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SWF runtime

This document describes the SWF runtime component.

Architecture Overview

Architecture Overview

NOTE: Flash APIs/behavior are only implemented on a as-needed basis, it's not completely bug-free nor accurate; it works for me.

Asset library

The flow begins with constructing an AssetLibrary from an asset manifest. An asset manifest is a JSON containing the path of asset files and bundled data definition JSON. Caller can receive loading progress report while the library is loading.

The loading process would decode the images into IMG elements, sounds into WebAudio buffer, and initialize the relevant character data structures.

Usually there would be just one AssetLibrary instance for a SWF file; it is possible share AssetLibrary instance across different Stage instance.

Frame ticking

The frames are ticked using requestAnimationFrame and MessageChannel (emulating requestPostAnimationFrame). SWF frame is advanced at the beginning of browser frame, and stage is rendered at the end of browser frame.

The frame rate specified in SWF is respected by both frame advance and render.


Audio is played using WebAudio API. Stage owns a AudioController instance (contains an AudioContext), which AS3 SoundChannel would connect to.

Scene nodes

Scene nodes are a convenient representation of DisplayObjects for ease of layout and rendering. Each DisplayObject corresponds to exactly one SceneNode (except some cases). Scene nodes have two major responsibilities:

  • Layout: providing layout information nad hit-testing capability to DisplayObject. Layout is computed lazily on request.
  • Render: consolidate render information and provide instruction to renderer.


EventDispatcher is implemented with simple bubbling & capturing mechanism. For broadcast events (e.g. ENTER_FRAME), an EventDispatcher is associated with each Stage instance solely for these events.


For static text, layout is embedded in SWF, so no need to re-compute layout.

For edit text, HTML texts are parsed using DOMParser and converted into text segments (i.e. text associated with TextFormat). The segments are layout using a basic algorithm, supporting simple word-wrap, multi-line, and alignment.

AVM runtime

AVM runtime is needed to emulate some features of AS3.

  • Class definitions are registered globally (for getDefinitionByName).
  • Class methods are bound to instances automatically for derived class of AVMObject.
  • Miscellaneous helper functions for translation of AS3 built-in functions.

Timeline construction

Timeline construction is (one of) the messiest part of SWF. The emulation is divined from other emulator implementation, so it's mostly inaccurate. At least it works for my purpose.

Character instantiation

Instantiating a DisplayObject (e.g. MovieClip) from characters is a complex process. The most problematic behavior is it populates the attributes and children of a instantiated character within the constructor of runtime classes. That is, derived class constructor would observe a completely instantiated, along with recursively instantiated children, when super() return.

To isolate the timeline object construction logic from framework classes, we have DisplayObject.__initChar function to allow caller to insert code to be ran just before the return of DisplayObject's constructor.

Frame scripts

Frame scripts are added to a MovieClip using the hidden addFrameScript method. The timing of its execution is rather erratic: it may be queued and ran whenever the timeline is updated.

The implementation is largely referenced from Shumway project. It's very incomplete and need serious re-work to be remotely accurate.


The basic rendering primitives of SWF are shapes, and texts. They are treated as the same for our renderer, since we don't have fancy processing on font glyphs (e.g. font atlas, SDF). Each shape and text run is modelled as a RenderObject.

A SceneNode may own multiple RenderObjects. SceneNode would issue instructions (i.e. DeferredRender) to renderer in order to render them.

Due to liberal use of filters and masks in the test target SWF, filters and masks are processed in batch. Each render instruction in batch is represented by DeferredRender. DeferredRender can be resolved to new DeferredRenders, for example:

DeferredRenderTexture -> DeferredRenderFilter -> DeferredRenderFilter -> DeferredRenderObject

All DeferredRenders would be resolved iteratively until every one of them represents a simple RenderObject (i.e. DeferredRenderObject). Then, they're also rendered in batch.

Off-screen rendering

Due to liberal use of filters in test target SWF, up to dozens of small RenderObject may require off-screen rendered to texture. To reduce render state switch and optimize memory usage, they are rendered in batch (DeferredRenderTexture) to a texture atlas before further processing.

TODO: Render artifacts happens: texture patch leaks to neighbor in atlas.


Blur filter supports processing multiple input blur requests in batch. The requests are grouped input atlas texture and blur passes; blur radius is passed as attributes to shader.

The test target SWF sometimes use a large blur radius (150), so shader programs are generated just-in-time with caching to improve rendering quality.


Due to liberal use of masking in test target SWF (commonly over 20 masks on screen), using stencil for masking would incur heavy performance penalty. Also, it is hard to handle independent overlapping mask correctly.

Instead, masks are rendered to off-screen textures in screen-space, with the mask ID in color channel. The main render shader would use the texture to perform masking.


The test target SWF renders a large amount of DisplayObject to BitmapData. To improve performance, the DisplayObjects are rendered in batch, by cloning their SceneNodes when BitmapData.draw is called, and render them lazily.

The test target SWF also use pixels in BitmapData frequently. Pixel data is loaded and cached from texture lazily first time when BitmapData.getPixel32 is called, and invalidated when rendered again.