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Simple and efficient database migrations supporting multiple database technologies.

Available as both a cross-platform CLI tool suitable for any ecosystem (eg DotNet, Go, Node etc) and a set of nuget packages for inclusion in your own DotNet apps (eg to automate migrations).

Runs on Linux, Mac (Intel/ARM), and Windows. Currently supports PostgreSQL and MySQL.


About the cross-platform CLI tool

  • It's not dependent on the DotNet platform
  • It fits any ecosystem (eg Go, Python, Node etc)
  • And it's easy to configure, needing only:
    • A connection string in an environment variable
    • A folder with named migrations using up/down SQL scripts

Benefits of both the CLI and the Nuget packages

  • Your database structure can be version-controlled
  • Roll your database backwards as well as forwards
  • Seed/pre-populate, update, or remove data
  • Run in transactions for atomic up/down
  • Uses the MIT licence

What's available?

Cross-platform releases (not dependent on DotNet):

Packages available on Nuget:


These requirements are the same whether you are using the command-line CLI tool or the Nuget packages. You need a suitable database server installed (either MySQL or PostgreSQL). You also need the following:

A database connection string in an environment variable

You can use any environment variable name you like. Here's an example for Linux/Mac connecting to PostgreSQL:

export MY_CONNSTR="Server=;Port=5432;Database=my_database;Search Path=my_schema;User Id=my_user;Password=my_password"

(This is an example, not a revealed secret.)

It's similar for Windows, but you'd replace export with set instead. However in Windows it's probably simpler to edit the environment variables from your Control Panel / Settings area.

A folder of SQL migration scripts

A single folder holds all migration scripts. Inside is a subfolder per migration, where the name begins with the migration sequence number (optional leading zeros) followed by a description. Each migration in turn consists of an up.sql file and a down.sql file.

    /001 Create account table
    /002 Create news table
    /003 Insert sample data

There's an example folder here.

You must start at version one and you cannot omit a version in the sequence. You may also not have duplicate version numbers.

Using Migratable via the CLI tool

  • Download a release and place it somewhere convenient
  • Add the connection string into your environment
  • Create the folder of SQL migration scripts
  • Run the CLI

On a Mac for example you could do:

# Create a folder and copy the builds into it.
cd <repository_root>
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin/Migratable
sudo cp -r builds/macos-arm64/* /usr/local/bin/Migratable

# Run it.
/usr/local/bin/Migratable/Migratable.CLI postgres my_connstr ~/my-app/migrations --info

In the above example the parameters are:

  • postgres is the database type (postgres or mysql)
  • my_connstr is the name of the environment variable containing your database connection string
  • ~/my-app/migrations is the folder containing all your migrations
  • --info is the Migratable command to run

You can run without any command arguments to get a summary of usage:

Built with Net 7.0.9
Uses Migratable v2.2.0.0

  migratable <db> <env_name> <migrations> <command>

  db          database; either POSTGRES or MYSQL
              (always converted to uppercase)
  env_name    the name of an environment variable
              with a database connection string
              (always converted to uppercase)
  migrations  folder containing migration scripts
  command     migration action to perform
              (always converted to lowercase)


  -info        Show migration status
  -list        List known migrations

  -reset       Remove all migrations
  -latest      Apply new migrations
  -next        Roll forward one migration
  -back        Roll backward one migration
  -target=0    Target specific migration

If it fails to run on Linux and Mac one of the following may help:

  • Run chmod +x Migratable.CLI to ensure the CLI tool is executable
  • Open it in Finder/Nemo/whatever first to deal with any security unlocking needed

Using the Migratable Nuget packages

There is an Example project in this solution. It's totally self-contained as it uses an in-memory provider.

Here's some sample code to show the packages in use. SampleProvider is defined in the example project just mentioned. You could also look at the (simple and commented) code for the CLI tool.

// Configure.
var provider = new SampleProvider();
var migrator = new Migratable.Migrator(provider);

// Confirm the connection.
Console.Write("Press enter/return to continue (or Ctrl+C) ... ");

// Migrate from the current version to version 5.
Console.WriteLine($"Old version: {migrator.GetVersion()}");
Console.WriteLine($"New version: {migrator.GetVersion()}");

The Describe() method is designed to give confidence in proceeding. For MySQL/MariaDB it shows the server and database name.

How it works

There are 2 components, with an optional third:

  • Migrator - what your code should interact with to load/perform migrations
  • Provider - a utility package to support a particular database technology
  • Notifier - an optional class that can be sent progress messages for you to output to the console, log to a file, send via email, or whatever you choose
    • The Notifier 'hook' is there but no delivery mechanism is provided, although the example project shows that a console notifier is just one line of code

In brief, you follow this process:

  • Create a Provider instance for your database
  • Create a Migrator and pass in your Provider
  • Optionally create a Notifier and pass that to the Migrator
  • Ask your Migrator to load your migrations
  • Ask your Migrator to perform versioned actions

That final step will result in your up/down SQL statements being issued as needed to transition from your current database version to your target one. This is supported by an automatically created/updated migratable_version table.

Note about MySQL

MySQL has a habit of silently committing structural changes (add column, create table etc) mid-transaction. You should therefore avoid using multiple statements in a single migration if any one of them is structural. If you do, and one of the other statements fail, the transaction rollback may fail to undo a structural change that is already applied in that migration script.

For developers working on Migratable itself

If you only intend making use of Migratable in your own projects read no further.

Running the tests

cd Migratable.Tests
dotnet test

Creating a new version for Nuget

The Migratable/Migratable.csproj file contains Nuget settings. Within that file, update the version number then create the Nuget package:

cd Migratable
dotnet build
dotnet pack -c Release

If you are changing the CLI that project contains its own version number. It also has its own script for creating new cross-platform builds:

cd <solution>
cd Migratable.CLI

On Windows use build.bat rather than

Forcing another project to get the latest from Nuget

It sometimes takes a while for a new version to be available after pushing. You may be able to speed up the process:

cd <other-project>
dotnet restore --no-cache

MIT Licence

Copyright (c) 2019-2023 K Cartlidge. See the included LICENCE file for details.