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Stunner Modelling Tool

Stunner is a multi-purpose modelling tool based on JBoss Uberfire. Multiple KIE designer and modeler components are developed atop Stunner.


Various complementary documents related to Stunner development and functionality can be found in a public, shared Google Docs folder.

Building Stunner Source Code

To compile all Stunner components and install to your local Maven repository, issue the following commands:

cd kie-wb-common/kie-wb-common-stunner/
mvn clean install -DskipTests

Running the Application

Execution and demonstration of the various Stunner-based components can be achieved using any of the following showcases:

  • Stunner BPMN Business Central Showcase is built atop the KIE Workbench, Commons, Guvnor and Library components. This more complex showcase demonstrates integration with different KIE Workbench assets and editors.

PR process

  • It is a good practice to use the git branch with actual Jira issue ID, for example, JBPM-1. This technique also will help you to eliminate issues with multi-repository PRs (see below).
  • During commit add appropriate jira issue ID (JBPM, RHPAM or RHDM only) at the beginning of the commit message.
  • Before pushing to Github execute mvn clean package -Dfull to execute checkstyle and spotbug plugins locally.
  • When creating multi-repository PR ensure that all repositories have the same branch name otherwise our Jenkins will build PRs separately.
  • Create Draft PR instead of regular.
  • If you need to check some particular points (on the code or runtime level) to finish the task or ensure that everything is fine, ask a particular person in the PR comments before you will perform final runtime tests.
  • When PR is created and if you are a part of the kiegroup put a comment with content Jenkins execute full downstream build.
    • Wait for the results of project Jenkins and full downstream build Jenkins results.
    • If Jenkins results are not green, check the results and if the issues are related to your changes, fix them and re-trigger builds.
      • Repository build will be triggered automatically when you push your changes, but Full downstream build should be re-triggered manually.
    • If Jenkins builds are not green but you are sure it is not related to your changes, find the author of the failing tests and ping him/her in the PR comments.
    • Ensure that your PR passed Sonar Cloud gates as well. If you do not agree with the issues reported by Sonar or your tests are running but not measured correctly, put a comment to your PR.
    • If Jenkins builds are green or you are sure that failed tests are not related to your changes and Sonar Cloud gates are passed, download Business Central from Full downstream build and test it locally against Acceptance Criteria / Steps to reproduce. Sometimes the issue is fixed in the showcase but still reproducible in the product.
    • When everything is done, mark PR as ready for review and ask another developer AND QE to do the review.
  • When PR is merged move Jira issue to state Status: Resolved, Resolution: Done, set next closest release as Fix version.

IDE Environment setup

What follows are the steps needed for setting up the Stunner environment with IntelliJ IDEA 15.0. Newer versions of IntelliJ IDEA, up to and including 2018, have known compatibility issues with the Stunner environment. For this reason, it is strongly recommended that you use IntelliJ IDEA Version 15.0 which can be downloaded from the Previous Releases page.

Prerequisite Steps for LINUX Users

Change the inotify limits configuration as noted below to avoid further issues within the IDE.

  1. Close the IDE

  2. Edit /etc/sysctl.conf and add the following content:

    fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 524288 fs.inotify.max_user_instances = 524288

  3. Edit /etc/security/limits.conf and add the following content:

    soft nofile 4096 hard nofile 10240


    roger soft nofile 4096
    roger hard nofile 10240

Prerequisite Steps for Windows Users

[WARNING] Showcase applications only work in Windows 10 Anniversary Update and above (build 1607)

  1. Enable long paths in Windows
  • open regedit -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem -> Change LongPathsEnabled from 0 to 1
  1. Enable long paths in Git
  • Open GitBash -and type git config --system core.longpaths true
  1. IDEA15 executable
  • The default setup creates a shortcut to idea.exe. Be sure to change to idea64.exe, otherwise you'll be running 32-bits version

Before Working with the IDE

Prior to importing the project into the IDE, assuming kie-wb-common has already been cloned locally, navigate to that directory and issue the following command:

    cd kie-wb-common/
    mvn clean install -DskipTests

IDEA Environment Setup

If you have not run the step from Before Working with the IDE above, do so before continuing.

