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Buildozer issue on MacOS M1 #1484

gaurav00700 opened this issue Aug 3, 2022 · 3 comments

Buildozer issue on MacOS M1 #1484

gaurav00700 opened this issue Aug 3, 2022 · 3 comments


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gaurav00700 commented Aug 3, 2022


  • Python: 3.9.9 (same as required by Cython 0.29.19)
  • OS: MacOS M1
  • Buildozer: 1.4.1.dev0


Error occur due to some reason on my Mac M1. However build is successful on Colab.



buildozer -v android debug

Spec file:


# (str) Title of your application
title = Fitness App

# (str) Package name = FitnessApp

# (str) Package domain (needed for android/ios packaging)
package.domain = org.test

# (str) Source code where the live
source.dir = .

# (list) Source files to include (let empty to include all the files)
source.include_exts = py, png, kv, csv, db, tflite, key

# (list) List of inclusions using pattern matching
#source.include_patterns = assets/*,images/*.png

# (list) Source files to exclude (let empty to not exclude anything)
#source.exclude_exts = spec

# (list) List of directory to exclude (let empty to not exclude anything)
#source.exclude_dirs = tests, bin, venv

# (list) List of exclusions using pattern matching
# Do not prefix with './'
#source.exclude_patterns = license,images/*/*.jpg

# (str) Application versioning (method 1)
version = 1

# (str) Application versioning (method 2)
# version.regex = __version__ = ['"](.*)['"]
# version.filename = %(source.dir)s/

# (list) Application requirements
# comma separated e.g. requirements = sqlite3,kivy
requirements = python3, kivy==2.1.0, kivymd, sdl2_ttf, kiwisolver, cryptography, matplotlib, numpy, pandas,pysqlite3, plyer, pync, pickle-mixin, Pillow

# (str) Custom source folders for requirements
# Sets custom source for any requirements with recipes
# requirements.source.kivy = ../../kivy

# (str) Presplash of the application
#presplash.filename = %(source.dir)s/data/presplash.png

# (str) Icon of the application
#icon.filename = %(source.dir)s/data/icon.png

# (str) Supported orientation (one of landscape, sensorLandscape, portrait or all)
orientation = portrait

# (list) List of service to declare

# OSX Specific

# author = © Copyright Info

# change the major version of python used by the app
osx.python_version = 3

# Kivy version to use
osx.kivy_version = 2.1.0

# Android specific

# (bool) Indicate if the application should be fullscreen or not
fullscreen = 0

# (string) Presplash background color (for android toolchain)
# Supported formats are: #RRGGBB #AARRGGBB or one of the following names:
# red, blue, green, black, white, gray, cyan, magenta, yellow, lightgray,
# darkgray, grey, lightgrey, darkgrey, aqua, fuchsia, lime, maroon, navy,
# olive, purple, silver, teal.
#android.presplash_color = #FFFFFF

# (string) Presplash animation using Lottie format.
# see for examples and
# for general documentation.
# Lottie files can be created using various tools, like Adobe After Effect or Synfig.
#android.presplash_lottie = "path/to/lottie/file.json"

# (str) Adaptive icon of the application (used if Android API level is 26+ at runtime)
#icon.adaptive_foreground.filename = %(source.dir)s/data/icon_fg.png
#icon.adaptive_background.filename = %(source.dir)s/data/icon_bg.png

# (list) Permissions
#android.permissions = INTERNET

# (list) features (adds uses-feature -tags to manifest)
#android.features =

# (int) Target Android API, should be as high as possible.
#android.api = 27

# (int) Minimum API your APK / AAB will support.
#android.minapi = 21

# (int) Android SDK version to use
#android.sdk = 20

# (str) Android NDK version to use
#android.ndk = 23b

# (int) Android NDK API to use. This is the minimum API your app will support, it should usually match android.minapi.
#android.ndk_api = 21

# (bool) Use --private data storage (True) or --dir public storage (False)
#android.private_storage = True

# (str) Android NDK directory (if empty, it will be automatically downloaded.)
#android.ndk_path =

# (str) Android SDK directory (if empty, it will be automatically downloaded.)
#android.sdk_path =

# (str) ANT directory (if empty, it will be automatically downloaded.)
#android.ant_path =

# (bool) If True, then skip trying to update the Android sdk
# This can be useful to avoid excess Internet downloads or save time
# when an update is due and you just want to test/build your package
# android.skip_update = False

# (bool) If True, then automatically accept SDK license
# agreements. This is intended for automation only. If set to False,
# the default, you will be shown the license when first running
# buildozer.
# android.accept_sdk_license = False

# (str) Android entry point, default is ok for Kivy-based app
#android.entrypoint =

# (str) Full name including package path of the Java class that implements Android Activity
# use that parameter together with android.entrypoint to set custom Java class instead of PythonActivity
#android.activity_class_name =

# (str) Extra xml to write directly inside the <manifest> element of AndroidManifest.xml
# use that parameter to provide a filename from where to load your custom XML code
#android.extra_manifest_xml = ./src/android/extra_manifest.xml

# (str) Extra xml to write directly inside the <manifest><application> tag of AndroidManifest.xml
# use that parameter to provide a filename from where to load your custom XML arguments:
#android.extra_manifest_application_arguments = ./src/android/extra_manifest_application_arguments.xml

# (str) Full name including package path of the Java class that implements Python Service
# use that parameter to set custom Java class instead of PythonService
#android.service_class_name =

# (str) Android app theme, default is ok for Kivy-based app
# android.apptheme = "@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar"

# (list) Pattern to whitelist for the whole project
#android.whitelist =

# (str) Path to a custom whitelist file
#android.whitelist_src =

# (str) Path to a custom blacklist file
#android.blacklist_src =

# (list) List of Java .jar files to add to the libs so that pyjnius can access
# their classes. Don't add jars that you do not need, since extra jars can slow
# down the build process. Allows wildcards matching, for example:
# OUYA-ODK/libs/*.jar
#android.add_jars = foo.jar,bar.jar,path/to/more/*.jar

# (list) List of Java files to add to the android project (can be java or a
# directory containing the files)
#android.add_src =

# (list) Android AAR archives to add
#android.add_aars =

# (list) Put these files or directories in the apk assets directory.
# Either form may be used, and assets need not be in 'source.include_exts'.
# 1) android.add_assets = source_asset_relative_path
# 2) android.add_assets = source_asset_path:destination_asset_relative_path
#android.add_assets =

