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206 lines (183 loc) · 12.9 KB

File metadata and controls

206 lines (183 loc) · 12.9 KB

v0.2.19rc ???

  • add: Support for COTW hp_australia
  • fix: ADF5 file determination for COTW save files
  • fix: hack? empty gdc/global.gdcc in COTW now?

v0.2.18 Lucid Knows

  • add: support for Ravenbound Demo
  • fix: bug with skeleton extraction on Windows and path setup
  • fix: extracted raw files used directory name without slash

v0.2.17 can't sleep, hotfix time

  • fix: bug with loading because of ADF5 type discovery (#144)

v0.2.16 what would it be like to be a raven?

  • Support for processing of uncompressed COTW ADF save files
  • Sped up display of large files that display text
  • Updated to support COTW the Angler (WIP)
  • Added COTW reserve 14 NH support
  • New packaging
  • Update to support zugbruecke 0.1.0, import zugbruecke as ctypes -> import zugbruecke.ctypes as ctypes

v0.2.15 free abortions on demand

  • Updated to support COTW 2022-06-28
  • Added COTW reserve 13 Finland support

v0.2.14 5 by 5

  • added Mississippi (delta) update for COTW
  • added more strings from the community
  • added vpath file names for COTW

v0.2.13 meh

  • REBUILD DB: added sha1sum hash for every node, this is written to vpaths to let people see what files changed between releases
  • Added placeholder to BC6H DXGI loader, for now it fills in a 0,0,0,0 color for all pixels
  • Fixed Eye model extraction for COTW
  • Added support for reserve 10 and 11 in COTW
  • Fixed some issues with JC4 model extraction
  • Added option to not build archives when building mods
  • (REMOVED) Added option to "Save Changed Files As Symlinks" at mod build time, this will mark changed files as symlink instead of copying the changed file in SARC files
  • For ADF files that exist inside GDC/GDCC files (currently only GenZero) extract a gdcc.txt version to seperate it from the normal ADF files
  • For ADF files that exist inside GDC/GDCC files (currently only GenZero) allow the display of the version inside the GDC and one example of the one outside of the GDC
  • LINUX ONLY: Added dumping of translation file during startup to <working dir>/text_debug.txt
  • TEST HACK: allow same file to be added twice to SARC file
  • Added cross game field strings, and a second cross game database in work/
  • Added messages to indicate which file is being exported and in what format (at least for raw and text)
  • Made parsing more forgiving of missing 0xDEFE88ED types, 0xDEFE88ED may contain length in second field? But length does not matter anyway for skiping data
  • Improved error when reporting which type in an ADF object is missing, this gives details for 0xDEFE88ED types
  • Fixed crash when doing text export of entire editor directory in GenZero
  • Added elapsed time log message for when ARCHIVE is being processed
  • Added various possible field names, updated rtpc to always show property hash id, and optionally the matching string if it exits
  • Fixed bug in extracting item from Raw list tab

v0.2.12 "THis implies the existence of a one themed game"

  • Support for Second Extinction
  • Added kaitai format files for non-RTPC (GZ and COTW) locations/world.bin files
  • Fixed GLTF2 skeletons for model types without MeshProperties, now assumes if BoneIndex or BoneWeight exits, it is skinned, also always use boneIndexMapping if it exists
  • Made location extraction more flexible and tolerant of missing models
  • Fixed decompression of compression type 3 (it's zstandard records), added bypass for non compressed blocks
  • Made XLSX extractor more flexible to handle mystery entry
  • Added extrapolation for file names from model_xml to modelc for COTW
  • Added COTW mesh type 0x6f841426 to gltf2 export
  • Fixed bug in preparing for modding and creating mod/ directory
  • dump cache directory to log on first use

v0.2.11 Damn it's hot (applicable only in the norther hemisphere)

