transactions consume unspent outputs from previous transactions and produce new outputs which can be used as inputs to later transactions
Smart contracts are programs that perform automated and irrevocable transfer of funds on the block chain
An important feature of EUTXO is scripts. Scripts are program that run on block chain and check the validity of transactions.
- every transaction has validity interval, interval [SlotNumber]
- validator scripts make use of information about the pending transaction, validation contexts.
- validation of an output is performed by running the vlaidator with three inputs:
- datum
- redeemer
- context
transaction can be looked up using this unique txId
a transaction has a set of Input and a List of outputs
the address field of the output should contain the address of the validator script for that output.
datum object and validators are provided as part of the transaction inputs, event thought they are conceptually part of the output being spent. The rational for this is:
- the validator V for an output O is not required till O is actually spent.
- cost of executing a transaction is based on the size of the transaction, including the associated scripts
- therefor transaction that produces the validator, only pays for the size of the hash. And transaction that runs it pays for the full size of the script