, VALUE n)
+    return rb_int_plus(self, n);
  *  Document-class: ZeroDivisionError
@@ -5449,6 +5455,8 @@
     rb_define_method(rb_cInteger, "bit_length", rb_int_bit_length, 0);
     rb_define_method(rb_cInteger, "digits", rb_int_digits, -1);
+    rb_define_method(rb_cInteger, "add", int_add, 1);
     rb_cFixnum = rb_cInteger;

This method should accept 1 argument, so the last argument of rb_define_method() is 1 and the definition of int_add() accepts one parameter with VALUE n.

The actual addition is performed in rb_int_plus() so we don't need to write any complex code.

Let's try to modify this code to use our own implementation of addition if a given parameter is a Fixnum (numbers represented by Fixnum are small and can be easily translated both to and from a C int).

Note that Ruby 2.4 removed the Fixnum and Bignum classes. They are now unified into a single Integer class. However, MRI still uses Fixnum and Bignum as internal data structures for performance reasons. For example, FIXNUM_P(bignum) returns false.

Index: numeric.c
--- numeric.c	(Revision 59647)
+++ numeric.c	(Working copy)
@@ -5238,6 +5238,22 @@
+static VALUE
+int_add(VALUE self, VALUE n)
+    if (FIXNUM_P(self) && FIXNUM_P(n)) {
+	/* c = a + b */
+	int a = FIX2INT(self);
+	int b = FIX2INT(n);
+	int c = a + b;
+	VALUE result = INT2NUM(c);
+	return result;
+    }
+    else {
+	return rb_int_plus(self, n);
+    }
  *  Document-class: ZeroDivisionError

FIXNUM_P(self) && FIXNUM_P(n) checks to see if self and n are both Fixnum. If they are Fixnum, they are converted into C int values with FIX2INT(), and then addition is performed using C int values. The result is then converted from a C integer value back into Ruby's Integer value with FIX2NUM().

Note: This definition has a bug. See the next document.


Add a method to the Time class to return the time from n days ago (with a default value for n of 1).

Here is an example definition in Ruby. It returns a result with time reduced by the number of seconds in 24 hours * n. This is not a complete solution because it will occasionally be incorrect (e.g. when there are leap seconds, daylight saving time, etc). We'll ignore these problems here because this is simply an illustrative example.

class Time
  def day_before n = 1 - (24 * 60 * 60 * n))

p               #=> 2017-08-24 14:48:44 +0900
p    #=> 2017-08-23 14:48:44 +0900
p #=> 2017-08-21 14:48:44 +0900

Here is a definition written in C:

Index: time.c
--- time.c	(Revision 59647)
+++ time.c	(Working copy)
@@ -4717,6 +4717,22 @@
     return time;
+static VALUE
+time_day_before(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
+    VALUE nth;
+    int n, sec, day_before_sec;
+    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &nth);
+    if (nth == Qnil) nth = INT2FIX(1);
+    n = NUM2INT(nth);
+    sec = NUM2INT(time_to_i(self));
+    day_before_sec = sec - (60 * 60 * 24 * n);
+    return rb_funcall(rb_cTime, rb_intern("at"), 1, INT2NUM(day_before_sec));
  *  Time is an abstraction of dates and times. Time is stored internally as
  *  the number of seconds with fraction since the _Epoch_, January 1, 1970
@@ -4896,6 +4912,8 @@
     rb_define_method(rb_cTime, "strftime", time_strftime, 1);
+    rb_define_method(rb_cTime, "day_before", time_day_before, -1);
     /* methods for marshaling */
     rb_define_private_method(rb_cTime, "_dump", time_dump, -1);
     rb_define_private_method(rb_singleton_class(rb_cTime), "_load", time_load, 1);


  • To define a method that accepts optional arguments, -1 is specified as the last argument of rb_define_method(). This means this function does not know how many methods it will receive until it is called.
  • The function time_day_before(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) is the definition of the method. argc is the number of arguments given when it was called, and argv is a pointer to a C array of size argc objects of type VALUE.
  • rb_scan_args() is called to check the method arguments. "01" means that the number of required parameters is 0 and optional parameters is 1. This means that this method accepts 0 or 1 parameters. If 1 argument is passed, then it is stored in nth. If there are no arguments, then nth will contain Qnil (the C representation of Ruby's nil).
  • To call Ruby's method, rb_funcall(recv, mid, argc, ...) is used.
    • The first argument is the method's receiver (recv in recv.mid(...)). In the case of, the receiver is Time.
    • The name of the method called by rb_funcall is specified by its ID, a Symbol. To generate the ID in C, we use rb_intern("..."). An ID is a unique value for a C string in a Ruby process. In Ruby it is called a Symbol, and in Java it is an interned string.
    • We want to call with 1 argument, so we specify 1 and pass the actual argument INT2NUM(day_before_sec) as the final parameter.

