A fill painter operates on:
- Shape to fill
- Ephemeral color scheme to be used to compute the fill colors
Important thing to note - a fill painter does not paint the focus ring or the border; these are painted by separately.
- Fraction-based - based on an array of color query stops. Every stop has:
- Float fraction in 0.0-1.0 range
- Mapping from a color scheme to a specific color to use
- Classic - uses a less contrasty vertical gradient
- Subdued - uses even less contrasty vertical gradient
- Matte - uses with a slightly different vertical gradient
- Glass - uses using a harsher vertical gradient
If you wish to use the fill painter of the current skin to provide additional custom painting in your application, call:
- Retrieve the painters associated with the current skin
- Retrieve the fill painter of the current skin
- Use the fill painter to paint the background on the canvas