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Kirkwoods Bitwig API Utilities

Utilities for Bitwig API Nerds

This is a set of bitwig api scripting utilities that you can freely use & modify into your own bitwig scripts. I'm not sure how to keep this project open for edit but if you find an issue or need help with one of the modules, please let me know.


Provides a method to keep a CursorTrack or Cursor Bank assigned to a specific channel via name. This tool allows you to assign a string and object to the channel finder and call find() in the class. This will set bitwig to start searching through the live set. Banks do not have all their names available all at once so It goes through one by one to assign to the correct space. I should note I failed to get groups working... I just no longer use groups.

Image Of Channel Finder Settings

 //Create Channel Finder...
 channel_finder = new ChannelFinder(host);
 //Init Channel Finder  (This is defered so you can determine where the settings appear in your Controller Script.
 //Create a track bank...
 track_bank = host.createTrackBank(8, 0, 0, true);
 cursor_track = host.createCursorTrack("Cursor Track, "Cursor Track", 0, 0, false);
 //Setup channel finder with track bank to target track "MY NAME", 
 channel_finder.add(track_bank.getTrackBank(), "MY NAME");
  //Setup channel finder with cursor_track to target track "MY NAME", 
 channel_finder.add(cursor_track, "MY NAME");
 //Notes: It should auto scan tracks whenever the project has changed.
 //Press "Scan Tracks" if you want to update something or tracks have been moved in the set.
 //Not sure if this works with Groups, I had trouble getting indexes to line up.


Store Data into clip objects. Different styles of clip note objects exist for data. There is Note & Velocity datatypes. When playing a clip it updates the parent class with its data set.


This is the second evolution of Clip Data. It no longer uses note data as storage. The data is referenced via clip name. Then it can be recalled by playing the clip. Multiple classes can become a parent of clip data which allows you to store and recall many different sets of object data into the saved file. The file is plain text and can be edited later if deemed useful.

Image of Clip

Creating a clip with new data in it is simple. Make a new clip, assign a name and press play. This should update the clip name in the clip data selector. On first go it writes the data you have in memory to the clip. Second time it recalls.

To Update the data in a specific clip, press play on that clip. Observe that the Clip Name in the panel has changed. Make modifications to the data and press Save clip data.

Image of Clip Data

Shows panel to manage clip data. Path name to your global clip data file and name of clip file. This will need to be modified to your liking and can be customized to your track. I've requested to bitwig to get the current path to the active track so it would just point to a name based on your project.

Where to use?

Maybe there is certain parameter sets that you would like to save off or recall later? Color settings for a midi controller, i.e. Midifighter Twister. Maybe you would like to leverage the clip data to perform actions based on a data set, like writing midi to a clip or changing a bunch of settings within bitwig on the fly. Lots of untapped possibilities here...

CV To Osc Module

A little CV to Osc Utility. Requires the Use of a device on a track. This device will receive modulation parameters to each slot and as it receives updates it will send osc out immediatly.

Here is an example where I hooked up the LFO to modulate knob 1(indexed from 0)... and you can observe how it outputs to the data monitor.

Image of Bitwig Device Using CV To Osc Image of Data Monitor receiving

You can experiment with this extension by opening up this file in bitwig 3.2.8...

And then selecting the CV To OSC Controller in the Kirkwood West Utils Extension File. This is set up to send to the home address and port 9000.

NOTE This is nothing more than a working prototype. It reads the modulated values of the first three parameters and send it via osc immediatly or via flush depending on the settings in the object. All this could be modified and changed to suit your needs.


Basic class with example to set led values without having to keep track of data manually if an LED has been set up or not. This is useful for tracking LED states and updating them for every flush. This only updates the values that have been changed via Lambda Supplier.

Additional Utilities


A simple logger so you don't have to pass in host to all your classes. Instantiate the class once with the host and the use

host = getHost();

//Output to window...
Log.println("") anywhere in your script.

Also, helpful to bind a hot key to your bitwig script console when logging stuff. I use SHIFT+CTRL+J to pull it up. saves a bit of time. This tip came from Mossgraber.


Some basic math utility function. Free to copy into your own library, most of these were found on stack exchange and tuned for Java.


Some basic midi ids that you might need. NoteOn, CC, etc. Not fully filled out but might be inspiring to integrate and build your own set of Midi utilities.

Connect / Support

If you want some help getting these working, have questions or feature suggestions reach out on the kvr: bitwig controller scripting forum. Always great to connect to fellow nerds.

Also would love to hear from you if you used the Java files found here. can either connect through forum or here []