# (list) Gradle dependencies to add
#android.gradle_dependencies =

# (bool) Enable AndroidX support. Enable when 'android.gradle_dependencies'
# contains an 'androidx' package, or any package from Kotlin source.
# android.enable_androidx requires android.api >= 28
#android.enable_androidx = False

# (list) add java compile options
# this can for example be necessary when importing certain java libraries using the 'android.gradle_dependencies' option
# see for further information
# android.add_compile_options = "sourceCompatibility = 1.8", "targetCompatibility = 1.8"

# (list) Gradle repositories to add {can be necessary for some android.gradle_dependencies}
# please enclose in double quotes 
# e.g. android.gradle_repositories = "maven { url '' }"
#android.add_gradle_repositories =

# (list) packaging options to add 
# see
# can be necessary to solve conflicts in gradle_dependencies
# please enclose in double quotes 
# e.g. android.add_packaging_options = "exclude 'META-INF/common.kotlin_module'", "exclude 'META-INF/*.kotlin_module'"
#android.add_packaging_options =

# (list) Java classes to add as activities to the manifest.
#android.add_activities = com.example.ExampleActivity

# (str) OUYA Console category. Should be one of GAME or APP
# If you leave this blank, OUYA support will not be enabled
#android.ouya.category = GAME

# (str) Filename of OUYA Console icon. It must be a 732x412 png image.
#android.ouya.icon.filename = %(source.dir)s/data/ouya_icon.png

# (str) XML file to include as an intent filters in <activity> tag
#android.manifest.intent_filters =

# (list) Copy these files to src/main/res/xml/ (used for example with intent-filters)
#android.res_xml = PATH_TO_FILE,

# (str) launchMode to set for the main activity
#android.manifest.launch_mode = standard

# (list) Android additional libraries to copy into libs/armeabi
#android.add_libs_armeabi = libs/android/*.so
#android.add_libs_armeabi_v7a = libs/android-v7/*.so
#android.add_libs_arm64_v8a = libs/android-v8/*.so
#android.add_libs_x86 = libs/android-x86/*.so
#android.add_libs_mips = libs/android-mips/*.so

# (bool) Indicate whether the screen should stay on
# Don't forget to add the WAKE_LOCK permission if you set this to True
#android.wakelock = False

# (list) Android application meta-data to set (key=value format)
#android.meta_data =

# (list) Android library project to add (will be added in the
# automatically.)
#android.library_references =

# (list) Android shared libraries which will be added to AndroidManifest.xml using <uses-library> tag
#android.uses_library =

# (str) Android logcat filters to use
#android.logcat_filters = *:S python:D

# (bool) Android logcat only display log for activity's pid
#android.logcat_pid_only = False

# (str) Android additional adb arguments
#android.adb_args = -H host.docker.internal

# (bool) Copy library instead of making a
#android.copy_libs = 1

# (list) The Android archs to build for, choices: armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64
# In past, was `android.arch` as we weren't supporting builds for multiple archs at the same time.
android.archs = arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a

# (int) overrides automatic versionCode computation (used in build.gradle)
# this is not the same as app version and should only be edited if you know what you're doing
# android.numeric_version = 1

# (bool) enables Android auto backup feature (Android API >=23)
android.allow_backup = True

# (str) XML file for custom backup rules (see official auto backup documentation)
# android.backup_rules =

# (str) If you need to insert variables into your AndroidManifest.xml file,
# you can do so with the manifestPlaceholders property.
# This property takes a map of key-value pairs. (via a string)
# Usage example : android.manifest_placeholders = [myCustomUrl:\"org.kivy.customurl\"]
# android.manifest_placeholders = [:]

# (bool) disables the compilation of py to pyc/pyo files when packaging
# = True

# (str) The format used to package the app for release mode (aab or apk or aar).
android.release_artifact = aab

# (str) The format used to package the app for debug mode (apk or aar).
# android.debug_artifact = apk

# Python for android (p4a) specific

# (str) python-for-android URL to use for checkout
#p4a.url =

# (str) python-for-android fork to use in case if p4a.url is not specified, defaults to upstream (kivy)
#p4a.fork = kivy

# (str) python-for-android branch to use, defaults to master
p4a.branch = develop

# (str) python-for-android specific commit to use, defaults to HEAD, must be within p4a.branch
#p4a.commit = HEAD

# (str) python-for-android git clone directory (if empty, it will be automatically cloned from github)
#p4a.source_dir =

# (str) The directory in which python-for-android should look for your own build recipes (if any)
#p4a.local_recipes =

# (str) Filename to the hook for p4a
#p4a.hook =

# (str) Bootstrap to use for android builds
# p4a.bootstrap = sdl2

# (int) port number to specify an explicit --port= p4a argument (eg for bootstrap flask)
#p4a.port =

# Control passing the --use-setup-py vs --ignore-setup-py to p4a
# "in the future" --use-setup-py is going to be the default behaviour in p4a, right now it is not
# Setting this to false will pass --ignore-setup-py, true will pass --use-setup-py
# NOTE: this is general setuptools integration, having pyproject.toml is enough, no need to generate
# if you're using Poetry, but you need to add "toml" to source.include_exts.
#p4a.setup_py = false

# (str) extra command line arguments to pass when invoking pythonforandroid.toolchain
#p4a.extra_args =

# iOS specific

# (str) Path to a custom kivy-ios folder
#ios.kivy_ios_dir = ../kivy-ios
# Alternately, specify the URL and branch of a git checkout:
ios.kivy_ios_url =
ios.kivy_ios_branch = master

# Another platform dependency: ios-deploy
# Uncomment to use a custom checkout
#ios.ios_deploy_dir = ../ios_deploy
# Or specify URL and branch
ios.ios_deploy_url =
ios.ios_deploy_branch = 1.10.0

# (bool) Whether or not to sign the code
ios.codesign.allowed = false

# (str) Name of the certificate to use for signing the debug version
# Get a list of available identities: buildozer ios list_identities
#ios.codesign.debug = "iPhone Developer: <lastname> <firstname> (<hexstring>)"

