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File metadata and controls

45 lines (37 loc) · 1.6 KB


-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Transaction output datum (era-dependent)

data TxOutDatum ctx era where

     TxOutDatumNone   :: TxOutDatum ctx era

     -- | A transaction output that only specifies the hash of the datum, but
     -- not the full datum value.
     TxOutDatumHash   :: ScriptDataSupportedInEra era
                      -> Hash ScriptData
                      -> TxOutDatum ctx era

     -- | A transaction output that specifies the whole datum value. This can
     -- only be used in the context of the transaction body, and does not occur
     -- in the UTxO. The UTxO only contains the datum hash.
     TxOutDatumInTx'  :: ScriptDataSupportedInEra era
                      -> Hash ScriptData
                      -> ScriptData
                      -> TxOutDatum CtxTx era

     -- | A transaction output that specifies the whole datum instead of the
     -- datum hash. Note that the datum map will not be updated with this datum,
     -- it only exists at the transaction output.
     TxOutDatumInline :: ReferenceTxInsScriptsInlineDatumsSupportedInEra era
                      -> ScriptData
                      -> TxOutDatum ctx era

deriving instance Eq   (TxOutDatum ctx era)
deriving instance Show (TxOutDatum ctx era)


  • ScriptData