An automatic wallpaper fetching and setting script that supports i3 (but also anything that supports feh and xsetroot) and Sway that obtains wallpapers from konachan.
A module and package are available for NixOS, nix-darwin and home-manager users here.
The wallpapers chosen are logged into the journal.
An alias for obtaining them (that requires jq) is:
journalctl _SYSTEMD_INVOCATION_ID=$(systemctl show -p InvocationID --value konawall.service --user) -o json | jq -r '.MESSAGE'"
konawall 0.1.0
wallpaper randomizer that uses konachan
konawall [OPTIONS] [tags]...
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
--common <common> [default: score:>=200+width:>=1600+]
--mode <mode> [default: random]
<tags>... [default: nobody]
- random - Picks one of the tag sets provided with –common prepended.
- map - Maps output to tag set directly with –common prepended.
- shuffle - Does what map does, but shuffles first.