There are a number of problems with this implementation. Try comparing it with Ruby's actual implementation and see if you can understand the differences.

Extension libraries

C extension libraries allow us to extend the functionality of MRI without modifying MRI itself. We can make C extension libraries using almost the same process as we use to hack on MRI internals.

For example, let's make an extension library to add the Array#second method instead of modifying MRI itself.

Steps to make an .so extension library file (or .bundle in MacOS):

  1. Make a directory named array_second/.
  2. Make a file named array_second/extconf.rb.
  • In this file, require 'mkmf' to enable the mkmf library. We can use mkmf to generate a Makefile and perform any configuration needed for the library.
  • After adding configuration (in this case, we don't have any configuration), call create_makefile('array_second'). This method creates a Makefile.
  1. Make a file named array_second.c.
  • Add the line #include <ruby/ruby.h> to the top of the file to enable the MRI C-API.
  • This file should contain (1) method body and (2) code that adds the method into Array.
  • (1) is the same as ary_second() written earlier.
  • (2) should be the Init_array_second() function, which calls rb_define_method(). The name Init_array_second is inferred from the argument passed to create_makefile in extconf.rb.
  1. Run $ ruby extconf.rb to generate the Makefile.
  2. Run $ make to build (or array_second.bundle in MacOS). You will then be able to require this file. Example: $ ruby -r ./array_second -e 'p [1, 2].second' will show 2. In MacOS: $ ruby -r ./array_second/array_second.bundle -e 'p [1, 2].second'
  3. $ make install installs .so file into install directory.

A sample array_second directory is available in this repository for you to reference.

Except for the extconf.rb and the installation steps, the Ruby extensions are defined in exactly the same way as Ruby's embedded methods and classes.

To distribute extension libraries, the minimum requirement is to create a package with the files made in step 2 and 3. It's probably more convenient for your users if you package your extension as a RubyGem.

Tips: Debugging

Please refer to for a detailed explanation of writing Ruby extensions.

Browse through the MRI source code to find methods which perform functions that are similar to what you want to add.

When you write Ruby programs, you probably already use p(obj) to inspect objects. In C, you can use rb_p(obj) to perform the equivalent function.

If you can use gdb, breakpoints will help you. If you add the line #include "vm_debug.h", you will be able to use the bp() macro to set a breakpoint. make gdb will stop on this macro, similar to when you use binding.pry or binding.irb.

gdb allows you to use p expr to show the value of expr (for example, you can see a value of a variable foo with p foo). The type VALUE is just an integer value in C, so it may be difficult to determine what kind of Object it is and what data it represents. The special command rp for gdb (defined in ruby/.gdbinit) is provided to give a human-readable representation for VALUE-type data.

Advanced Exercises

Try solving the following challenges. grep will help you to find similar implementations in the source code of MRI.

  • Implement Integer#sub(n) which subtracts n from an integer value.
  • Array#second returns nil if there is no second element. This is because rb_ary_entry() returns nil when the specified index exceeds the size of an array. Instead, raise an exception when there is no second element. Use rb_raise() function to raise an error.
  • String#palindrome? is an inefficient implementation. Identify which part is inefficient and consider how to resolve the inefficiency. Try implementing a solution to improve its performance.
  • Time#day_before is an awkward name. Think of a better method name.
  • Let's play a trick on MRI. For example, change the behaviour of Integer#+ to perform subtraction instead. This hack will break your ruby build, so make a new git branch and experiment to see what happens.
  • Use your imagination and try to add an interesting new method.

The following topics are discussed in the next chapter, but try to explore them yourself before proceeding:

  • I described that Integer#add(n) had a bug.
    • Write a test which fails due to this bug.
    • Solve the issue and make the test pass.
  • What is a problem with our implementation of Time#day_before? There is a similar problem in Integer#add(n).