diff --git a/pkg/webhook/federatedresourcequota/validating_test.go b/pkg/webhook/federatedresourcequota/validating_test.go
index 4bd2839dbfa4..41134c8efdce 100644
--- a/pkg/webhook/federatedresourcequota/validating_test.go
+++ b/pkg/webhook/federatedresourcequota/validating_test.go
@@ -17,16 +17,60 @@ limitations under the License.
 package federatedresourcequota
 import (
+	"context"
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	"net/http"
+	"sort"
+	"strings"
 	corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
+	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime"
+	"sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/webhook/admission"
+	clustervalidation "github.com/karmada-io/karmada/pkg/apis/cluster/validation"
 	policyv1alpha1 "github.com/karmada-io/karmada/pkg/apis/policy/v1alpha1"
+type fakeDecoder struct {
+	err error
+	obj runtime.Object
+// Decode mocks the Decode method of admission.Decoder.
+func (f *fakeDecoder) Decode(_ admission.Request, obj runtime.Object) error {
+	if f.err != nil {
+		return f.err
+	}
+	if f.obj != nil {
+		reflect.ValueOf(obj).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(f.obj).Elem())
+	}
+	return nil
+// DecodeRaw mocks the DecodeRaw method of admission.Decoder.
+func (f *fakeDecoder) DecodeRaw(_ runtime.RawExtension, obj runtime.Object) error {
+	if f.err != nil {
+		return f.err
+	}
+	if f.obj != nil {
+		reflect.ValueOf(obj).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(f.obj).Elem())
+	}
+	return nil
+// sortAndJoinMessages sorts and joins error message parts to ensure consistent ordering.
+// This prevents test flakiness caused by varying error message order.
+func sortAndJoinMessages(message string) string {
+	parts := strings.Split(strings.Trim(message, "[]"), ", ")
+	sort.Strings(parts)
+	return strings.Join(parts, ", ")
 func Test_validateOverallAndAssignments(t *testing.T) {
 	specFld := field.NewPath("spec")
 	cpuParse := resource.MustParse("10")
@@ -172,3 +216,330 @@ func Test_validateOverallAndAssignments(t *testing.T) {
+func TestValidatingAdmission_Handle(t *testing.T) {
+	tests := []struct {
+		name    string
+		decoder admission.Decoder
+		req     admission.Request
+		want    admission.Response
+	}{
+		{
+			name: "Decode Error Handling",
+			decoder: &fakeDecoder{
+				err: errors.New("decode error"),
+			},
+			req:  admission.Request{},
+			want: admission.Errored(http.StatusBadRequest, errors.New("decode error")),
+		},
+		{
+			name: "Validation Success - Resource Limits Match",
+			decoder: &fakeDecoder{
+				obj: &policyv1alpha1.FederatedResourceQuota{
+					Spec: policyv1alpha1.FederatedResourceQuotaSpec{
+						Overall: corev1.ResourceList{
+							"cpu":    resource.MustParse("10"),
+							"memory": resource.MustParse("10Gi"),
+						},
+						StaticAssignments: []policyv1alpha1.StaticClusterAssignment{
+							{
+								ClusterName: "m1",
+								Hard: corev1.ResourceList{
+									"cpu":    resource.MustParse("5"),
+									"memory": resource.MustParse("5Gi"),
+								},
+							},
+							{
+								ClusterName: "m2",
+								Hard: corev1.ResourceList{
+									"cpu":    resource.MustParse("5"),
+									"memory": resource.MustParse("5Gi"),
+								},
+							},
+						},
+					},
+				},
+			},
+			req:  admission.Request{},
+			want: admission.Allowed(""),
+		},
+		{
+			name: "Validation Error - Resource Limits Exceeded",
+			decoder: &fakeDecoder{
+				obj: &policyv1alpha1.FederatedResourceQuota{
+					Spec: policyv1alpha1.FederatedResourceQuotaSpec{
+						Overall: corev1.ResourceList{
+							"cpu":    resource.MustParse("5"),
+							"memory": resource.MustParse("5Gi"),
+						},
+						StaticAssignments: []policyv1alpha1.StaticClusterAssignment{
+							{
+								ClusterName: "m1",
+								Hard: corev1.ResourceList{
+									"cpu":    resource.MustParse("5"),
+									"memory": resource.MustParse("5Gi"),
+								},
+							},
+							{
+								ClusterName: "m2",
+								Hard: corev1.ResourceList{
+									"cpu":    resource.MustParse("5"),
+									"memory": resource.MustParse("5Gi"),
+								},
+							},
+						},
+					},
+				},
+			},
+			req:  admission.Request{},
+			want: admission.Denied(fmt.Sprintf("[spec.overall[cpu]: Invalid value: \"%s\": overall is less than assignments, spec.overall[memory]: Invalid value: \"%s\": overall is less than assignments]", "5", "5Gi")),
+		},
+		{
+			name: "Validation Error - CPU Allocation Exceeds Overall Limit",
+			decoder: &fakeDecoder{
+				obj: &policyv1alpha1.FederatedResourceQuota{
+					Spec: policyv1alpha1.FederatedResourceQuotaSpec{
