A Project which showing articles and poems for someone, any one can commented at any article or poem. with admin dashboard for controlling site by Laravel - MySql - Ajax - Adminlte - Bootstrap - Javascript http://emadmalak1.epizy.com
- Integrate Web applications with database.
- Use AdminLte Package
- Integrate application with Front Pages
Make sure you apache server working and create an empty database and name it sofra.
Upload (sql database\poem.sql ) file to database.
change ( .env.example file ) To ( .env )
Open .env file and chane DB_DATABASE=laravel To DB_DATABASE=poem
Open apache server, start with Command and type
php artisan serve
Login as admin
- url : /admin or /admin/login , this will redirect to admin login page
Email is :
and password is :kero2020
- url : /admin or /admin/login , this will redirect to admin login page
Email is :
- php - phpMyAdmin - Xamp
- laravel - Api - AdminLte package
- mySql
comment for article
admin pages