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ci-phpunit-test for CodeIgniter 3.x

version: v3.0.4 | v2.x | v1.x

Function/Class Reference

function reset_instance()

Resets CodeIgniter instance. You must create a new controller instance after calling this function.

$controller = new Welcome();
$this->CI =& get_instance();

Normally, you don't have to use this function. Use TestCase::resetInstance() method instead.

Note: Before you create a new controller instance, get_instance() returns CIPHPUnitTestNullCodeIgniter object.

function set_is_cli($return)

param type description
$return bool return value to set

Sets return value of is_cli() function.


function load_class_instance($classname, $instance)

param type description
$classname string class name
$instance object object instance

Injects an instance directly into load_class() function.

$email = $this->getMockBuilder('CI_Email')
load_class_instance('email', $email);

class TestCase

TestCase::resetInstance($use_my_controller = false)

Resets CodeIgniter instance and assign new CodeIgniter instance as $this->CI.

public function setUp(): void
	$this->obj = $this->CI->Category_model;

If you want your MY_Controller as $this->CI, use $this->resetInstance(true).

Note: When you call $this->request(), you don't have to use this method. Because $this->request() resets CodeIgniter instance internally.

Upgrade Note for v0.6.0

Before v0.6.0, we write setUp() method like this:

public function setUp(): void
	$this->CI =& get_instance();
	$this->obj = $this->CI->Category_model;

When you use the way, you use the same CodeIgniter instance and the same Category_model instance in every test method.

In contrast, if you use $this->resetInstance(), it resets CodeIgniter instance and Category_model. So you use new CodeIgniter instance and new Category_model instance in every test method.

TestCase::request($method, $argv, $params = [])

param type description
$method string HTTP method
$argv array/string controller, method [, arg1, ...] / URI string
$params array/string POST params or GET params / raw_input_stream

returns (string) output strings (view)

Runs a controller method or make a request to URI string, after reset_instance().

If you want to invoke routing, specify URI string:

$output = $this->request('GET', 'products/shoes/show/123');

You could add query string in URI string:

$output = $this->request('GET', 'users/detail?name=John+O%27Reilly');

If you want to make POST request:

$output = $this->request(
	['name' => 'John Smith', 'email' => '']

If you want to call a controller method directly:

$output = $this->request('GET', ['Form', 'index']);

Note: If you pass an array to the 2nd argument, it does not invoke routing, _remap() and _output() methods.

Upgrade Note for v0.16.0

v0.16.0 has changed the default behavior of $this->request(). It detects all warnings and notices during the execution, and throws exceptions. If you want to disable the checking, you must set $strictRequestErrorCheck false in your test case classes:

protected $strictRequestErrorCheck = false;

Sets HTTP request header.

$this->request->setHeader('Accept', 'application/csv');

Sets $_FILES superglobal variable.

$filename = 'ci-phpuni-test-downloads-777.png';
$filepath = TESTPATH.'fixtures/'.$filename;

$files = [
	'userfile' => [
		'name'     => $filename,
		'type'     => 'image/png',
		'tmp_name' => $filepath,

Sets (and resets) a function (callable) to run after controller instantiation.

	function ($CI) {
$output = $this->request('GET', ['Bbs', 'index']);

You can set one callable with $this->request->setCallable(). If you want to add more than one callable, you can use $this->request->addCallable() below.


Adds a function (callable) to run after controller instantiation.

	function ($CI) {
$output = $this->request('GET', ['Bbs', 'index']);

Sets (and resets) a function to run before controller instantiation.

	function () {
		// Get mock object
		$auth = $this->getDouble(
			'Ion_auth', ['logged_in' => TRUE]
		// Inject mock object
		load_class_instance('ion_auth', $auth);

Adds a function (callable) to run before controller instantiation.

	function () {
		// Get mock object
		$auth = $this->getDouble(
			'Ion_auth', ['logged_in' => TRUE]
		// Inject mock object
		load_class_instance('ion_auth', $auth);

If you want to enable hooks, call $this->request->enableHooks() method. It enables only pre_controller, post_controller_constructor, post_controller and display_override hooks.

$output = $this->request('GET', 'products/shoes/show/123');

TestCase::ajaxRequest($method, $argv, $params = [])

param type description
$method string HTTP method
$argv array/string controller, method [, arg1, ...] / URI string
$params array/string POST params or GET params / raw_input_stream

returns (string) output strings

The same as TestCase::request(), but this makes an Ajax request. This adds only $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'].

$output = $this->ajaxRequest('GET', 'api/books');


param type description
$code int HTTP status code

Checks for a specific response code in your controller tests.


TestCase::assertRedirect($uri, $code = null)

param type description
$uri string URI to redirect
$code int HTTP status code

Checks if redirect() is called in your controller tests.