# (str) The development team to use for signing the debug version
#ios.codesign.development_team.debug = <hexstring>

# (str) Name of the certificate to use for signing the release version
#ios.codesign.release = %(ios.codesign.debug)s

# (str) The development team to use for signing the release version
#ios.codesign.development_team.release = <hexstring>

# (str) URL pointing to .ipa file to be installed
# This option should be defined along with `display_image_url` and `full_size_image_url` options.
#ios.manifest.app_url =

# (str) URL pointing to an icon (57x57px) to be displayed during download
# This option should be defined along with `app_url` and `full_size_image_url` options.
#ios.manifest.display_image_url =

# (str) URL pointing to a large icon (512x512px) to be used by iTunes
# This option should be defined along with `app_url` and `display_image_url` options.
#ios.manifest.full_size_image_url =


# (int) Log level (0 = error only, 1 = info, 2 = debug (with command output))
log_level = 2

# (int) Display warning if buildozer is run as root (0 = False, 1 = True)
warn_on_root = 1

# (str) Path to build artifact storage, absolute or relative to spec file
# build_dir = ./.buildozer

# (str) Path to build output (i.e. .apk, .aab, .ipa) storage
# bin_dir = ./bin

#    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#    List as sections
#    You can define all the "list" as [section:key].
#    Each line will be considered as a option to the list.
#    Let's take [app] / source.exclude_patterns.
#    Instead of doing:
#source.exclude_patterns = license,data/audio/*.wav,data/images/original/*
#    This can be translated into:

#    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#    Profiles
#    You can extend section / key with a profile
#    For example, you want to deploy a demo version of your application without
#    HD content. You could first change the title to add "(demo)" in the name
#    and extend the excluded directories to remove the HD content.
#title = My Application (demo)
#    Then, invoke the command line with the "demo" profile:
#buildozer --profile demo android debug

Logs [incomplete logs due to character limit]

# Check configuration tokens
# Ensure build layout
# Check configuration tokens
# Read available permissions from api-versions.xml
# Preparing build
# Check requirements for android
# Search for Git (git)
#  -> found at /opt/homebrew/Cellar/git/2.37.1/bin/git
# Search for Cython (cython)
#  -> found at /Users/gauravsharma/miniforge3/envs/apk/bin/cython
# Search for Java compiler (javac)
#  -> found at /usr/bin/javac
# Search for Java keytool (keytool)
#  -> found at /usr/bin/keytool
# Install platform
# Run ['git', 'config', '--get', 'remote.origin.url']
# Cwd /Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android
# Run ['git', 'branch', '-vv']
# Cwd /Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android
* develop 36b17aad [origin/develop] Fixes some E275 - assert is a keyword. (#2647)
# Run ['/Users/gauravsharma/miniforge3/envs/apk/bin/python', '-m', 'pip', 'install', '-q', 'appdirs', 'colorama>=0.3.3', 'jinja2', 'six', 'enum34; python_version<"3.4"', 'sh>=1.10; sys_platform!="nt"', 'pep517<0.7.0', 'toml']
# Cwd None
# Apache ANT found at /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/apache-ant-1.9.4
# Android SDK found at /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-sdk
# Recommended android's NDK version by p4a is: 23b
# Android NDK found at /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b
# Read available permissions from api-versions.xml
# Run ['/Users/gauravsharma/miniforge3/envs/apk/bin/python', '-m', 'pythonforandroid.toolchain', 'aab', '-h', '--color=always', '--storage-dir=/Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a', '--ndk-api=21', '--ignore-setup-py', '--debug']
# Cwd /Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android
# Check application requirements
# Compile platform
# Run ['/Users/gauravsharma/miniforge3/envs/apk/bin/python', '-m', 'pythonforandroid.toolchain', 'create', '--dist_name=FitnessApp', '--bootstrap=sdl2', '--requirements=python3,kivy==2.1.0,kivymd,sdl2_ttf,kiwisolver,cryptography,matplotlib,numpy,pandas,pysqlite3,plyer,pync,pickle-mixin,Pillow', '--arch=arm64-v8a', '--arch=armeabi-v7a', '--copy-libs', '--color=always', '--storage-dir=/Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a', '--ndk-api=21', '--ignore-setup-py', '--debug']

