Here's a helper module to use Postgres advisory locks for arbitrary key based locking at app level.
import { DatabaseError } from 'pg'
import { refineError } from 'src/lib/utils'
import pool, { DatabaseTransactionConnection } from 'src/slonik'
import { sql, SqlFragment } from 'slonik'
// The lock identifier patterns need to be unique across the app.
// Having all defined in one place helps to spot potential overlap.
export const lockKeyCreators = {
someOperation: (key: string) => `someOperation/${key}/`
export class ExclusiveAdvisoryLockAcquireError extends Error {}
export class TransactionIdleTimeoutError extends Error {}
// 0 to disable transaction retries
type LockTransactionOptions = {
lockAcquireTimeout?: SqlFragment
idleInTransactionTimeout?: SqlFragment
* Provides the same API as Slonik's pool.transaction but acquires and releases a PG advisory lock automatically.
* We use a transaction-based lock for release safety: it's automatically released once the transaction ends.
* The caller doesn't _have_ to do all operations within the transaction if only lock protection is required.
* @see
export async function withExclusiveAdvisoryLockTransaction<T>(
key: string,
fn: (transaction: DatabaseTransactionConnection) => Promise<T>,
lockAcquireTimeout = sql`1s`,
idleInTransactionTimeout = sql`30s`,
}: LockTransactionOptions = {},
): Promise<T> {
const result = await pool.transaction(async transaction => {
try {
// "Terminate any session that has been idle (that is, waiting for a client query) within an open transaction for
// longer than the specified amount of time."
// "This option can be used to ensure that idle sessions do not hold locks for an unreasonable amount of time."
await transaction.query(
sql`SET LOCAL idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = '${idleInTransactionTimeout}'`,
// Set the statement_timeout temporarily to 0 (inf) because we want everything to be driven by the lock_timeout.
await transaction.query(sql`SET LOCAL statement_timeout = 0`)
// Set a separate statement timeout for lock acquire operation.
// Usually it's good to keep to lock acquire timeout low. For example in pubsub message handling:
// when acquire timeout is low, we don't accidentally clog our processing by causing all message handlers
// to wait for a lock (in case we happen to process a ton of messages competing for the same lock at once).
await transaction.query(
sql`SET LOCAL lock_timeout = '${lockAcquireTimeout}'`,
// We are aware that the hashing method (hash(arbitrary string) -> bigint)
// is making collisions more likely than even plain md5. However,
// collisions only lower throughput, not compromise the mutual exclusion guarantee.
// Online examples used both md5 and sha1, but md5 doesn't need pgcrypto.
// Also: yes, the `'x' ||` trick is weird but intentional, see:
await transaction.query(sql`
-- Lock is released when transaction ends
SELECT pg_advisory_xact_lock(
('x' || md5(${key}))::bit(64)::bigint
} catch (err) {
if (isLockAcquireError(err)) {
throw refineError(
new ExclusiveAdvisoryLockAcquireError(
`Acquiring exclusive advisory lock with key '${key}' failed`,
throw err
// Return statement timeout back to default for actual operation
await transaction.query(sql`SET LOCAL statement_timeout = DEFAULT`)
try {
return await fn(transaction)
} catch (err) {
if (isTransactionIdleTimeoutError(err)) {
throw refineError(
new TransactionIdleTimeoutError(
`Transaction idle timeout exceeded while holding '${key}' lock`,
throw err
return result
* Provides the same API as Slonik's pool.transaction but acquires and releases a PG advisory lock automatically.
* We use a transaction-based lock for release safety: it's automatically released once the transaction ends.
* The caller doesn't _have_ to do all operations within the transaction if only lock protection is required.