TestCase::assertResponseHeader($name, $value)

param type description
$name string header name
$value string header value

Checks for a specific response header in your controller tests.

	'Content-Type', 'application/csv; charset=utf-8'

Note: This method can only assert headers set by $this->output->set_header() method.

TestCase::assertResponseCookie($name, $value, $allow_duplicate = false)

param type description
$name string cookie name
$value string/array cookie value / array of cookie params
$allow_duplicate bool whether to allow duplicated cookies

Checks for a specific response cookie in your controller tests.

$this->assertResponseCookie('cookie-name', 'cookie value');

You can also check cookie params.

		'value'  => 'cookie value',
		'domain' => '',
		'path'   => '/',
		'secure' => TRUE,
		'httponly' => TRUE,

Note: This method can only assert cookies set by $this->input->set_cooke() method.

TestCase::assertLogged($level, $message)

param type description
$level string log level
$message string expected log message

Checks if certain message is logged.

$this->assertLogged('error', 'log message');

TestCase::getDouble($classname, $params, $constructor_params = false)

param type description
$classname string class name
$params array [method_name => return_value]
[[method_name => [return_value1, return_value2 [, ...]]]
$constructor_params false/array false: disable constructor / array: constructor params

returns (object) PHPUnit mock object

Gets PHPUnit mock object.

$email = $this->getMockBuilder('CI_Email')

You could write code above like below:

$email = $this->getDouble('CI_Email', ['send' => TRUE]);

If the return value of a method is void, you specify ':void':

$mock = $this->getDouble(
	['next' => ':void'],

You can set Closure as the return value of a mocked method.

$ret = function () {
	throw new RuntimeException('Cannot send email!');
$mock = $this->getDouble('CI_Email', ['send' => $ret]);

You can also set the mock itself as the return value of a mocked method with using $this->returnSelf().

$mock = $this->getDouble('CI_Email', [
	'to'      => $this->returnSelf(),
	'subject' => $this->returnSelf(),
	'send'    => TRUE,

You can create mocks with consecutive calls.

$mock = $this->getMockBuilder('CI_Input')
	->will($this->onConsecutiveCalls('GET', 'POST' ,'DELETE'));

You could write code above like below:

$mock = $this->getDouble(
		['method' => ['GET', 'POST' ,'DELETE']],

Upgrade Note for v0.10.0

v0.10.0 has changed the default behavior of $this->getDouble() and disabled original constructor. If the change causes errors, update your test code like below:


$validation = $this->getDouble('CI_Form_validation', ['run' => TRUE]);


$validation = $this->getDouble('CI_Form_validation', ['run' => TRUE], TRUE);

TestCase::verifyInvoked($mock, $method, $params)

param type description
$mock object PHPUnit mock object
$method string method name
$params array arguments

Verifies a method was invoked at least once.

		'shop_confirm', $this->anything(), TRUE

You could write code above like below:

		'shop_confirm', $this->anything(), TRUE

TestCase::verifyInvokedOnce($mock, $method, $params)

param type description
$mock object PHPUnit mock object
$method string method name
$params array arguments

Verifies that method was invoked only once.

		'shop_confirm', $this->anything(), TRUE

You could write code above like below:

		'shop_confirm', $this->anything(), TRUE

TestCase::verifyInvokedMultipleTimes($mock, $method, $times, $params)

param type description
$mock object PHPUnit mock object
$method string method name
$times int times
$params array arguments

Verifies that method was called exactly $times times.

		['shop_confirm', $this->anything(), TRUE],
		['shop_tmpl_checkout', $this->anything()]

You could write code above like below:

		['shop_confirm', $this->anything(), TRUE],
		['shop_tmpl_checkout', $this->anything()]

TestCase::verifyNeverInvoked($mock, $method, $params)

param type description
$mock object PHPUnit mock object
$method string method name
$params array arguments

Verifies that method was not called.

		'shop_confirm', $this->anything(), TRUE

You could write code above like below:

		'shop_confirm', $this->anything(), TRUE


Turns off WARNING and Notice in PHP error reporting.

$output = $this->request('GET', 'api/example/users');


Restores PHP error reporting.


class DbTestCase

Upgrade Note for v0.13.0

To use this test case, you must install application/tests/DbTestCase.php manually.

DbTestCase::seeInDatabase($table, $where)

param type description
$table string table name
$where array where conditions

Checks if records that match the conditions in $where exist in the database.

DbTestCase::dontSeeInDatabase($table, $where)

param type description
$table string table name
$where array where conditions

Checks if records that match the conditions in $where do not exist in the database.

