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Discriminated Unions

Learning Goals

Understand how Discriminated Unions can help write more explicit code

Connect - Improve or NOT improve ? (10 min)

Identify what can be improved in the code below

Think as a consumer of this class

namespace Optivem.Kata.Banking.Core.UseCases.OpenAccount
    public class OpenAccountUseCase : IUseCase<OpenAccountRequest, OpenAccountResponse>
        private readonly IAccountNumberGenerator _accountNumberGenerator;
        private readonly IBankAccountRepository _bankAccountRepository;

        public OpenAccountUseCase(IAccountNumberGenerator accountNumberGenerator,
            IBankAccountRepository bankAccountRepository)
            _accountNumberGenerator = accountNumberGenerator;
            _bankAccountRepository = bankAccountRepository;

        public Task<OpenAccountResponse> HandleAsync(OpenAccountRequest request)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.FirstName))
                throw new ValidationException(ValidationMessages.FirstNameEmpty);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.LastName))
                throw new ValidationException(ValidationMessages.LastNameEmpty);

            var balance = Balance.From(request.Balance);

            var accountNumber = _accountNumberGenerator.Next();

            var bankAccount = new BankAccount(accountNumber, request.FirstName, request.LastName, balance);

            var response = new OpenAccountResponse
                AccountNumber = accountNumber.Value,

            return Task.FromResult(response);

Debriefing - Code Smells

  • This code contains lies
    • If you take a look at the API level this class looks like this
public class OpenAccountUseCase : IUseCase<OpenAccountRequest, OpenAccountResponse> 
    public Task<OpenAccountResponse> HandleAsync(OpenAccountRequest request) { ... }
  • So in terms of function signature OpenAccountRequest request -> Task<OpenAccountResponse>
  • But in reality it can break your application flow by throwing exceptions
    • without saying it
    • without forcing callers to treat explicitly those lies
public Task<OpenAccountResponse> HandleAsync(OpenAccountRequest request)
    // Lie
    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.FirstName))
        throw new ValidationException(ValidationMessages.FirstNameEmpty);
    // Lie
    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.LastName))
        throw new ValidationException(ValidationMessages.LastNameEmpty);

    // Can throw an ArgumentException -> "Balance must be positive"
    var balance = Balance.From(request.Balance);
    var accountNumber = _accountNumberGenerator.Next();

    var bankAccount = new BankAccount(accountNumber, request.FirstName, request.LastName, balance);

    var response = new OpenAccountResponse
        AccountNumber = accountNumber.Value,

    return Task.FromResult(response);


Presentation : Discriminated Unions in a few words

Demo (10 min)

Refactor the UseCase class to be more explicit in terms of return type and control the flow from the caller :

  • Start by the Balance class
    • Change From signature to return a OneOf<InvalidBalance, Balance>
using OneOf;

namespace discriminatedUnions.demo
    public record Balance
        private readonly int value;

        private Balance(int balance)
            => value = balance;

        public static OneOf<InvalidBalance, Balance> From(int balance)
            => (balance <= 0) ?
                new InvalidBalance("Balance must be positive") :
                new Balance(balance);

    public record InvalidBalance(string Message);
  • Adapt the caller : OpenAccountUseCase
    • Use Match to treat the result
public class OpenAccountUseCase : IUseCase<OpenAccountRequest, OpenAccountResponse>
    public OpenAccountResponse Handle(OpenAccountRequest request)
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.FirstName))
            throw new ValidationException("First name should not be Empty");

        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.LastName))
            throw new ValidationException("Last name should not be Empty");

        return Balance.From(request.Balance)
            .Match(invalid => throw new ArgumentException("Balance must be positive"),
                balance => CreateResponse(request, balance));

    private static OpenAccountResponse CreateResponse(OpenAccountRequest request, Balance balance)
        => new(new BankAccount("New Account Number", request.FirstName!, request.LastName!, balance).AccountNumber);
  • We have no impact on the tests for now
  • So let's adapt the Handle method to return a descriptive result :
using OneOf;

namespace discriminatedUnions.demo

    public class OpenAccountUseCase : IUseCase<OpenAccountRequest, OpenAccountResponse>
        public OneOf<InvalidBalance, InvalidRequest, OpenAccountResponse> Handle(OpenAccountRequest request)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.FirstName))
                return new InvalidRequest("First name should not be Empty");
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.LastName)) return new InvalidRequest("Last name should not be Empty");

            return Balance.From(request.Balance)
                .Match(invalid => invalid,
                    // Cast is needed for compiler only...
                    balance => (OneOf<InvalidBalance, InvalidRequest, OpenAccountResponse>) CreateResponse(request,

        private static OpenAccountResponse CreateResponse(OpenAccountRequest request, Balance balance)
            => new(new BankAccount("New Account Number", request.FirstName!, request.LastName!, balance).AccountNumber);

    public record InvalidRequest(string Message);
  • What is the impact on the caller? a.k.a the test class
    • We need to plug the assertion on OneOf
using System;
using discriminatedUnions.demo;
using FluentAssertions;
using Xunit;
using static discriminatedUnions_demo.Tests.OpenAccountRequestBuilder;

namespace discriminatedUnions_demo.Tests

    public class OpenAccountUseCase_Should
        private readonly OpenAccountUseCase _useCase = new();

        public class Return_An_Invalid_Request : OpenAccountUseCase_Should
            public void When_First_Name_Is_Null()
                => AssertValidationExceptionIsThrown(requestBuilder => requestBuilder.WithoutFirstName(), "First name");

            public void When_First_Name_Is_Empty()
                => AssertValidationExceptionIsThrown(requestBuilder => requestBuilder.WithAnEmptyFirstName(),
                    "First name");

            public void When_Last_Name_Is_Null()
                => AssertValidationExceptionIsThrown(requestBuilder => requestBuilder.WithoutLastName(), "Last name");

            public void When_Last_Name_Is_Empty()
                => AssertValidationExceptionIsThrown(requestBuilder => requestBuilder.WithAnEmptyLastName(),
                    "Last name");

            private void AssertValidationExceptionIsThrown(
                Func<OpenAccountRequestBuilder, OpenAccountRequestBuilder> setup, string propertyName)
                var request = setup(ANewRequest())

                    .Be($"{propertyName} should not be Empty");

        public class Return_An_InvalidBalance : OpenAccountUseCase_Should
            public void When_Balance_Is_Zero()
                => AssertValidationExceptionIsThrown(0);

            public void When_Balance_Is_Negative()
                => AssertValidationExceptionIsThrown(-90);

            private void AssertValidationExceptionIsThrown(int balance)
                var request = ANewRequest()

                    .Be("Balance must be positive");

        public void Return_An_Account_Number()
            => _useCase.Handle(ANewRequest()
                .Be("New Account Number");

Concrete Practice (35 min)

Ask attendees to:

  • Explore the code
  • Identify where the code contains lies
  • Refactor using OneOf

A word on Discriminated Unions in F#

type conversionResult =
    | Money of Money
    | MissingExchangeRate of string

type evaluationResult =
    | Money of Money
    | ExchangeRates of string List


A solution using OneOf library is available here

Step by step

Conclusion (5min) - Impact

According to you, what impact would the use of Discriminated Unions have on your code?