0.0.14 (2024-11-11)
- actually fix wrong schema and docker build automation (e34b14f)
0.0.13 (2024-11-11)
0.0.12 (2024-11-11)
- remove date range limiter (5270241)
0.0.11 (2024-11-11)
- router prefix included twice (461fc84)
0.0.10 (2024-11-11)
- release 0.0.10 (5269472)
0.0.9 (2024-10-27)
- handle negative ratio calculation better (0694d66)
0.0.8 (2024-10-20)
- fully negative day resulted in bad ratio calculation (573ca90)
0.0.7 (2024-10-04)
- get namespace dynamically from entso-e response (a48ff07)
- take only 00-23 into account when calculating ratio (08d30cb)
0.0.6 (2024-09-24)
- use workflow dispatch to trigger docker build (2d056b3)
0.0.5 (2024-09-24)
- docker publish, hopefully? (eb03af1)
0.0.4 (2024-09-23)
- faulty logic in ratio property (c4158c9)
0.0.3 (2024-09-23)
0.0.2 (2024-09-23)
- release 0.0.2 (2ff95e2)
- release 0.0.1 (8ef340c)