DbTestCase::seeNumRecords($expected, $table, $where = [])

param type description
$expected int expected number
$table string table name
$where array where conditions

Checks if the number of rows in the database that match $where is equal to $expected.

DbTestCase::hasInDatabase($table, $data)

param type description
$table string table name
$data array data to insert

Inserts a row into to the database. This row will be removed after the test has run.

DbTestCase::grabFromDatabase($table, $column, $where)

param type description
$table string table name
$column string column name
$where array where conditions

Fetches a single column from a database row with criteria matching $where.

class UnitTestCase

Upgrade Note for v0.16.0

To use this test case, you must install application/tests/UnitTestCase.php manually.


param type description
$classname string model classname

returns model object

Resets CodeIgniter instance and return new model instance. This method is for model unit testing.

public function setUp(): void
	$this->obj = $this->newModel('Category_model');

UnitTestCase::newLibrary($classname, $args)

param type description
$classname string library classname
$args array constructor argments

returns library object

Resets CodeIgniter instance and return new library instance. This method is for library unit testing.

public function setUp(): void
	$this->obj = $this->newLibrary('Foo_library');


param type description
$classname string controller classname

returns controller object

Resets CodeIgniter instance and return new controller instance. This method is for controller unit testing.

$controller = $this->newController('Some_controller');
$actual = $controller->some_method();

class ReflectionHelper

This class provides helper methods to access private or protected properties and methods.

But generally it is not recommended to test non-public properties or methods, so think twice before you use methods in this class.

ReflectionHelper::getPrivateProperty($obj, $property)

param type description
$obj object/string object / class name
$property string property name

returns (mixed) property value

Gets private or protected property value.

$obj = new SomeClass();
$private_propery = ReflectionHelper::getPrivateProperty(

ReflectionHelper::setPrivateProperty($obj, $property, $value)

param type description
$obj object/string object / class name
$property string property name
$value mixed value

Sets private or protected property value.

$obj = new SomeClass();
	'new value'

ReflectionHelper::getPrivateMethodInvoker($obj, $method)

param type description
$obj object/string object / class name
$method string method name

returns (closure) method invoker

Gets private or protected method invoker.

$obj = new SomeClass();
$method = ReflectionHelper::getPrivateMethodInvoker(
	$obj, 'privateMethod'
	'return value of the privateMethod() method', $method()

class MonkeyPatch

To use this class, you have to enable monkey patching. See How to Write Tests.

MonkeyPatch::patchFunction($function, $return_value, $class_method)

param type description
$function string function name to patch
$return_value mixed return value / callback
$class_method string class::method or classname to apply this patch

Replaces function on the fly.

If $class_method is present, the patch is applied to the functions only in the class method or in the class.

There are some known limitations. See How to Write Tests for details.

MonkeyPatch::patchFunction('mt_rand', 100, 'Welcome::index');


Resets all patched functions.

This method is called on TestCase::tearDown() by default. So you don't have to call it normally.

MonkeyPatch::patchMethod($classname, $params)

param type description
$classname string class name to patch
$params array [method_name => return_value]

Replaces method in user-defined class on the fly.

	['get_category_list' => [(object) ['name' => 'Nothing']]]


Resets all patched class methods.

This method is called on TestCase::tearDown() by default. So you don't have to call it normally.

MonkeyPatch::patchConstant($constant, $value, $class_method)

param type description
$constant string constant name to patch
$value mixed value
$class_method string class::method or classname to apply this patch

Replaces constant value on the fly.

If $class_method is present, the patch is applied to the constants only in the class method or in the class.

There are some known limitations. See How to Write Tests for details.

MonkeyPatch::patchConstant('ENVIRONMENT', 'development', 'Welcome::index');


Resets all patched constants.

This method is called on TestCase::tearDown() by default. So you don't have to call it normally.

MonkeyPatch::verifyInvoked($class_method, $params)

param type description
$class_method string class::method / function
$params array arguments

Verifies a patched class method or a patched function was invoked at least once.

	'Ion_auth_model::login', ['foo', 'bar']

MonkeyPatch::verifyInvokedOnce($class_method, $params)

param type description
$class_method string class::method / function
$params array arguments

Verifies that patched class method or a patched function was invoked only once.

	'CI_Input::post', ['id']

MonkeyPatch::verifyInvokedMultipleTimes($class_method, $times, $params)

param type description
$class_method string class::method / function
$times int times
$params array arguments

Verifies that patched method or a patched function was called exactly $times times.

	'CI_Input::post', 2

MonkeyPatch::verifyNeverInvoked($class_method, $params)

param type description
$class_method string class::method / function
$params array arguments

Verifies that patched method or a patched function was not called.

	'Ion_auth_model::login', ['username', 'PHS/DL1m6OMYg']