* @see
export async function withTryExclusiveAdvisoryLockTransaction<T>(
key: string,
fn: (transaction: DatabaseTransactionConnection) => Promise<T>,
{ idleInTransactionTimeout = sql`30s` }: LockTransactionOptions = {}, // note: lockAcquireTimeout unused
): Promise<T> {
const result = await pool.transaction(async transaction => {
// "Terminate any session that has been idle (that is, waiting for a client query) within an open transaction for
// longer than the specified amount of time."
// "This option can be used to ensure that idle sessions do not hold locks for an unreasonable amount of time."
await transaction.query(
sql`SET LOCAL idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = '${idleInTransactionTimeout}'`,
// We are aware that the hashing method (hash(arbitrary string) -> bigint)
// is making collisions more likely than even plain md5. However,
// collisions only lower throughput, not compromise the mutual exclusion guarantee.
// Online examples used both md5 and sha1, but md5 doesn't need pgcrypto.
// Also: yes, the `'x' ||` trick is weird but intentional, see:
if (
!(await transaction.oneFirst(sql`
-- Lock is released when transaction ends
SELECT pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(
('x' || md5(${key}))::bit(64)::bigint
) {
throw new ExclusiveAdvisoryLockAcquireError(
`Acquiring exclusive advisory lock with key '${key}' failed`,
// Return statement timeout back to default for actual operation
await transaction.query(sql`SET LOCAL statement_timeout = DEFAULT`)
try {
return await fn(transaction)
} catch (err) {
if (isTransactionIdleTimeoutError(err)) {
throw refineError(
new TransactionIdleTimeoutError(
`Transaction idle timeout exceeded while holding '${key}' lock`,
throw err
return result
function isLockAcquireError(
err: unknown,
): err is ExclusiveAdvisoryLockAcquireError {
return (
err instanceof DatabaseError &&
err.message.includes('canceling statement due to lock timeout')
function isTransactionIdleTimeoutError(
err: unknown,
): err is TransactionIdleTimeoutError {
// Unfortunately pg or slonik don't give any more details of the error. I tried to manually dig _any_
// property that could be a better identifier, but this generic message was the only hint.
// In the context of this lock usage, it's safe to assume that this error message will _likely_
// mean that we hit transaction idle timeout. It's not 100% proof as this error AFAIK is used for other purposes too.
return (
err instanceof Error &&
typeof err.message === 'string' && // seen in the wild: InvalidInputError for which typeof err.message === 'object' :melting-face:
'Client has encountered a connection error and is not queryable',
* Searches for an active advisory lock with given `key` string.
* If the lock is active, its data is returned. Otherwise null is returned.
export async function maybeFindExclusiveAdvisoryLockByKey(key: string) {
* "A bigint key is displayed with its high-order half in the classid column, its low-order half in the objid column,
* and objsubid equal to 1. The original bigint value can be reassembled with the expression
* `(classid::bigint << 32) | objid::bigint`."
* @see
return await pool.maybeOne<{
lockBigintId: number | null // when null -> too large value to fit JS number
locktype: 'advisory'
WITH bigint_advisory_locks as (
SELECT *, ((classid::bigint << 32) | objid::bigint) as lock_bigint_id FROM pg_locks WHERE
locktype = 'advisory' AND
objsubid = 1
SELECT * from bigint_advisory_locks
WHERE lock_bigint_id = ('x' || md5(${key}))::bit(64)::bigint
import _ from 'lodash'
import { DatabaseError } from 'pg'
import { QueryFunction } from 'slonik/dist/src/types'
import { waitForExpect } from 'src/lib/testing/testUtil'
import { promiseForEachSeries, sleep } from 'src/lib/utils'
import pool from 'src/slonik'
import {
} from 'src/slonik/pgLock'
import { sql } from 'slonik'
async function waitForLockAcquired(key: string) {
await waitForExpect(
async () => {
const lock = await maybeFindExclusiveAdvisoryLockByKey(key)
{ timeoutMs: 100 },
async function executeConcurrentScenario({
}: {
lockKey?: string
withLockTransactionWrapper: typeof withExclusiveAdvisoryLockTransaction
}) {
const values: string[] = []
const withTransactionFn = lockKey
? (fn: (...args: any[]) => any) => withLockTransactionWrapper(lockKey, fn)