  • Added option to extract maps both full resolution png and tiles for webmaps
  • Added hack to handle bone weights being all zero when vertex is not connected to any bones, APEX is fine with this GLTF2/Blender is not
  • Added guessing of textures/hp_ai_textures/{*,*_user}.ddsc from settings/hp_settings/hp_ai_textures/*.bmp_datac
  • GLTF2 export of BC1_UNORM, BC2_UNORM, BC3_UNORM, downgrades to pre DX10 format, to work around blender bug(?)
  • First pass at RAGE2 model export. (BUG IN APEX ENGINE? index buffer offsets in archive, offsets not in bytes, but indexes)
  • All game {gz, gzb, jc3, jc4, rg2}.json configurations are loaded from resources/gameinfo
  • Additional user provided game configurations can be loaded from work/gameinfo
  • Added cleanup of textures that have missing mip levels when exporting to GLTF2.
  • Added speculative decoding of u32s in RTPC to hashed strings, also Cleanup of RTPC processing/handling
  • Added pre dxt10 dwFourCC encodings DXT2, DXT4, ATI1, BC5U ala
  • Added option to export GLTF2 models with: dds format, ddsc (dds format, ddsc extension), or png formats
  • Added loading of strings from work/property_list.hsh if it exists. property_list.hsh is included in the Ashen Tools
  • Fixed typo in RTPC 48 bit hash lookup, was using cache incorrectly
  • Added more aggressive splitting of strings into possible substrings, now splits on ,, |
  • Changed call to skeleton generator to use instead of os.system, should capture stderr and stdout
  • Better handling of GLTF2 export of adf files that are not models and/or are missing type info
  • Handle games without settings/hp_settings/equipment.bin
  • Upgraded Pillow to 7.1.0 (security alert fix)
  • Regular expression mask:
    • Accepted when Enter is key'ed or SET is pressed
    • Reset to previously accepted value if Esc is key'ed or CLEAR is pressed
    • Has a yellow text background when valid but not yet accepted expression is entered
    • Has a red text background when not valid

v0.2.10 Half Way There

  • GLTF2: Added option to export skeletons with models (Using HavokLib!)
  • GUI: will now create a new tab with the contents of a SARC (nl/fl/...) when the open button in the SARC tab is pressed
  • Build: Option added to build a subset of files/archives. Check build subset checkbox, and press build
  • Build: Added building ddsc, atx?, hmddsc? directly into archive files, this can be used to package dds files renamed as ddsc!!!
  • GUI: Added "G, H, S" column, which displays how many versions of a file are
    • G : in a GDCC file
    • H : "Hard" meaning the file contents are present
    • S : "Symbolic" meaning the container of the file only references the file by name, and does not contain the contents
  • GUI: Removed Used Depth column, was only used during early development, not super useful currently
  • Load large files 1MB at a time during file determination this was a problem for some people on windows
  • Added script and support to process CAnimSpline objects
  • Textures: dxgi type 41 support, JC4 s failed to load because this was missing
  • Added Loading of multiple external files at once to Load External File
  • Textures: Added more mapping of texture types to their base type
  • Textures: Added text name for texture types
  • Textures: Fixed processing of non square textures
  • Textures: Reinstated requirement that DDS to DDSC conversion requires matching DXGI type and size
  • Added info about DirectXTex, not currently used
  • Fixed issue with uint32* parameter in some ADF files, causing a crash because it attempts to do a hash string lookup
  • GUI: Added folder button next to each extract button and build button to open folder in OS
  • Added file node trace for exception causes nodes/files
  • GUI: Fixed hash to string search function in gui
  • Fixed issue with newer file formats, block info was not reloaded from the database
  • Fixed missing skeleton from weapons

v0.2.9 The May Day edition

  • Added ability to do basic dump of APEX engine files (like a save file) without processing entire game
  • Fixed issue with not tracking missing ADF types
  • Fixed processing of JC3 (missing image type info, and ADF type bug, related to missing ADF type tracking bug)
  • Fix for text export issue of GZ savefile on at least on windows machine
  • Will now attempt to annotate all integer and integer array fields in an ADF file to an equipment or text
  • Fixed issue with building ddsc files
  • Added user readable name of equipment that uses clothing models
  • Added notes column to file tree to add information that deca finds while processing files
  • Added Translated Name of equipment to comment in ADF files when EquipmentHash is found

v0.2.8 "I really need to clean my room"