+						Overall: corev1.ResourceList{
+							"cpu":    resource.MustParse("5"),
+							"memory": resource.MustParse("10Gi"),
+						},
+						StaticAssignments: []policyv1alpha1.StaticClusterAssignment{
+							{
+								ClusterName: "m1",
+								Hard: corev1.ResourceList{
+									"cpu":    resource.MustParse("10"),
+									"memory": resource.MustParse("5Gi"),
+								},
+							},
+							{
+								ClusterName: "m2",
+								Hard: corev1.ResourceList{
+									"cpu":    resource.MustParse("5"),
+									"memory": resource.MustParse("5Gi"),
+								},
+							},
+						},
+					},
+				},
+			},
+			req:  admission.Request{},
+			want: admission.Denied(fmt.Sprintf("spec.overall[cpu]: Invalid value: \"%s\": overall is less than assignments", "5")),
+		},
+		{
+			name: "Validation Error - Memory Allocation Exceeds Overall Limit",
+			decoder: &fakeDecoder{
+				obj: &policyv1alpha1.FederatedResourceQuota{
+					Spec: policyv1alpha1.FederatedResourceQuotaSpec{
+						Overall: corev1.ResourceList{
+							"cpu":    resource.MustParse("10"),
+							"memory": resource.MustParse("5Gi"),
+						},
+						StaticAssignments: []policyv1alpha1.StaticClusterAssignment{
+							{
+								ClusterName: "m1",
+								Hard: corev1.ResourceList{
+									"cpu":    resource.MustParse("5"),
+									"memory": resource.MustParse("5Gi"),
+								},
+							},
+							{
+								ClusterName: "m2",
+								Hard: corev1.ResourceList{
+									"cpu":    resource.MustParse("5"),
+									"memory": resource.MustParse("10Gi"),
+								},
+							},
+						},
+					},
+				},
+			},
+			req:  admission.Request{},
+			want: admission.Denied(fmt.Sprintf("spec.overall[memory]: Invalid value: \"%s\": overall is less than assignments", "5Gi")),
+		},
+		{
+			name: "Invalid Cluster Name",
+			decoder: &fakeDecoder{
+				obj: &policyv1alpha1.FederatedResourceQuota{
+					Spec: policyv1alpha1.FederatedResourceQuotaSpec{
+						Overall: corev1.ResourceList{
+							"cpu":    resource.MustParse("10"),
+							"memory": resource.MustParse("10Gi"),
+						},
+						StaticAssignments: []policyv1alpha1.StaticClusterAssignment{
+							{
+								ClusterName: "invalid cluster name",
+								Hard: corev1.ResourceList{
+									"cpu":    resource.MustParse("5"),
+									"memory": resource.MustParse("5Gi"),
+								},
+							},
+						},
+					},
+				},
+			},
+			req:  admission.Request{},
+			want: admission.Denied("[spec.staticAssignments[0].clusterName: Invalid value: \"invalid cluster name\": a lowercase RFC 1123 label must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters or '-', and must start and end with an alphanumeric character (e.g. 'my-name',  or '123-abc', regex used for validation is '[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?')]"),
+		},
+	}
+	for _, tt := range tests {
+		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
+			v := &ValidatingAdmission{
+				Decoder: tt.decoder,
+			}
+			got := v.Handle(context.Background(), tt.req)
+			got.Result.Message = sortAndJoinMessages(got.Result.Message)
+			tt.want.Result.Message = sortAndJoinMessages(tt.want.Result.Message)
+			if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tt.want) {
+				t.Errorf("Handle() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)
+			}
+		})
+	}
+func Test_validateFederatedResourceQuotaStatus(t *testing.T) {
+	fld := field.NewPath("status")
+	tests := []struct {
+		name     string
+		status   *policyv1alpha1.FederatedResourceQuotaStatus
+		expected field.ErrorList
+	}{
+		{
+			name: "Valid FederatedResourceQuotaStatus",
+			status: &policyv1alpha1.FederatedResourceQuotaStatus{
+				Overall:     corev1.ResourceList{"cpu": resource.MustParse("10")},
+				OverallUsed: corev1.ResourceList{"cpu": resource.MustParse("5")},
+				AggregatedStatus: []policyv1alpha1.ClusterQuotaStatus{
+					{
+						ClusterName: "valid-cluster",
+						ResourceQuotaStatus: corev1.ResourceQuotaStatus{
+							Hard: corev1.ResourceList{"cpu": resource.MustParse("10")},
+							Used: corev1.ResourceList{"cpu": resource.MustParse("5")},
+						},
+					},
+				},
+			},
+			expected: field.ErrorList{},
+		},
+		{
+			name: "Invalid Overall Resource List",
+			status: &policyv1alpha1.FederatedResourceQuotaStatus{
+				Overall:     corev1.ResourceList{"invalid-resource": resource.MustParse("10")},
+				OverallUsed: corev1.ResourceList{"cpu": resource.MustParse("5")},
+				AggregatedStatus: []policyv1alpha1.ClusterQuotaStatus{
+					{
+						ClusterName: "valid-cluster",
+						ResourceQuotaStatus: corev1.ResourceQuotaStatus{