: // When no lockKey is defined, we use a regular transaction
(fn: (...args: any[]) => any) => pool.transaction(fn, 0)
let resolveTransactionStartedPromise: () => void
const transactionStartedPromise = new Promise<void>(resolve => {
resolveTransactionStartedPromise = resolve
const firstPromise = withTransactionFn(async () => {
// Hold on to the lock for a short while by not ending the transaction immediately
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500))
// This guarantees that we have entered the first transaction
await transactionStartedPromise
// Now execute the second operation
const secondTrxPromise = withTransactionFn(async () => {
await Promise.all([firstPromise, secondTrxPromise])
return values
function mockQueryWithinTransaction(
fn: (opts: {
args: Parameters<QueryFunction>
originalQuery: QueryFunction
}) => Promise<any>,
) {
const originalPoolTransaction = pool.transaction
jest.spyOn(pool, 'transaction').mockImplementation((handler, retryLimit) => {
return originalPoolTransaction(trx => {
const originalTrxQuery = trx.query
jest.spyOn(trx, 'query').mockImplementation(async (...args) => {
return await fn({ args, originalQuery: originalTrxQuery })
return handler(trx)
}, retryLimit)
describe('pgLock', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
describe('withExclusiveAdvisoryLockTransaction', () => {
test('makes sure concurrent application code is executed in correct order', async () => {
const values = await executeConcurrentScenario({
lockKey: 'arbitrary lock key',
withLockTransactionWrapper: withExclusiveAdvisoryLockTransaction,
// If everything went as expected, the second update should not go through
// before the first
expect(values).toEqual(['FIRST', 'SECOND'])
test('prove that omitting the lock causes an undesirable order of execution', async () => {
const values = await executeConcurrentScenario({
lockKey: undefined,
withLockTransactionWrapper: withExclusiveAdvisoryLockTransaction,
// The second value was pushed before the first one
expect(values).toEqual(['SECOND', 'FIRST'])
test('concurrency fuzzy scenario', async () => {
const iterations = 5
// Note: if you increase the concurrency, we might run out of connections in pool
const concurrency = 10
const nums = [0]
await promiseForEachSeries(_.range(iterations), () =>
..._.range(concurrency).map(() =>
withExclusiveAdvisoryLockTransaction('fuzzy test key', async () => {
const tail = _.last(nums)!
// wait a bit to let other concurrent executions potentially mess up with the state
await sleep(2)
nums.push(tail + 1)
// If the locking works, numbers should be in correct order
expect(nums).toEqual(_.range(0, iterations * concurrency + 1))
describe('error handling', () => {
describe('failing to acquire lock in given time throws', () => {
test('using mocks setup', async () => {
mockQueryWithinTransaction(({ args, originalQuery }) => {
const sqlObj = args[0]
// Simulate lock acquire timeout
if (sqlObj.sql.includes('SELECT pg_advisory_xact_lock')) {
throw new DatabaseError(
'Error: canceling statement due to lock timeout',
0, // length unused here
'error', // name doesn't matter
return originalQuery(...args)
await expect(
withExclusiveAdvisoryLockTransaction('any key', async () => {
// Have an assertion that always fails, because this should never be called
test('using real timers', async () => {
const lockKey = 'some key' // note: using a different key than other tests just in case
// Note: this will actually hold on to the lock for ~500ms even after the test case has executed
const promise = withExclusiveAdvisoryLockTransaction(
async () => {
// Hold on to the lock for a short while by not ending the transaction immediately
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000))
await waitForLockAcquired(lockKey)
await expect(
async () => {
// Have an assertion that always fails, because this should never be called
lockAcquireTimeout: sql`1ms`,
await promise // required to allow pool.end() to go through
test('transaction idle timeout error is detected by message', async () => {
mockQueryWithinTransaction(({ args, originalQuery }) => {
const sqlObj = args[0]
// Simulate transaction idle timeout. Unfortunately pg or slonik are not passing any details of the
// error actually being "idle-in-transaction timeout" error.
