Initially OCamlot was based on the Sihl web framework — I eventually switched away because it leant too much on the framework side of things, while I wanted a library.
Here I was just experimenting around – didn’t actually set up anything.
Here, I dropped Sihl for the aforementioned reasons, and implemented the first version of OCamlot from scratch using the Dream framework.
This initial iteration only had a user endpoint (i.e inbox and outbox), both endpoints were not properly implemented, and most of my experimentation was working out how to use Mirage’s crypto libraries to do the signing that I wanted.
Had to vendor copy of parsing for HTTP date strings, because apparently there are no libraries in the OCaml ecosystem that expose functions to do this.
Had alcotest based tests for database operations:
T.add_test "user's password does not match" @@ with_db @@ fun db ->
let* user = Database.User.create_user ~username:"example-user" ~password:"areallygoodpasswordhere121" db in
check_string_neq ~expected:"areallygoodpasswordhere121" user.username
check_string_neq ~expected:"areallygoodpasswordhere121"
(Database.User.username user)
These were very verbose, and the bane of my existence.
Started looking through other implementations of activitypub servers (honk, rustodon) to see what fields should go in the user endpoint.
Activitypub servers also require a particular style of signed http requests — no libraries in the ecosystem provided such operations, so I had to implement my own. Luckily, while there are no libraries, OCaml does have a nice collection of crypto primitives, so implementing this wasn’t too challenging.
In commit 38774c25f0
, I got the easiest of the endpoints setup — the
activitypub .well-known/webfinger endpoint.
Having set the webfinger endpoint up, I then sat down and began fleshing out the inbox endpoint.
Once I had an inbox endpoint up, I could get started with actually parsing activitypub messages.
While the activitypub specification is “comprehensive” in describing the kinds of fields that a message may contain, it is somewhat useless for an implementer aiming at interoperability because the specification is too vague to translate easily to an implementation.
More specifically, the generality of the specification means that reading the specification doesn’t give a good idea of what kinds of messages you can expect to see from other servers.
In other words, if you want to implement an inter-operable activitypub server, then you effectively have to look at the implementation and responses from other servers (somewhat defeating the point of having a specification in the first place).
At this point, my process for doing this was quite laborious – I had setup a pleroma server and my implementation on a Hetzinger VPS in finland and then would run both, and use the pleroma web UI to make the server send messages to my implementation which would then dump the received messages to a file.
I would then collect these messages, inspect them, synthesize a specification and write a decoding function for each type of event. Effectively, the activitypub specification was not used at all during this process.
At this point, I had managed to get to the point of writing an implementation that was able to successfully accept a follow request – this required:
- to have a proper webfinger endpoint so that the pleroma server could work out what my inbox endpoint was
- have an inbox that would decode follow request activitypub jsons on post
- have a helper to create an accept object that told pleroma that my user was accepting the follow
- have a function to send a signed HTTP request to the pleroma server so that it’s http validation wouldn’t reject the message
The problem I ran into was that in the final step, I was attempting to accept the follow request before having completed the inbox post request – this would cause pleroma to reject my accept.
What I needed was some way of decoupling the “task” from the endpoint request.
Suprisingly the dream framework doesn’t have any easy way of doing this, so instead, I had to create a worker thread construction on top of Lwt, which endpoints could send tasks to be completed at a later time.
Having got follow requests working, I now got started on handling posts and displaying a feed.
To do this, I had to sit down with sqlitebrowser
and spend an
afternoon writing out SQL queries to capture the particular logic I
wanted with requests:
-- select posts
SELECT, P.public_id, P.url, P.author_id, P.is_public, P.summary, P.post_source, P.published, P.raw_data
FROM Posts as P
-- we are not blocking/muting the author
-- where, we (1) are the author
P.author_id = ? OR
-- or we (1) are following the author of the post, and the post is public
(EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Follows AS F WHERE F.author_id = ? AND F.target_id = P.author_id) AND P.is_public) OR
-- or we (1) are the recipients (cc, to) of the post
(EXISTS (SELECT * FROM PostTo as PT WHERE PT.post_id = AND PT.actor_id = ?) OR
EXISTS (SELECT * FROM PostCc as PC WHERE PC.post_id = AND PC.actor_id = ?)))
Continued working on implementing SQL queries for posts. Interacting with SQL was starting to drain on me.
At this time, I was using pure Caqti as my interface with SQL, which meant that writing queries was an extremely error prone process:
- Because invalid SQL Caqti queries only show errors at runtime (usually on a server that takes some effort to deploy and observe), I had to prototype my queries first on sqlitebrowser
- Once prototyped, I had to coyp over to OCaml, and add an appropriate type annotation, adding holes etc.