[INFO]:    cryptography has no prebuild_arm64_v8a, skipping
[INFO]:    Prebuilding kivy for arm64-v8a
[INFO]:    kivy has no prebuild_arm64_v8a, skipping
[INFO]:    Prebuilding matplotlib for arm64-v8a
[INFO]:    Downloading jquery-ui for matplatlib web backend
[INFO]:    Will download into /Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a/build/other_builds/matplotlib/arm64-v8a__ndk_target_21/matplotlib/p4a_files
[INFO]:    Downloading matplotlib from
[INFO]:    Applying patches for matplotlib[arm64-v8a]
[INFO]:    matplotlib already patched, skipping
[INFO]:    Prebuilding pandas for arm64-v8a
[INFO]:    pandas has no prebuild_arm64_v8a, skipping
[INFO]:    Applying patches for pandas[arm64-v8a]
[INFO]:    pandas already patched, skipping
[INFO]:    # Building recipes
[INFO]:    Building freetype for arm64-v8a
[INFO]:    freetype said it is already built, skipping
[DEBUG]:   -> running cp /Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a/build/other_builds/freetype/arm64-v8a__ndk_target_21/freetype/objs/.libs/ /Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a/build/libs_collections/FitnessApp/arm64-v8a
[INFO]:    Building hostpython3 for arm64-v8a
[INFO]:    hostpython3 said it is already built, skipping
[INFO]:    Building jpeg for arm64-v8a
[INFO]:    jpeg said it is already built, skipping
[WARNING]: install_libs called with no libraries to install!
[INFO]:    Building libbz2 for arm64-v8a
[INFO]:    libbz2 said it is already built, skipping
[DEBUG]:   -> running cp /Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a/build/other_builds/libbz2/arm64-v8a__ndk_target_21/libbz2/ /Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a/build/libs_collections/FitnessApp/arm64-v8a
[INFO]:    Building libffi for arm64-v8a
[INFO]:    libffi said it is already built, skipping
[DEBUG]:   -> running cp /Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a/build/other_builds/libffi/arm64-v8a__ndk_target_21/libffi/.libs/ /Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a/build/libs_collections/FitnessApp/arm64-v8a
[INFO]:    Building liblzma for arm64-v8a
[INFO]:    -> directory context /Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a/build/other_builds/liblzma/arm64-v8a__ndk_target_21/liblzma
[DEBUG]:   -> running autoreconf -vif
[DEBUG]:   	autoreconf: export WARNINGS=
[DEBUG]:   	autoreconf: Entering directory '.'
[DEBUG]:   	autoreconf: running: autopoint --force
[DEBUG]:   	autoreconf: running: aclocal --force -I m4
[DEBUG]:   	autoreconf: tracing
[DEBUG]:   	autoreconf: running: glibtoolize --copy --force
[DEBUG]:   	glibtoolize: putting auxiliary files in AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR, 'build-aux'.
[DEBUG]:   	glibtoolize: copying file 'build-aux/'
[DEBUG]:   	glibtoolize: putting macros in AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS, 'm4'.
[DEBUG]:   	glibtoolize: copying file 'm4/libtool.m4'
[DEBUG]:   	glibtoolize: copying file 'm4/ltoptions.m4'
[DEBUG]:   	glibtoolize: copying file 'm4/ltsugar.m4'
[DEBUG]:   	glibtoolize: copying file 'm4/ltversion.m4'
[DEBUG]:   	glibtoolize: copying file 'm4/lt~obsolete.m4'
[DEBUG]:   	autoreconf: not using Intltool
[DEBUG]:   	autoreconf: not using Gtkdoc
[DEBUG]:   	autoreconf: running: aclocal --force -I m4
[DEBUG]:   	autoreconf: running: /opt/homebrew/Cellar/autoconf/2.71/bin/autoconf --force
[DEBUG]: warning: The macro `AC_CONFIG_HEADER' is obsolete.
[DEBUG]: You should run autoupdate.
[DEBUG]:   	./lib/autoconf/status.m4:719: AC_CONFIG_HEADER is expanded from...
[DEBUG]: the top level
[DEBUG]: warning: The macro `AC_PROG_CC_C99' is obsolete.
[DEBUG]: You should run autoupdate.
[DEBUG]:   	./lib/autoconf/c.m4:1659: AC_PROG_CC_C99 is expanded from...
[DEBUG]: the top level
[DEBUG]:   	autoreconf: running: /opt/homebrew/Cellar/autoconf/2.71/bin/autoheader --force
[DEBUG]:   	autoreconf: running: automake --add-missing --copy --force-missing
[DEBUG]: installing 'build-aux/compile'
[DEBUG]: installing 'build-aux/missing'
[DEBUG]:   	debug/ installing 'build-aux/depcomp'
[DEBUG]:   	autoreconf: Leaving directory '.'
[DEBUG]:   -> running configure --host=aarch64-linux-android --prefix=/Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a/build/other_builds/liblzma/arm64-v8a__ndk_target_21/liblzma/install --disable-builddir --disable-static --enable-shared --disable-xz --disable-xzdec --disable-lzmadec --disable-lzmainfo --disable-scripts --disable-doc
[DEBUG]:   	configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --disable-builddir
[DEBUG]:   	XZ Utils 5.2.4
[DEBUG]:   	System type:
[DEBUG]:   	checking build system type... aarch64-apple-darwin21.6.0
[DEBUG]:   	checking host system type... aarch64-unknown-linux-android
[DEBUG]:   	Configure options:
[DEBUG]:   	checking if debugging code should be compiled... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking which encoders to build... lzma1 lzma2 delta x86 powerpc ia64 arm armthumb sparc
[DEBUG]:   	checking which decoders to build... lzma1 lzma2 delta x86 powerpc ia64 arm armthumb sparc
[DEBUG]:   	checking which match finders to build... hc3 hc4 bt2 bt3 bt4
[DEBUG]:   	checking which integrity checks to build... crc32 crc64 sha256
[DEBUG]:   	checking if external SHA-256 should be used... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking if assembler optimizations should be used... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking if small size is preferred over speed... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking if threading support is wanted... yes, posix
[DEBUG]:   	checking how much RAM to assume if the real amount is unknown... 128 MiB
[DEBUG]:   	checking if library symbol versioning should be used... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking if sandboxing should be used... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking for a shell that conforms to POSIX... /bin/sh
[DEBUG]:   	Initializing Automake:
[DEBUG]:   	checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
[DEBUG]:   	checking whether build environment is sane... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for aarch64-linux-android-strip... /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/llvm-strip --strip-unneeded
[DEBUG]:   	checking for a race-free mkdir -p... ./build-aux/install-sh -c -d
[DEBUG]:   	checking for gawk... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking for mawk... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking for nawk... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking for awk... awk
[DEBUG]:   	checking whether make -j8 sets $(MAKE)... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking whether make -j8 supports nested variables... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking whether ln -s works... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking whether make -j8 supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
[DEBUG]:   	checking for aarch64-linux-android-gcc... /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC
[DEBUG]:   	checking whether the C compiler works... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
[DEBUG]:   	checking for suffix of executables...
[DEBUG]:   	checking whether we are cross compiling... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for suffix of object files... o
[DEBUG]:   	checking whether the compiler supports GNU C... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking whether /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC accepts -g... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC option to enable C11 features... none needed
[DEBUG]:   	checking whether /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC understands -c and -o together... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking dependency style of /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC... gcc3
[DEBUG]:   	checking dependency style of /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC... gcc3
[DEBUG]:   	checking for stdio.h... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for stdlib.h... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for string.h... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for inttypes.h... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for stdint.h... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for strings.h... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for sys/stat.h... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for sys/types.h... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for unistd.h... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for wchar.h... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for minix/config.h... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking whether it is safe to define __EXTENSIONS__... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking whether _XOPEN_SOURCE should be defined... no
[DEBUG]:   	POSIX threading support:
[DEBUG]:   	checking if compiler needs -Werror to reject unknown flags... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for the pthreads library -lpthreads... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking whether pthreads work without any flags... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for joinable pthread attribute... PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE
