Before you can do anything, you're going to need an account on the App Inventor website. Go to dojo.soy/appinv-start and then click on the "Create apps!" button at the top-right of the screen.
The website will ask you to sign in with a Google account. If you don't have one, you'll need to create one or use your parent/guardian's account.
Once you have signed in with a Google account, App Inventor will show you options to either setup an Android device (a phone or tablet) or an emulator (a fake, simulated, Android device) on your computer.
You may need a mentor at your Dojo to help you with this next step! Depending on what you have personally, or available at your Dojo, you may need to install the emulator, setup your own device or a Dojo device, or do nothing at all (if the Dojo already has devices set up). If you need to do either kind of setup, click on the appropriate link and follow the App Inventor team's instructions. Once you've done that, come back to the Sushi Cards.
Right! Now you're all set to go! Time to create your first Android app!
Go back to App Inventor in your browser and click on the "Start new project" button, at the top left of the screen. 
Call your project "MyQuizApp" and click "OK" 
You'll see a screen like this one, and you're ready to get coding! 
You can see that the App Inventor Designer view is broken into four key sections:
- Palette—from which you pick the components you will use to build your app
- Viewer—where you can see the app you are working on, rearrange and select components
- Components—where you can see a list of the components in your app and their relationships to each other
- Properties—where you can see and change the properties of the component you have selected at the moment
There are other buttons and even another view, but this is all you'll be using right now.