if (sqlObj.sql.includes('SELECT 1')) {
throw new Error(
'Client has encountered a connection error and is not queryable',
return originalQuery(...args)
await expect(
'any key',
async trx => {
const { value } = await<{ value: number }>(
sql`SELECT 2 as value`,
// This should throw TransactionIdleTimeoutError
await trx.query(sql`SELECT 1`)
// Have an assertion that always fails, because this should never be called
lockAcquireTimeout: sql`1ms`,
test('other errors are thrown as is', async () => {
class MyError extends Error {}
await expect(
'another key',
async () => {
throw new MyError('test')
lockAcquireTimeout: sql`10ms`,
describe('withTryExclusiveAdvisoryLockTransaction', () => {
test('concurrent locking is not possible', async () => {
await expect(
lockKey: 'arbitrary lock key',
withLockTransactionWrapper: withTryExclusiveAdvisoryLockTransaction,
test('prove that omitting the lock causes an undesirable order of execution', async () => {
const values = await executeConcurrentScenario({
lockKey: undefined,
withLockTransactionWrapper: withTryExclusiveAdvisoryLockTransaction,
// The second value was pushed before the first one
expect(values).toEqual(['SECOND', 'FIRST'])
test('concurrency fuzzy scenario', async () => {
const iterations = 5
// Note: if you increase the concurrency, we might run out of connections in pool
const concurrency = 10
const nums = [0]
await promiseForEachSeries(_.range(iterations), () =>
..._.range(concurrency).map(async () => {
// Retry 100 times before failing
for (let i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
try {
return await withTryExclusiveAdvisoryLockTransaction(
'fuzzy test key',
async () => {
const tail = _.last(nums)!
// wait a bit to let other concurrent executions potentially mess up with the state
await sleep(2)
nums.push(tail + 1)
} catch (err) {
// eslint-disable-next-line jest/no-conditional-expect
// And then fall through for a next iteration
}'This should not happen')
// If the locking works, numbers should be in correct order
expect(nums).toEqual(_.range(0, iterations * concurrency + 1))
describe('error handling', () => {
describe('failing to acquire lock in given time throws', () => {
test('using real timers', async () => {
const lockKey = 'some key' // note: using a different key than other tests just in case
// Note: this will actually hold on to the lock for ~500ms even after the test case has executed
const promise = withTryExclusiveAdvisoryLockTransaction(
async () => {
// Hold on to the lock for a short while by not ending the transaction immediately
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000))
await waitForLockAcquired(lockKey)
await expect(
async () => {
// Have an assertion that always fails, because this should never be called
lockAcquireTimeout: sql`1ms`,
await promise // required to allow pool.end() to go through
test('transaction idle timeout error is detected by message', async () => {
mockQueryWithinTransaction(({ args, originalQuery }) => {
const sqlObj = args[0]
// Simulate transaction idle timeout. Unfortunately pg or slonik are not passing any details of the
// error actually being "idle-in-transaction timeout" error.
if (sqlObj.sql.includes('SELECT 1')) {
throw new Error(
'Client has encountered a connection error and is not queryable',
return originalQuery(...args)
await expect(
'any key',
async trx => {
const { value } = await<{ value: number }>(
sql`SELECT 2 as value`,
// This should throw TransactionIdleTimeoutError
await trx.query(sql`SELECT 1`)
// Have an assertion that always fails, because this should never be called
lockAcquireTimeout: sql`1ms`,
test('other errors are thrown as is', async () => {
class MyError extends Error {}
await expect(
'another key',
async () => {
throw new MyError('test')
lockAcquireTimeout: sql`10ms`,