[DEBUG]:   	checking if more special flags are required for pthreads... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking for PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for library containing clock_gettime... none required
[DEBUG]:   	checking for clock_gettime... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for pthread_condattr_setclock... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC options needed to detect all undeclared functions... -fno-builtin
[DEBUG]:   	checking whether CLOCK_MONOTONIC is declared... yes
[DEBUG]:   	Initializing Libtool:
[DEBUG]:   	checking how to print strings... printf
[DEBUG]:   	checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed
[DEBUG]:   	checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep
[DEBUG]:   	checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E
[DEBUG]:   	checking for fgrep... /usr/bin/grep -F
[DEBUG]:   	checking for ld used by /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC... /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/ld
[DEBUG]:   	checking if the linker (/Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/ld) is GNU ld... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for BSD- or MS-compatible name lister (nm)... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking for aarch64-linux-android-dumpbin... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking for aarch64-linux-android-link... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking for dumpbin... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking for link... link -dump
[DEBUG]:   	configure: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet
[DEBUG]:   	checking the name lister (nm) interface... BSD nm
[DEBUG]:   	checking the maximum length of command line arguments... 786432
[DEBUG]:   	checking how to convert aarch64-apple-darwin21.6.0 file names to aarch64-unknown-linux-android format... func_convert_file_noop
[DEBUG]:   	checking how to convert aarch64-apple-darwin21.6.0 file names to toolchain format... func_convert_file_noop
[DEBUG]:   	checking for /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/ld option to reload object files... -r
[DEBUG]:   	checking for aarch64-linux-android-file... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking for file... file
[DEBUG]:   	checking for aarch64-linux-android-objdump... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking for objdump... objdump
[DEBUG]:   	checking how to recognize dependent libraries... pass_all
[DEBUG]:   	checking for aarch64-linux-android-dlltool... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking for dlltool... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking how to associate runtime and link libraries... printf %s\n
[DEBUG]:   	checking for aarch64-linux-android-ar... /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/llvm-ar
[DEBUG]:   	checking for archiver @FILE support... @
[DEBUG]:   	checking for aarch64-linux-android-strip... (cached) /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/llvm-strip --strip-unneeded
[DEBUG]:   	checking for aarch64-linux-android-ranlib... /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/llvm-ranlib
[DEBUG]:   	checking command to parse nm output from /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC object... ok
[DEBUG]:   	checking for sysroot... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking for a working dd... /bin/dd
[DEBUG]:   	checking how to truncate binary pipes... /bin/dd bs=4096 count=1
[DEBUG]:   	checking for aarch64-linux-android-mt... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking for mt... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking if : is a manifest tool... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking for dlfcn.h... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for objdir... .libs
[DEBUG]:   	checking if /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC option to produce PIC... -fPIC -DPIC
[DEBUG]:   	checking if /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC PIC flag -fPIC -DPIC works... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking if /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC static flag -static works... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking if /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC supports -c -o file.o... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking if /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC supports -c -o file.o... (cached) yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking whether the /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC linker (/Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/ld) supports shared libraries... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking whether -lc should be explicitly linked in... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking dynamic linker characteristics... Android linker
[DEBUG]:   	checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate
[DEBUG]:   	checking whether stripping libraries is possible... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking whether to build shared libraries... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking whether to build static libraries... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking for aarch64-linux-android-windres... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking for windres... no
[DEBUG]:   	Initializing gettext:
[DEBUG]:   	checking whether NLS is requested... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for msgfmt... /opt/homebrew/bin/msgfmt
[DEBUG]:   	checking for gmsgfmt... /opt/homebrew/bin/msgfmt
[DEBUG]:   	checking for xgettext... /opt/homebrew/bin/xgettext
[DEBUG]:   	checking for msgmerge... /opt/homebrew/bin/msgmerge
[DEBUG]:   	checking for ld used by /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC... /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/ld
[DEBUG]:   	checking if the linker (/Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/ld) is GNU ld... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for shared library run path origin... done
[DEBUG]:   	checking how to run the C preprocessor... /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC -E
[DEBUG]:   	checking for CFPreferencesCopyAppValue... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking for CFLocaleCopyCurrent... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking for GNU gettext in libc... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking for iconv... no, consider installing GNU libiconv
[DEBUG]:   	checking for GNU gettext in libintl... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking whether to use NLS... no
[DEBUG]:   	System headers and functions:
[DEBUG]:   	checking for fcntl.h... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for limits.h... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for sys/time.h... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for immintrin.h... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking for _Bool... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for stdbool.h that conforms to C99... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for uint8_t... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for uint16_t... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for int32_t... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for uint32_t... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for int64_t... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for uint64_t... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for uintptr_t... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking size of size_t... 8
[DEBUG]:   	checking for struct stat.st_atim.tv_nsec... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for struct stat.st_atimespec.tv_nsec... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking for struct stat.st_atimensec... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for struct stat.st_uatime... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking for struct stat.st_atim.st__tim.tv_nsec... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking for special C compiler options needed for large files... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking for _FILE_OFFSET_BITS value needed for large files... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking whether byte ordering is bigendian... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking for getopt.h... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for getopt_long... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking whether optreset is declared... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for futimens... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for posix_fadvise... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking whether program_invocation_name is declared... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking for byteswap.h... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking if bswap_16 is available... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking if bswap_32 is available... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking if bswap_64 is available... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking if unaligned memory access should be used... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking for sys/param.h... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking how to detect the amount of physical memory... sysconf