Importing the project into IDEA

  1. From the header menu, select File --> New --> Project from Existing Sources...
  2. Using the directory tree, navigate to and select the pom.xml file within the kie-wb-common/kie-wb-commmon-stunner directory and hit OK.
  3. At the bottom of the new dialog box, click the Environment Settings... button.
  4. Use the '...' button next to the Maven home directory field to locate and select your local Maven (3.3.9+) installation, rather than the "Bundled" prefilled value.
  5. Select OK to close the Maven environment popup dialog.
  6. From hereout, click Next 3 times, which should lead to a SDK selection screen. Ensure that your JDK home path reflects a Java instance of 1.8 (recommended JDK) or above.
  7. Click Next once more, then Finish.
  8. At this point, the project is loading into the IDE. Note that it will take some time to fully load and index.

Configure Maven in the IDE

  1. Open Preferences from the File (linux/Win) menu or IntelliJ IDEA app menu (mac).
  2. In the search field, type maven.
  3. Use the '...' button next to the Maven home directory field to locate and select your local Maven (3.3.9+) installation, rather than the "Bundled" prefilled value.
  4. In the left-hand navigation tree, select Importing underneath Maven.
  5. Change the value of VM options for importer to -Xmx2048m.
  6. Change the JDK for importer field to reflect your local Java JDK installation.
  7. (OPTIONAL) check the Import maven projects automatically option if desired.
  8. Click Apply and/or OK.

Configure Code Styling

  1. Download the KIE code-style XML configuration file.
  2. Open Preferences from the File (linux/Win) menu or IntelliJ IDEA app menu (mac).
  3. In the search field, type 'code style'.
  4. To the right of the Scheme field, locate and click the Manage... button.
  5. Click Import.
  6. In the Import From popup, select "IntelliJ IDEA code style XML". If this option is not available, proceed to Manually Importing the Code Style below at this time.
  7. Navigate to the downloaded XML file and select it.
  8. Click Apply and/or OK.

Manually Importing the Code Style

If you were able to use the IDE GUI to import the code style successfully above, skip this section.

  1. If you were not able to select the "IntelliJ IDEA code style XML" option, close the IDE.
  2. Refer to this support entry to identify the Configuration directory used by IntelliJ IDEA for your operating system.
  3. Copy the downloaded code style XML file to the [CONFIG_LOCATION]/codestyles directory.
  4. Start the IDE again, navigate to Code Styles within Preferences, and "KIE Java Conventions" should now be available in the Scheme dropdown selector.
  5. Select this option, then click Apply and/or OK.

Configure the File Header Template

  1. Open Preferences from the File (linux/Win) menu or IntelliJ IDEA app menu (mac).
  2. In the search field, type 'file and code templates'.
  3. Select the Includes tab.
  4. Select File Header in the left-hand list.
  5. Remove any line in the template referencing @author, as KIE convention is to omit this in lieu of Git history information.

Configure Copyright Template

  1. Open Preferences from the File (linux/Win) menu or IntelliJ IDEA app menu (mac).
  2. In the search field, type 'copyright'.
  3. Select Copyright Profiles, located under Copyright.
  4. Click the plus (+) sign in the top-left corner, then enter "KIE Copyright" in the name field in the popup.
  5. Replace the contents of the Copyright text field with the contents of the KIE licensing file.
  6. Within the newly pasted text, replace "${year}" with "$today.year", then click Apply.
  7. In the left-hand navigation tree, select Copyright, the parent node of the currently screen item.
  8. Use the Default project copyright dropdown to select the newly created "KIE Copyright" value.
  9. Click Apply and/or OK.

Configure GWT Facets

  1. If you don't already have a local copy of the GWT SDK, download the latest version from here and extract it somewhere safe where you keep other SDK's.
  2. From the menu, click View, then select Open Module Settings.
  3. In the left-hand Project Settings list, select Facets.
  4. In the left-hand facet list, select GWT.
  5. Ensure the Defaults tab is selected at the top.
  6. Change the Path to GWT installation directory to point to your local GWT SDK installation.
  7. Change the JavaScript output style option to Detailed.
  8. Change the Compiler maximum heap size to '4096'.
  9. Select the All Facets tab at the top and repeat steps 6-8.

Setting up a Showcase Run/Debug Configuration

The following assumes that the Standalone Showcase will be utilized. Some evident name/directory adjustments are required in order to run the Project Showcase instead, although doing so is not typically recommended (see above).