- Any typos in this process would only be caught much later.
Eventually this lead to my motivation fizzling out, and I put this project on the sideburner for a while.
After leaving this project for a while, I finally picked up my motivation and decided to work on it again.
Fearing the issues I had run into with Caqti before, I decided to use my newfound motivation to tackle this problem directly first before it could derail my plans again.
This time, I decided to go with a macro approach, and implemented an OCaml ppx that provides compile-type checking and processing of SQL queries.
I spent a few weekends reading through the very nice sqlite documentation and wrote a parser using angstrom to automatically validate my queries at compile time:
let ty =
choice [
(* If the declared type contains the string "INT" then it is assigned INTEGER affinity. *)
string_ci "integer" *> return INTEGER;
string_ci "int" *> return INTEGER;
(* If the declared type of the column contains any of the strings
"CHAR", "CLOB", or "TEXT" then that column has TEXT
affinity. Notice that the type VARCHAR contains the string
"CHAR" and is thus assigned TEXT affinity. *)
string_ci "char" *> return TEXT;
string_ci "varchar" *> return TEXT;
string_ci "text" *> return TEXT;
(* If the declared type for a column contains the string "BLOB" or if no type is specified then the column has affinity BLOB. *)
string_ci "blob" *> return BLOB;
(* If the declared type for a column contains any of the strings "REAL", "FLOA", or "DOUB" then the column has REAL affinity. *)
string_ci "real" *> return REAL;
string_ci "float" *> return REAL;
string_ci "double" *> return REAL;
(* Otherwise, the affinity is NUMERIC. *)
identifier >>= fun ty -> return (NUMERIC ty)
The idea with this syntax approach was to use an external annotated
file as the source of truth for my macro – the macro would
parse the schema file and use its annotations (provided as comments)
to automatically generate appropriate typing information for SQL queries:
-- table for local users
username TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL, -- username
password TEXT NOT NULL /* password_hash: string */, -- password hash + salt
display_name TEXT, -- display name - if null then username
about TEXT, -- about text for user
manually_accept_follows BOOLEAN NOT NULL, -- whether the user is an admin
is_admin BOOLEAN NOT NULL, -- whether the user is an admin
pubkey TEXT NOT NULL /* X509.Public_key.t */, -- public key for user
privkey TEXT NOT NULL /* X509.Private_key.t */ -- secret key for user
CREATE index idxLocalUser_username on LocalUser(username);
This required a lightweight type inference engine for SQL queries — obviously as I only spent a few hours on this, the inference engine was wildly incomplete, but it turned out that it was more than sufficient for all of the queries used in the server.
Here, empowered by the new SQL extension, I started developing the server at a faster pace, and implemented posts, and likes, and a proper feed.
Around this time, I also incorporated ocaml-crunch
to automatically
include any static files the server was using into the binary itself
to allow for a more portable executable.
Having finally gotten bored of having to upload my code to the cloud to test whether it interacts correctly with other servers, I finally got round to setting up a Docker compose setup for the integration tests.
Using the docker compose file, a pleroma server and an instance of
OCamlot are spawned on a virtual network with their DNS set up such
that they can see each other via the domains
A small problem in doing this was that activitypub servers require
using https endpoints, but obviously my SSL certificates in the
development docker build were not signed by any trusted certificate
authority. Thus to actually make the whole thing work, I had to spend
some time digging into the implementation of pleroma
to make it
disable validating SSL requests..
At this point I was getting close to wanting to dogfood this project, but I realised a fatal flaw: the system had no support for migrating databases, which meant that if I wanted to update the server after releasing it into the wild, all my intermediate posts would be lost.
Unfortunately, the macro approach that I had take so far doesn’t really easily allow for migrations – the schema file is a single file containing several table declarations, and wasn’t designed with evolution in mind.
Realising that I’d come to a dead end with this macro approach, I
instead set about creating an embedded DSL for SQL queries, that
eventually became the petrol
In this month, I spent my free time refactoring the definitions and code to use the petrol library instead.
I also came to discover cram tests during this time, which significantly cut down on the time spent writing tests, and now has become my go to technique for testing OCaml projects.
I became disillusioned with the styling that I had come up with for the website, and so took a step back and redesigned the UI for the webpage from scratch, coming up with a new unified theme, and replacing the ad-hoc monstrosity that I had accidentally grown in the meantime.
Mainly here I was reimplementing all the features I had implemented in the macro based approach but this time using petrol instead.