[DEBUG]:   	checking for sys/param.h... (cached) yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking how to detect the number of available CPU cores... sched_getaffinity
[DEBUG]:   	checking whether mbrtowc and mbstate_t are properly declared... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for wcwidth... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking whether _mm_movemask_epi8 is declared... no
[DEBUG]:   	GCC extensions:
[DEBUG]:   	checking whether the -Werror option is usable... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking for simple visibility declarations... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking if /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC accepts -Wall... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking if /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC accepts -Wextra... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking if /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC accepts -Wvla... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking if /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC accepts -Wformat=2... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking if /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC accepts -Winit-self... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking if /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC accepts -Wmissing-include-dirs... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking if /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC accepts -Wstrict-aliasing... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking if /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC accepts -Wfloat-equal... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking if /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC accepts -Wundef... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking if /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC accepts -Wshadow... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking if /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC accepts -Wpointer-arith... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking if /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC accepts -Wbad-function-cast... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking if /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC accepts -Wwrite-strings... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking if /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC accepts -Wlogical-op... no
[DEBUG]:   	checking if /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC accepts -Waggregate-return... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking if /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC accepts -Wstrict-prototypes... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking if /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC accepts -Wold-style-definition... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking if /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC accepts -Wmissing-prototypes... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking if /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC accepts -Wmissing-declarations... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking if /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC accepts -Wmissing-noreturn... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking if /Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/clang -target aarch64-linux-android21 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=armv8-a -fPIC accepts -Wredundant-decls... yes
[DEBUG]:   	checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
[DEBUG]:   	configure: creating ./config.status
[DEBUG]:   	config.status: creating Doxyfile
[DEBUG]:   	config.status: creating Makefile
[DEBUG]:   	config.status: creating po/
[DEBUG]:   	config.status: creating lib/Makefile
[DEBUG]:   	config.status: creating src/Makefile
[DEBUG]:   	config.status: creating src/liblzma/Makefile
[DEBUG]:   	config.status: creating src/liblzma/api/Makefile
[DEBUG]:   	config.status: creating src/xz/Makefile
[DEBUG]:   	config.status: creating src/xzdec/Makefile
[DEBUG]:   	config.status: creating src/lzmainfo/Makefile
[DEBUG]:   	config.status: creating src/scripts/Makefile
[DEBUG]:   	config.status: creating tests/Makefile
[DEBUG]:   	config.status: creating debug/Makefile
[DEBUG]:   	config.status: creating src/scripts/xzdiff
[DEBUG]:   	config.status: creating src/scripts/xzgrep
[DEBUG]:   	config.status: creating src/scripts/xzmore
[DEBUG]:   	config.status: creating src/scripts/xzless
[DEBUG]:   	config.status: creating config.h
[DEBUG]:   	config.status: config.h is unchanged
[DEBUG]:   	config.status: executing depfiles commands
[DEBUG]:   	config.status: executing libtool commands
[DEBUG]:   	config.status: executing po-directories commands
[DEBUG]:   	config.status: creating po/POTFILES
[DEBUG]:   	config.status: creating po/Makefile
[DEBUG]:   	configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --disable-builddir
[DEBUG]:   -> running make -j 8
[DEBUG]:   	make -j8  all-recursive
[DEBUG]:   	make[1]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
[DEBUG]:   	Making all in src
[DEBUG]:   	make[2]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
[DEBUG]:   	Making all in liblzma
[DEBUG]:   	make[3]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
[DEBUG]:   	Making all in api
[DEBUG]:   	make[4]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
[DEBUG]:   	make[4]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
[DEBUG]:   	make[4]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
[DEBUG]:   	make[4]: Nothing to be done for `all-am'.
[DEBUG]:   	Making all in xzdec
[DEBUG]:   	make[3]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
[DEBUG]:   	make[3]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
[DEBUG]:   	make[3]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
[DEBUG]:   	make[3]: Nothing to be done for `all-am'.
[DEBUG]:   	Making all in po
[DEBUG]:   	make[2]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
[DEBUG]:   	make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
[DEBUG]:   	Making all in tests
[DEBUG]:   	make[2]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
[DEBUG]:   	make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
[DEBUG]:   	make[2]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
[DEBUG]:   -> running make install
[DEBUG]:   	Making install in src
[DEBUG]:   	Making install in liblzma
[DEBUG]:   	make[2]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
[DEBUG]:   	Making install in api
[DEBUG]:   	make[3]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
[DEBUG]:   	make[4]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
[DEBUG]:   	make[4]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
[DEBUG]:   	 ../../.././build-aux/install-sh -c -d '/Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a/build/other_builds/liblzma/arm64-v8a__ndk_target_21/liblzma/install/include'
[DEBUG]:   	mkdir: /Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a/build/other_builds/liblzma/arm64-v8a__ndk_target_21/liblzma/install: Not a directory
[DEBUG]:   	mkdir: /Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a/build/other_builds/liblzma/arm64-v8a__ndk_target_21/liblzma/install: Not a directory
[DEBUG]:   	make[4]: *** [install-nobase_includeHEADERS] Error 1
[DEBUG]:   	make[3]: *** [install-am] Error 2
[DEBUG]:   	make[2]: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
[DEBUG]:   	make[1]: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
[DEBUG]:   	make: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
Exception in thread background thread for pid 25564:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/gauravsharma/miniforge3/envs/apk/lib/python3.9/", line 973, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/Users/gauravsharma/miniforge3/envs/apk/lib/python3.9/", line 910, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/Users/gauravsharma/miniforge3/envs/apk/lib/python3.9/site-packages/", line 1641, in wrap
    fn(*rgs, **kwargs)
  File "/Users/gauravsharma/miniforge3/envs/apk/lib/python3.9/site-packages/", line 2569, in background_thread
  File "/Users/gauravsharma/miniforge3/envs/apk/lib/python3.9/site-packages/", line 2269, in fn
    return self.command.handle_command_exit_code(exit_code)
  File "/Users/gauravsharma/miniforge3/envs/apk/lib/python3.9/site-packages/", line 869, in handle_command_exit_code
    raise exc

