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File metadata and controls

152 lines (131 loc) · 7.97 KB


Plugin Options

URLs and plugin

  • schemes: (array) The transfer protocol of the API ie ['http']
  • host: (string) The host (name or IP) serving the API including port if any i.e. localhost:8080
  • auth: (boolean, string or object) defines security strategy to use for plugin resources - default: false,
  • cors: (boolean) whether the swagger.json routes is severed with cors support - default: false,

JSON (JSON endpoint needed to create UI)

  • jsonPath: (string) The path of JSON endpoint at describes the API - default: /swagger.json
  • basePath: (string) The base path from where the API starts i.e. /v2/ (note, needs to start with /) - default: /
  • pathPrefixSize: (number) Selects what segment of the URL path is used to group endpoints - default: 1
  • pathReplacements : (array) methods for modifying path and group names in documentation - default: []
  • info
    • title: (string) The title of the application - default: API documentation
    • version: (string) The version number of the API - default: 0.0.1
    • description: (string) A short description of the application
    • termsOfService: (string) A URL to the Terms of Service of the API
    • contact
      • name: (string) A contact name for the API
      • url: (string) A URL pointing to the contact information. MUST be formatted as a URL
      • email: (string) A email address of the contact person/organization. MUST be formatted as an email address.
    • license
      • name (string) The name of the license used for the API
      • url (string) The URL to the license used by the API. MUST be formatted as a URL
    • x-* (any): any property or object with a key starting with x-* is included as such in the info section of the object returned by the JSON endpoint. This allows custom properties to be defined as options and copied as such.
  • tags: (array) containing array of Tag Object used to group endpoints in UI. No defaults are provided.
  • grouping: (string) how to create grouping of endpoints value either path or tags - default: path
  • tagsGroupingFilter: (function) A function used to determine which tags should be used for grouping (when grouping is set to tags) - default: (tag) => tag !== 'api'
  • securityDefinitions:: (object) Containing Security Definitions Object. No defaults are provided.
  • payloadType: (string) How payload parameters are displayed json or form - default: json
  • documentationRouteTags: (string or array) Add hapi tags to internal hapi-swagger routes - default: []
  • documentationRoutePlugins: (object) Add hapi plugins to internal hapi-swagger routes - default: {}
  • consumes: (array) The mime types consumed - default: ['application/json']
  • produces: (array) The mime types produced - default: ['application/json']
  • xProperties: Adds JOI data that cannot be use directly by swagger as metadata - default: true
  • reuseDefinitions: Reuse of definition models to save space - default: true
  • definitionPrefix: Dynamic naming convention. default or useLabel - default: default
  • deReference: Dereferences JSON output - default: false,
  • debug: Validates the JSON output against swagger specification - default: false
  • x-* (any): any property or object with a key starting with x-* is included in the swagger definition (similar to x-* options in the info object).
  • oauthOptions: TODO


@see swagger-ui options as reference.

  • swaggerUI: (boolean) Add files that support SwaggerUI. Only removes files if documentationPage is also set to false - default: true
  • swaggerUIPath: (string) The path of to all the SwaggerUI resources - default: /swaggerui/
  • documentationPage: (boolean) Add documentation page - default: true
  • documentationPath: (string) The path of the documentation page - default: /documentation
  • templates: (string) The directory path used by hapi-swagger and @hapi/vision to resolve and load the templates to render swagger-ui interface. The directory must contain index.html and debug.html templates. Default is templates directory in this package.
  • expanded: (string) If UI is expanded when opened. none, list or full - default: list
  • sortTags: (string) a sort method for tags i.e. groups in UI. alpha
    • alpha: sort by paths alphanumerically
  • sortEndpoints: (string) a sort method for endpoints in UI. alpha, method, ordered. Default is alpha.
    • alpha: sort by paths alphanumerically
    • method: sort by HTTP method
    • ordered: sort by order value of the hapi-swagger plugin options of the route.
  • uiCompleteScript: (string) A JavaScript string injected into the HTML, called when UI loads - default: null
  • validatorUrl: (string || null) sets the external validating URL Can switch off by setting to null

Plugin Specific Route Options

  • payloadType: (string) How payload parameters are displayed json or form - default: json
  • responses: (object) a collection of example responses for each HTTP statuses
  • consumes: (array) The mime types consumed - default: ['application/json']
  • produces: (array) The mime types produced - default: ['application/json']
  • security: (object) Containing Security Definitions Object. No defaults are provided.
  • order: (int) The order in which endpoints are displayed, works with options.sortEndpoints === ordered
  • x-* (any): any property or object with a key starting with x-* is included in the swagger definition (similar to x-* options in the info object).
  • deprecated: (boolean) Whether a endpoint has been deprecated - default: false

Route Options

  • validate
    • params: (JOI object) allows you to param route documentation outside of HAPI validation
    • query: (JOI object) allows you to query route documentation outside of HAPI validation
    • headers: (JOI object) allows you to headers route documentation outside of HAPI validation
    • payload: (JOI object) allows you to payload route documentation outside of HAPI validation


Plugins Example

The plugin level options are added as you register the hapi-swagger plugin.

const options = {
    'info': {
        'title': 'Test API Documentation',
        'version': '5.14.3',
        'contact': {
            'name': 'Glenn Jones',
            'email': ''
    'schemes': ['https'],
    'host': ''

await server.register([
        plugin: HapiSwagger,
        options: options

try {
    await server.start( (err) => {
    console.log('Server running at:',;
} catch(err) {

Route Example

The route level options are always placed within the plugins.hapi-swagger object under config. These options are only assigned to the route they are apply to.

    method: 'PUT',
    path: '/store/{id}',
    options: {
        handler: handlers.storeUpdate,
        plugins: {
            'hapi-swagger': {
                responses: {
                    '400': {
                        'description': 'BadRequest'
                payloadType: 'form'
        tags: ['api'],
        validate: {
            payload: {
                a: Joi.number().required().description('the first number')