+							Hard: corev1.ResourceList{"cpu": resource.MustParse("10")},
+							Used: corev1.ResourceList{"cpu": resource.MustParse("5")},
+						},
+					},
+				},
+			},
+			expected: field.ErrorList{
+				field.Invalid(fld.Child("overall").Key("invalid-resource"), "invalid-resource", "must be a standard resource type or fully qualified"),
+				field.Invalid(fld.Child("overall").Key("invalid-resource"), "invalid-resource", "must be a standard resource for quota"),
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			name: "Invalid AggregatedStatus Resource List",
+			status: &policyv1alpha1.FederatedResourceQuotaStatus{
+				Overall:     corev1.ResourceList{"cpu": resource.MustParse("10")},
+				OverallUsed: corev1.ResourceList{"cpu": resource.MustParse("5")},
+				AggregatedStatus: []policyv1alpha1.ClusterQuotaStatus{
+					{
+						ClusterName: "valid-cluster",
+						ResourceQuotaStatus: corev1.ResourceQuotaStatus{
+							Hard: corev1.ResourceList{"invalid-resource": resource.MustParse("10")},
+							Used: corev1.ResourceList{"cpu": resource.MustParse("5")},
+						},
+					},
+				},
+			},
+			expected: field.ErrorList{
+				field.Invalid(fld.Child("aggregatedStatus").Index(0).Child("hard").Key("invalid-resource"), "invalid-resource", "must be a standard resource type or fully qualified"),
+				field.Invalid(fld.Child("aggregatedStatus").Index(0).Child("hard").Key("invalid-resource"), "invalid-resource", "must be a standard resource for quota"),
+			},
+		},
+	}
+	for _, tt := range tests {
+		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
+			if got := validateFederatedResourceQuotaStatus(tt.status, fld); !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tt.expected) {
+				t.Errorf("validateFederatedResourceQuotaStatus() = %v, want %v", got, tt.expected)
+			}
+		})
+	}
+func Test_validateClusterQuotaStatus(t *testing.T) {
+	fld := field.NewPath("status").Child("aggregatedStatus")
+	tests := []struct {
+		name     string
+		status   *policyv1alpha1.ClusterQuotaStatus
+		expected field.ErrorList
+	}{
+		{
+			name: "Valid ClusterQuotaStatus",
+			status: &policyv1alpha1.ClusterQuotaStatus{
+				ClusterName: "valid-cluster",
+				ResourceQuotaStatus: corev1.ResourceQuotaStatus{
+					Hard: corev1.ResourceList{"cpu": resource.MustParse("10")},
+					Used: corev1.ResourceList{"cpu": resource.MustParse("5")},
+				},
+			},
+			expected: field.ErrorList{},
+		},
+		{
+			name: "Invalid Cluster Name",
+			status: &policyv1alpha1.ClusterQuotaStatus{
+				ClusterName: "invalid cluster name",
+				ResourceQuotaStatus: corev1.ResourceQuotaStatus{
+					Hard: corev1.ResourceList{"cpu": resource.MustParse("10")},
+					Used: corev1.ResourceList{"cpu": resource.MustParse("5")},
+				},
+			},
+			expected: field.ErrorList{
+				field.Invalid(fld.Child("clusterName"), "invalid cluster name", strings.Join(clustervalidation.ValidateClusterName("invalid cluster name"), ",")),
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			name: "Invalid Resource List - Hard",
+			status: &policyv1alpha1.ClusterQuotaStatus{
+				ClusterName: "valid-cluster",
+				ResourceQuotaStatus: corev1.ResourceQuotaStatus{
+					Hard: corev1.ResourceList{"invalid-resource": resource.MustParse("10")},
+					Used: corev1.ResourceList{"cpu": resource.MustParse("5")},
+				},
+			},
+			expected: field.ErrorList{
+				field.Invalid(fld.Child("hard").Key("invalid-resource"), "invalid-resource", "must be a standard resource type or fully qualified"),
+				field.Invalid(fld.Child("hard").Key("invalid-resource"), "invalid-resource", "must be a standard resource for quota"),
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			name: "Invalid Resource List - Used",
+			status: &policyv1alpha1.ClusterQuotaStatus{
+				ClusterName: "valid-cluster",
+				ResourceQuotaStatus: corev1.ResourceQuotaStatus{
+					Hard: corev1.ResourceList{"cpu": resource.MustParse("10")},
+					Used: corev1.ResourceList{"invalid-resource": resource.MustParse("5")},
+				},
+			},
+			expected: field.ErrorList{
+				field.Invalid(fld.Child("used").Key("invalid-resource"), "invalid-resource", "must be a standard resource type or fully qualified"),
+				field.Invalid(fld.Child("used").Key("invalid-resource"), "invalid-resource", "must be a standard resource for quota"),
+			},
+		},
+	}
+	for _, tt := range tests {
+		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
+			if got := validateClusterQuotaStatus(tt.status, fld); !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tt.expected) {
+				t.Errorf("validateClusterQuotaStatus() = %v, want %v", got, tt.expected)
+			}
+		})
+	}