  RAN: /usr/bin/make install

Making install in src
Making install in liblzma
make[2]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
Making install in api
make[3]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
make[4]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
make[4]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
 ../../.././build-aux/install-sh -c -d '/Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a/build/other_builds/liblzma/arm64-v8a__ndk_target_21/liblzma/install/include'
mkdir: /Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a/build/other_builds/liblzma/arm64-v8a__ndk_target_21/liblzma/install: Not a directory
mkdir: /Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a/build/other_builds/liblzma/arm64-v8a__ndk_target_21/liblzma/install: Not a directory
make[4]: *** [install-nobase_includeHEADERS] Error 1
make[3]: *** [install-am] Error 2
make[2]: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
make: *** [install-recursive] Error 1


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/gauravsharma/miniforge3/envs/apk/lib/python3.9/", line 197, in _run_module_as_main
    return _run_code(code, main_globals, None,
  File "/Users/gauravsharma/miniforge3/envs/apk/lib/python3.9/", line 87, in _run_code
    exec(code, run_globals)
  File "/Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android/pythonforandroid/", line 1297, in <module>
  File "/Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android/pythonforandroid/", line 18, in main
  File "/Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android/pythonforandroid/", line 731, in __init__
    getattr(self, command)(args)
  File "/Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android/pythonforandroid/", line 154, in wrapper_func
    build_dist_from_args(ctx, dist, args)
  File "/Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android/pythonforandroid/", line 213, in build_dist_from_args
    build_recipes(build_order, python_modules, ctx,
  File "/Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android/pythonforandroid/", line 505, in build_recipes
  File "/Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android/pythonforandroid/recipes/liblzma/", line 46, in build_arch
    shprint(sh.make, 'install', _env=env)
  File "/Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android/pythonforandroid/", line 167, in shprint
    for line in output:
  File "/Users/gauravsharma/miniforge3/envs/apk/lib/python3.9/site-packages/", line 915, in next
  File "/Users/gauravsharma/miniforge3/envs/apk/lib/python3.9/site-packages/", line 845, in wait
  File "/Users/gauravsharma/miniforge3/envs/apk/lib/python3.9/site-packages/", line 869, in handle_command_exit_code
    raise exc

  RAN: /usr/bin/make install

Making install in src
Making install in liblzma
make[2]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
Making install in api
make[3]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
make[4]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
make[4]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
 ../../.././build-aux/install-sh -c -d '/Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a/build/other_builds/liblzma/arm64-v8a__ndk_target_21/liblzma/install/include'
mkdir: /Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a/build/other_builds/liblzma/arm64-v8a__ndk_target_21/liblzma/install: Not a directory
mkdir: /Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a/build/other_builds/liblzma/arm64-v8a__ndk_target_21/liblzma/install: Not a directory
make[4]: *** [install-nobase_includeHEADERS] Error 1
make[3]: *** [install-am] Error 2
make[2]: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
make: *** [install-recursive] Error 1


# Command failed: ['/Users/gauravsharma/miniforge3/envs/apk/bin/python', '-m', 'pythonforandroid.toolchain', 'create', '--dist_name=FitnessApp', '--bootstrap=sdl2', '--requirements=python3,kivy==2.1.0,kivymd,sdl2_ttf,kiwisolver,cryptography,matplotlib,numpy,pandas,pysqlite3,plyer,pync,pickle-mixin,Pillow', '--arch=arm64-v8a', '--arch=armeabi-v7a', '--copy-libs', '--color=always', '--storage-dir=/Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a', '--ndk-api=21', '--ignore-setup-py', '--debug']
#     __CFBundleIdentifier = ''
#     TMPDIR = '/var/folders/21/dg6tk59n0nn0qwqk13x0k9ph0000gn/T/'
#     XPC_FLAGS = '0x0'
#     TERM = 'xterm-256color'
#     SSH_AUTH_SOCK = '/private/tmp/'
#     XPC_SERVICE_NAME = '0'
#     TERM_PROGRAM = 'Apple_Terminal'
#     TERM_SESSION_ID = 'F288121F-0AF0-4408-92BD-3FDCA5AC4CF4'
#     SHELL = '/bin/zsh'
#     HOME = '/Users/gauravsharma'
#     LOGNAME = 'gauravsharma'
#     USER = 'gauravsharma'
#     PATH = '/Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/apache-ant-1.9.4/bin:/Users/gauravsharma/miniforge3/envs/apk/bin:/Users/gauravsharma/miniforge3/condabin:/opt/homebrew/bin:/opt/homebrew/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Library/Apple/usr/bin:/Users/gauravsharma/.android/platform-tools'
#     SHLVL = '1'
#     PWD = '/Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness'
#     OLDPWD = '/Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Calculatorapp'
#     HOMEBREW_PREFIX = '/opt/homebrew'
#     HOMEBREW_CELLAR = '/opt/homebrew/Cellar'
#     HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY = '/opt/homebrew'
#     MANPATH = '/opt/homebrew/share/man::'
#     INFOPATH = '/opt/homebrew/share/info:'
#     CONDA_EXE = '/Users/gauravsharma/miniforge3/bin/conda'
#     _CE_M = ''
#     _CE_CONDA = ''
#     CONDA_PYTHON_EXE = '/Users/gauravsharma/miniforge3/bin/python'
#     CONDA_SHLVL = '1'
#     CONDA_PREFIX = '/Users/gauravsharma/miniforge3/envs/apk'
#     CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV = 'apk'
#     CONDA_PROMPT_MODIFIER = '(apk) '
#     LC_CTYPE = 'UTF-8'
#     _ = '/Users/gauravsharma/miniforge3/envs/apk/bin/buildozer'
#     PACKAGES_PATH = '/Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/packages'
#     ANDROIDSDK = '/Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-sdk'
#     ANDROIDNDK = '/Users/gauravsharma/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r23b'
#     ANDROIDAPI = '27'
#     ANDROIDMINAPI = '21'
Copy link

jhay06 commented Aug 7, 2022

can you try to clean homebrew both arm64 arch and x86_64 , then switch to x86_64 then reinstall this , brew install libtool autoconf automake pkg-config openssl@1.1 openjdk cmake python3 then run buildozer android clean and buildozer android debug to see if it works , on my end i successfully fix all of my issue by doing the same thing

Copy link

gaurav00700 commented Aug 7, 2022

@jhay06 and all
------------------------------------------UPDATE 1-----------------------------------------
I was able to setup brew and pyenv (python3) for x86_64. but build was not successful. Again, I was getting error related to liblzma-dev for this build. ( /.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a/build/other_builds/liblzma/arm64-v8a__ndk_target_21/liblzma/install: Not a directory )

I think liblzma-dev is required for pandas library. if liblzma-dev is not installed and if pandas in spec. file then build will most likely to fail. I have tested this using colab where liblzma-dev is installed (Ubuntu) and apk build was successful.