  1. From the menu, click Run, then select Edit Configurations...

  2. Click the plus (+) sign in the upper left-hand corner, then select GWT Configuration.

  3. Change Name to 'Standalone Showcase'.

  4. Use the Module: dropdown to select 'kie-wb-common-stunner-showcase-standalone'.

  5. Click the Use Super Dev Mode checkbox to enable if not already checked.

  6. Change GWT Modules to load to 'org.kie...standalone.FastCompiledStunnerStandaloneShowcase'.

  7. Paste the following into the VM Options field after editing the directory to match the location of your cloned code directory.

  8. Change Dev Mode parameters to the following:

     -server org.jboss.errai.cdi.server.gwt.EmbeddedWildFlyLauncher
  9. Ensure that the with JavaScript debugger checkbox is NOT checked, as Chrome debugger will be used instead.

  10. Under Before launch, click the plus (+) sign.

  11. Select Run Maven Goal.

  12. Change the working directory to /[YOUR_DIR_LOCATION]/kie-wb-common/kie-wb-common-stunner/kie-wb-common-stunner-showcase/kie-wb-common-stunner-showcase-standalone/.

  13. Change Command line value to 'clean process-resources', then hit OK.

  14. Select the newly added Maven entry in the Before launch section, then click the UP arrow underneath so that it moves above the Make entry.

  15. Click Apply and/or OK.

Running the Showcase Run/Debug Configuration


It is recommended that you use the following daily workflow for development around the standalone showcase application:

  1. When beginning your work day, and only ONCE a day if continuing to work with the same clone/branch, issue the following command to update all necessary Maven dependencies and check for issues:

     mvn clean install -DskipTests -Dgwt.compiler.skip=true
  2. Once complete, if you did not choose Import Maven Projects Automatically in previous steps, then inside of IntelliJ, right-click the project's tree root -> Maven -> Reimport and allow this to finish.

  3. Before running the showcase, you MUST choose Build --> Rebuild Project from the menu, as this step will kick off, among other things, the annotation processors responsible for generating code required by the showcase to start up and run correctly!


  1. After rebuild finishes, you can now start a run/debug configuration instance by selecting the "Standalone Showcase" entry in the configuration dropdown list and hitting the green arrow (or bug) button next to it.
  2. If start-up occurs successfully, the IntelliJ output window will reach a point where the is displayed.
  3. Open a Chrome Incognito tab and visit the provided URL.
  4. Enter the 'admin'/'admin' credentials, then enter.
  5. GWT compilation will now take place, after which the rest of the showcase application GUI will load.
  6. To debug in Chrome, open the tool with Ctrl+Shift+i (Linux/Win) or Cmd+Opt+i (Mac).
  7. When debugging an exception and accompanying stack trace is desired, within the debugger's Sources tab, click the Pause on caught exceptions checkbox on the right-hand side.
  8. To set breakpoints, use Ctrl/Cmd+O to open a file by name, then set breakpoints in the left-hand margin similarly to how it's done in IntelliJ.

Additional information on debugging with Chrome Dev Tools can be found here.


  • If ever the showcase loads and only the top menu bar is visible, no section title/links are added to the page, you will likely also see a JavaScript error about no Home pespective being available. If this occurs, perform a Build/Rebuild Project, then start the run/debug process again.
  • Oftentimes when working with just client/frontend GWT code, a Run can be performed in lieu of Debug and Javascript runtime compilation/hotswapping will not be affected, yet doing so will save some compilation time.

[OPTIONAL/ADVANCED] IDEA Multi-module Environment Setup

Once your Stunner project is setup correctly, you can also import external modules into it, for example some lienzo one, in order to be able to run the application and have all the sources served by the GWT code-server (SDM).

1.- [RECOMMENDED] Build the external module from command line before importing into the project

2.- File -> New -> Module from existing sources -> choose the module's root path

3.- Wait until import/indexing completes

4.- File -> Project Structure

  • Modules tab -> Add a new GWT module for the new external asset imported (eg: lienzo-core) -> just select it, click on the + button and add a new GWT module type
  • [TIP] -> Close project preferences and reopen it, there a bug on IDEA15...
  • Artifacts tab -> click on the "exploded WAR" artifact that exists for showcase you want to use. Then on the right panel, expand the module (eg: lienzo-core) and double click on both "compiled" and "GWT" artifacts that appear as child elements for it, they'll automatically be included in the "exploded WAR" artifact structure to generate