  • Added lookup of EquipmentName when EquipmentHash is encountered in string dump of ADF files
  • Added hacky version of exporting VegetationBark and VegetationFoliage material types for GLTF2 export
  • Moved(ing) GLTF2 processing of APEX models to duck typing, removing asserts, as avalanche has changed types
  • Added schematics and loot items to GZ map generation
  • Added script to extract schematic and loot item locations
  • Fixed issue with process_adf and process_rtpc needing the data base because they want to lookup hash strings. With no data base it doesnt translate hash strings
  • Added webhook to put latest successful build into discord
  • Updated to Pillow 6.2.2 to fix CVE-2019-19911 and CVE-2020-5313

v0.2.7 Stay Safe

  • Added tracking of RTPC objects, object ids, and event ids to DB
  • Stopped dumping of image file details
  • Fixed Gen Zero map build code
  • Added mapping of check_apex_social_event to GZ Map generation
  • Added embedded ADF files in EXE to VFS tree, process instances in them, fixed array processing

v0.2.6 "Copy and Paste, a dangerous tool"

  • Fix for dds file generation caused by cut and paste shenanigans
  • Fixed bug where filter stopped working
  • Fixed bug where add external stopped working
  • Combine DDSC and DDS processing, now using same code and headers
  • Fixed processing of DXGI format 10 which has 16 bit floating point channels (display scales based on single min and max of all channels)
  • Added support for CubeMaps DDSC and DDS
  • Support for more image formats, should be all in JC3, JC4, GZ, RAGE2, and theHunter:COTW

v0.2.5 "Gotta go faster, without graphic artifacts"

  • BC7 decompression works with JIT compilation using Numba

v0.2.4 "Gotta go faster"

  • Refactored way file type determination is done to separate with and without path processing, and tag nodes as being done to prevent duplication of work.
  • garcs are tagged during the raw processing with path phase
  • Another String update from Ciprianno

v0.2.3 "Gotta go fast"

  • Sped up RTPC string dumping speed by caching string hash results and not hitting the DB for every field
  • Sped up RTPC string dumping and initial search by switching to the visitor pattern (Issue #84)
  • Removed Archive version TODO from title window (Issue #87)
  • Updated collection info generator (GZ specific) to use the codex spreadsheet. (Issue #67)
  • Fixed issue with extract contents functionality

v0.2.2 - I forgot to give the last release a name

  • Added custom string file option ../work/custom.txt
  • Added extracted fields from Rage2 for all games, ./resources/field_strings/rg2.txt
  • Added strings from Ciprianno
  • Common string lookup files are now
    • 'deca/resources/strings.txt' (old),
    • 'deca/resources/common/fields.txt' (new),
    • 'deca/resources/common/filenames.txt' (new)
    • 'deca/resources/common/strings.txt' (new)
  • User string lookup files are now
    • '../work/fields.txt' (new),
    • '../work/filenames.txt' (new)
    • '../work/strings.txt' (new)
  • Preparing for separation of filename strings from field name strings from miscellaneous strings
  • Incomplete support for new DXGI 97 / BC7 image format
  • DDSC/AVTX files now put their pixel format into the DB and the sub_type field shared with ADF files that expose their ADF type


  • Added automatic splitting of strings along commas with removal of spaces to find more possible strings, this helps with at least Generation Zero entities
  • Made database fields/column names clearer

v0.2.0 - "I don't want to do my taxes"

  • Decent support for JC4 and RAGE2, no build support for RAGE2 at the moment
  • RAGE2 New Files:
    • ADFs with a single instance and only a hash id of the type
    • "garcs" there are a set of master gt0c files that store info about ee/nl/fl files (which are sarc's in other games)
  • New tab based separation of workflow for "extract", "modding", and "3d/GLTF extraction"


  • New back-end Sqlite3, simplified access to deca's gathered data, plus...
  • Faster archive processing, with DB backend multiple processes can process files in parrallel
  • Improved GUI performance, with DB back-end the GUI loads in node info as needed
  • __CACHE__ directory layout has changed, cached files now live in directory based on where they physically are
  • RTPC and ADF generated text files now look in DB for strings that match hashes without in file strings
  • Found 48 bit hash used by GenZero, it is 6 bytes from MurmurHash3-128bit-x64 (which 6 bytes seems to depend on the implementation of the hash)