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52 lines (43 loc) · 1.97 KB

File metadata and controls

52 lines (43 loc) · 1.97 KB


Things you need:

Tasks before running the application

Api/appsettings.json (Configure MySql Connection String)

Rename Api/appsettings.json.example to Api/appsettings.json and update the connection string accordingly. For security purposes, this file is not included in the Git repository.

  "DetailedErrors": true,
  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Information",
      "Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning"
  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "DefaultConnection": "server=<server_address>; port=<exposed_port>; database=<database>; user=<user>; password=<password>; Persist Security Info=False; Connect Timeout=300"

Api/Program.cs (Define MySql Server Version)

In Api/Proram.cs, define MySqlServerVersion to match your MySql server.

For example, if your MySql server is running version 8.0.27:

  options => options.UseMySql(
     new MySqlServerVersion(new Version(8,0,27))

Create a migration and update the database

Before running the application, you need to create a migration and update your database. In order to do so, execute the following commands.

cd Model

dotnet ef --startup-project ../Api/ migrations add migration1

dotnet ef --startup-project ../Api/ database update

Running Api and View

If you followed the previous steps, you are now ready to run the application.

First, run the configuration Api: http. A Swagger application will now be available in the browser. After that, run the configuration View: http. The blazor site where you can create and take a look at all of your movies will now be available. Please note that it is important to run the Api first, as the View requires it.