Here is my package list in brew (x86_64):-
atk gdbm icu4c libxcb openssl@1.1 six
autoconf gdk-pixbuf jpeg-turbo libxdmcp openssl@3 sqlite
automake gettext libffi libxext pango unzip
ca-certificates git libglade libxml2 pcre xorgproto
cairo glib libpng libxrender pcre2 xz
ccache graphite2 libpthread-stubs lz4 pixman zip
cmake gtk+ libtiff lzo pkg-config zlib
fontconfig harfbuzz libtool m4 pyenv zstd
freetype hicolor-icon-theme libx11 mpdecimal pyenv-virtualenv
fribidi hiredis libxau openjdk readline

cython 0.29.19 (compatiable with python 3.9.9)
buildozer 1.4.1.dev0
##################### Logs ###############################
config.status: creating po/POTFILES
[DEBUG]: config.status: creating po/Makefile
[DEBUG]: configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --disable-builddir
[DEBUG]: -> running make -j 8
[DEBUG]: make -j8 all-recursive
[DEBUG]: make[1]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
[DEBUG]: Making all in src
[DEBUG]: make[2]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
[DEBUG]: Making all in liblzma
[DEBUG]: make[3]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
[DEBUG]: Making all in api
[DEBUG]: make[4]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
[DEBUG]: make[4]: Nothing to be done for all'. [DEBUG]: make[4]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode. [DEBUG]: make[4]: Nothing to be done for all-am'.
[DEBUG]: Making all in xzdec
[DEBUG]: make[3]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
[DEBUG]: make[3]: Nothing to be done for all'. [DEBUG]: make[3]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode. [DEBUG]: make[3]: Nothing to be done for all-am'.
[DEBUG]: Making all in po
[DEBUG]: make[2]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
[DEBUG]: make[2]: Nothing to be done for all'. [DEBUG]: Making all in tests [DEBUG]: make[2]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode. [DEBUG]: make[2]: Nothing to be done for all'.
[DEBUG]: make[2]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
[DEBUG]: -> running make install
[DEBUG]: Making install in src
[DEBUG]: Making install in liblzma
[DEBUG]: make[2]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
[DEBUG]: Making install in api
[DEBUG]: make[3]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
[DEBUG]: make[4]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
[DEBUG]: make[4]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
[DEBUG]: ../../.././build-aux/install-sh -c -d '/Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a/build/other_builds/liblzma/arm64-v8a__ndk_target_21/liblzma/install/include'
[DEBUG]: mkdir: /Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a/build/other_builds/liblzma/arm64-v8a__ndk_target_21/liblzma/install: Not a directory
[DEBUG]: mkdir: /Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a/build/other_builds/liblzma/arm64-v8a__ndk_target_21/liblzma/install: Not a directory
[DEBUG]: make[4]: *** [install-nobase_includeHEADERS] Error 1
[DEBUG]: make[3]: *** [install-am] Error 2
[DEBUG]: make[2]: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
[DEBUG]: make[1]: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
[DEBUG]: make: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
Exception in thread background thread for pid 85700:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/gauravsharma/.pyenv/versions/3.9.9/lib/python3.9/", line 973, in _bootstrap_inner
File "/Users/gauravsharma/.pyenv/versions/3.9.9/lib/python3.9/", line 910, in run
self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
File "/Users/gauravsharma/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/", line 1641, in wrap
fn(*rgs, **kwargs)
File "/Users/gauravsharma/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/", line 2569, in background_thread
File "/Users/gauravsharma/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/", line 2269, in fn
return self.command.handle_command_exit_code(exit_code)
File "/Users/gauravsharma/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/", line 869, in handle_command_exit_code
raise exc

RAN: /usr/bin/make install

Making install in src
Making install in liblzma
make[2]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
Making install in api
make[3]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
make[4]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
make[4]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
../../.././build-aux/install-sh -c -d '/Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a/build/other_builds/liblzma/arm64-v8a__ndk_target_21/liblzma/install/include'
mkdir: /Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a/build/other_builds/liblzma/arm64-v8a__ndk_target_21/liblzma/install: Not a directory
mkdir: /Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a/build/other_builds/liblzma/arm64-v8a__ndk_target_21/liblzma/install: Not a directory
make[4]: *** [install-nobase_includeHEADERS] Error 1
make[3]: *** [install-am] Error 2
make[2]: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
make: *** [install-recursive] Error 1


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/gauravsharma/.pyenv/versions/3.9.9/lib/python3.9/", line 197, in _run_module_as_main
return _run_code(code, main_globals, None,
File "/Users/gauravsharma/.pyenv/versions/3.9.9/lib/python3.9/", line 87, in _run_code
exec(code, run_globals)
File "/Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android/pythonforandroid/", line 1298, in
File "/Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android/pythonforandroid/", line 18, in main
File "/Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android/pythonforandroid/", line 731, in init
getattr(self, command)(args)
File "/Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android/pythonforandroid/", line 154, in wrapper_func
build_dist_from_args(ctx, dist, args)
File "/Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android/pythonforandroid/", line 213, in build_dist_from_args
build_recipes(build_order, python_modules, ctx,
File "/Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android/pythonforandroid/", line 505, in build_recipes
File "/Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android/pythonforandroid/recipes/liblzma/", line 46, in build_arch
shprint(sh.make, 'install', _env=env)
File "/Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android/pythonforandroid/", line 167, in shprint
for line in output:
File "/Users/gauravsharma/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/", line 915, in next
File "/Users/gauravsharma/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/", line 845, in wait
File "/Users/gauravsharma/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/", line 869, in handle_command_exit_code
raise exc

RAN: /usr/bin/make install

Making install in src
Making install in liblzma
make[2]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
Making install in api
make[3]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
make[4]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
make[4]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
../../.././build-aux/install-sh -c -d '/Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a/build/other_builds/liblzma/arm64-v8a__ndk_target_21/liblzma/install/include'
mkdir: /Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a/build/other_builds/liblzma/arm64-v8a__ndk_target_21/liblzma/install: Not a directory
mkdir: /Users/gauravsharma/Documents/DIT/Python/Apkbuild/Apps/Fitness/.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a/build/other_builds/liblzma/arm64-v8a__ndk_target_21/liblzma/install: Not a directory
make[4]: *** [install-nobase_includeHEADERS] Error 1
make[3]: *** [install-am] Error 2
make[2]: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
make: *** [install-recursive] Error 1

------------------------------------------UPDATE 1-------------------------------------------------
Thank you for reply. But I am still facing issue due to incompatible python & cython version.
I followed the below steps:-

  1. Uninstalled brew and all packages for arm64 arch and x86_64
  2. Installed brew for x86_64 (
  3. Installed (install libtool autoconf automake pkg-config openssl@1.1 openjdk cmake python@3.9)... not able to make x86_64 python as global.
  4. Deleted all .buildozer files from both folders.
  5. buildozer -v android debug

Can please tell me the steps how did you setup x86_64 brew and python(global) environment on mac m1 ?

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misl6 commented Aug 30, 2022

Closing as a duplicate of kivy/python-for-android#2343

@misl6 misl6 closed this as completed Aug 30, 2022
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3 participants