- Install Node.js Latest LTS Version from https://nodejs.org/en/download/
- Install VS Code from https://code.visualstudio.com/download
- Follow the installation steps in https://github.com/MihanEntalpo/allure-single-html-file#installation to merge allure report to single file
Run npm ci
command to install all dependencies
- To auto-format the files
npx prettier --write .
- To check the file format
npx prettier --check .
Set the environment by setting CYPRESS_BASE_URL environment variable
Update user details at
for non admin roles -
For admin roles, set below environment variables
Variable Sample Value CYPRESS_BASE_URL https://cloud-dev.test.com CYPRESS_PA_ST_HCAAS_USER pa_st_hcaas@test.awsapps.com CYPRESS_PA_ST_ONLY_USER pa_st_only@test.awsapps.com CYPRESS_PA_HCAAS_ONLY_USER pa_hcaas_only@test.awsapps.com CYPRESS_PA_LCA_USER pa_lca@test.awsapps.com CYPRESS_PORTAL_PASSWORD P@ssw0rd -
Run below command to open Cypress window
npm run cy:open
Run below command to run the tests in CI mode
- Headless Mode
npm run cy:exec
- In Chrome Browser
npm run cy:exec -- --headed --browser chrome
- To run a specific feature file
npm run cy:exec -- --spec "cypress/e2e/customers/NOTES.feature"
- To run a specific feature file in Edge browser
npm run cy:exec -- --spec "cypress/e2e/customers/NOTES.feature" --headed --browser edge
- To run all features for a specific role
npm run cy:exec -- --spec "cypress/e2e/admin_st_only/Admin_ST_ONLY.features" --browser chrome
- Headless Mode
Run below command to filter the tests by tags
- To the the scenarios which has @GIMLET tag
npm run cy:tags -- TAGS=@GIMLET
- To the the scenarios which has @GIMLET tag in Chrome browser
npm run cy:tags -- TAGS=@GIMLET --headed --browser chrome
- To the the scenarios which has both @GIMLET & @sanity tags in Firefox
npm run cy:tags -- TAGS='@GIMLET and @sanity' --headed --browser firefox
- To the the scenarios which has @regression tag but not the @ignore tag
in Edge browser
npm run cy:tags -- TAGS='@regression and not @ignore' --headed --browser edge
- To the the scenarios which has @GIMLET tag
- Clear Report
npm run report:clear
- Generate Report
npm run report:generate
- Open Report
npm run report:open
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